So there's two jokes that can come from this. That medic is investing in cigarettes to give his teammates to ensure they'll always need more medical care. OR that was just a spy there to see the engie naked and make off with the cash.
I think I know which I prefer.
almost 12 years ago
I guess about half the team is going to get cancer, considering how many of them actively smoke cigarretes (although only the spy actively smokes on the battle field).
almost 12 years ago
Also Medic doesn't have to be gay just because he doesn't stare at Engies boobs, he can just be a good doctor.
almost 12 years ago
To Turretbuddys photo note: "Meine Freundin" can mean both "my friend" and "my girlfriend", it can be really misleading.
almost 12 years ago
Jo, I'd change the logo on those cigarette boxes to something like "Maulboro". Just enough of a change that IP-hungry lawyers can't say anything.
almost 12 years ago
I'd heal that.
almost 12 years ago
They're not cigarettes--Medic bought a batch of those sea-anenome monsters off of the FF14 server. ;-)
Why Hello There?
almost 12 years ago
Jo forgot BLU Beer (at least Budweiser or something)
liver problems!
almost 12 years ago
@Same Joke, Different Reaction: But targeting an audience of people who play TF2. And since the sites first comics were TF2, the installed fanbase might be expected to enjoy/understand it more...
I don't hate DotA jokes, but I understand TF2 more. Thats why I come here...
almost 12 years ago
@So...: They're cigarrettes named "Marlboro"
almost 12 years ago
@ Xeranar
"Kinda sick"- I see what you did there.
almost 12 years ago
People are complaining about seeing a modestly drawn woman from behind? His drawing skills are impeccable but not an attempt at photo realism, so why does it matter? She's having a physical, the nudity is complicit in the setting.
That being said, classic joke, kinda sick, but still funny.
almost 12 years ago
i love how everyone forgets female heavy and doc are a thing
almost 12 years ago
@Same Joke, Different Reaction
Incorrect. It's easy to figure out that a doctor purchasing things that get people sick contrasts our expectations, and it's made evident that the guy in the lab coat is a doctor.
Same Joke, Different Reaction
almost 12 years ago
You guys realizes this is the "Gondar invests in gems and dust" but for TF2? Both jokes have the same impact, and yet, I can GUARANTEE people like this one better because people constantly complain about "MUH TF2 COMICS".
Just goes to show the people care more about appearence than the joke.
Doc Fly
almost 12 years ago
I think that its somewhat normal in Brazil for exams to be done in the nude. Had a doctor friend talk about a recent Brazilian immigrant who was there for her first exam. He walked in and all she was wearing was a smile. He asked her why she was like that and she said she thought it was normal
A Gray Phantom
almost 12 years ago
Did that box always say "Marlboro?" Because I coulda sworn it didn't. But I get it: he's handing out free cigarettes so people need his services more. Neat.
almost 12 years ago
Cactus Licker: Get fucked
almost 12 years ago
Um... you guys do remember that doctors are expected to not find sexual appeal in their patients, especially when doing stuff like physicals.
almost 12 years ago
Isn't medic with the Blonde Heavy?
Cactus Licker
almost 12 years ago
Update #2:
Sassy Spy
almost 12 years ago
Oh medic, you clever rogue! (handsome too)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_270092]@SevenGamingSins[/url]: German is my first language, and that's grammatically correct. The order's weird, but that happens when you have to mix languages in one sentence.
almost 12 years ago
Good on the medic for being professional enough to not tap dat ass.
almost 12 years ago
I see that many of you wanted something different then this good old tf2 comics.
but hey, I am happy enough that the big man made a comic for entertainment.
so please drop your complaiments, or...
make a comic yourselves, I dare you,
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_270071]@Nekomata[/url]: he wasn't complaining, you defensive putz.
Wait, what? Who's trying to conceal what now? Why would he try to conceal that? I don't understand.
almost 12 years ago
A lot of people, myself included, ASKED for the fan service. If you don't like it, just skip to the next comic.
Damn it... He's not even TRYING to conceal the fan service any more. Not that that's a bad thing or something, or course.
almost 12 years ago
@Lord Worpeltinger: Yeah, I know pal. Though this time Jo is totally messing with us.
Just click on the left on the NerfNow shirts button, and we can see that Engie-tan isn't small at all!
almost 12 years ago
no, her right arm misses an elbow and her hand has a very thick right finger(dont know the word)
but hey, why worry about it? its still good old engie with a good old comic.
lurker away
almost 12 years ago
what the hell is wrong with BOTH of her arms?!?
one is inhumanly long,and the other is impossibly thick!...
what has medigun done?!?
almost 12 years ago
So he spends all of his money on giving out cigarettes, so he can get more medical fees so he can spend the money on free cigarettes so he can see more patie- waitasec...
Cactus Licker
almost 12 years ago
Fixed and slightly upgraded version:
almost 12 years ago
Day Arch. Baby got back.
Lord of the dance
almost 12 years ago
Medic is pretty damn professional. Engie tits out and he's all about the science.
almost 12 years ago
dat ninja edit by jo
Lord Worpeltinger
almost 12 years ago
Quote: Ninj77 "Darn! So small that we don't get a side-view boob?"
Well I prefer smaller breasts myself, enough to hold, but not so much as to suffocate me in a hug.
almost 12 years ago
cold as ice, man. cold as ice.
erecting a healer.
almost 12 years ago
I liked the joke more without the brand name. It made me feel smart
almost 12 years ago
Hey Jo, it's grammatically better to say "I invest it back into my career". Took me a second to get it. ;)
The Joke: Medic gets paid, uses the money to invest it in his career - by buying cigarettes and giving them away, so people get cancer, assuring him of future employment.
Giant Hat
almost 12 years ago
...I think I get it. It was kinda hard though- it's not clear that a)"free" is what he's selling them for, not what they cost him, or b) that he's headed to the base to sell them to his team. Another panel with him dropping the crates off at a table with a "Free" sign might have been easier to get.
almost 12 years ago
I guess he is giving away cigarettes so that people is having health issues that in turn makes his pool of patients bigger.
A Gray Phantom
almost 12 years ago
I would like to point out that Engie doesn't need to be naked. Medic uses his healing ray for everything, so an examination is completely superfluous (except for purely aesthetic appeal).
Also: what's in the box?
almost 12 years ago
Wow, free Marlboro ciggies? Too bad I don't smoke!
almost 12 years ago
Fan service and laughter, awesome!
almost 12 years ago
Very oddly drawn hand, there. It looks almost like a foot.
Meanwhile, I suppose this says something about Medic's interests, in that Engie is completely blase and Medic is pretty much ignoring her body other than in the professional sense.
almost 12 years ago
these are either cigarets, a kind of beer I'm not faminiar with, or organs.
Trolling Nerd
almost 12 years ago
Me neither Harakou :S
almost 12 years ago
REMEMBER: The comics started on "/comic/4" So the #1000 shall be "/comic/1004"
almost 12 years ago
I don't get it.
almost 12 years ago
i concur with kraken. DAT ARM
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_269956]@Ninj77[/url]: Looks like Marlboro
almost 12 years ago
Are those boxes of cigarettes? The logo seems kinda familiar.
Also, nice teasing Jo, but remember pal.... the 1000th strip is coming closer and you DID PROMISE us something special, didn't you? =D
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
What is he getting?
almost 12 years ago
What is wrong with her arm?
almost 12 years ago
So is engine-tan in charge of paydays?
Nature's prophet
almost 12 years ago
Is it spring already?
almost 12 years ago
yay things make sense now
almost 12 years ago
the first speak bubble is pointing at medic, which makes little sense. Also... "Why"? shouldn't it be "How do" ?
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