What people are saying about "Company Of The Year"
Company Of The Year
Comments have been closed for this comic.
A Concerned Citizen
almost 12 years ago
If you think EA is the worst company in America, then honestly, I hope to whatever deity you believe in you never learn of what Exxon Mobil did. You'd probably scream and turn into a Nietzsche wannabe if you walk around Arkansas.
some guy
almost 12 years ago
I only games I bought from EA was from the need for speed and burnout franchise. The only thing I like about EA. If the company does go down, I wouldn't mind
almost 12 years ago
Those that voted EA don't buy their games, they are tired of EA and want it to die, all assets sold like THQ for the good of games

Those that still buy EA have yet to realize how bad EA is. Maybe they are casuals or too young or haven't connected all the EA dots
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
What is piracy?
The last sane man on SPUF
almost 12 years ago
OMG, if you hate it so much, why the hell do you keep paying for DLC, fanboys?
Yeah, so what? You can always watch Youtube videos or write fanfics.
Well, sucks to be you, tryhard.
almost 12 years ago
You know, the reason why we voted EA the worst company is because they actually NEED good PR. A company like Bank of America would have just shrugged it off like nothing, but it's actually going to do some fucking damage to EA.
almost 12 years ago
I eventually ended the boycott because:

a) Unless it's for health reasons, a one-person boycott is pointless.

b) They corrected one of the issues that prompted me to boycott them in the first place.
almost 12 years ago
... You'd be surprised how unwilling gamers are to not spend money on games they hate from companies they despise. I tried organizing a boycott for Activision a while back, but even though everyone hated them, no-one was willing to join in.
Pones McGee
almost 12 years ago
I think EA should develop a game on EA. It could be a ripoff of sims where you're forced to juggle daily tasks and shipping out half-asses games! GAME OF THE FUCKING YEAR, PEOPLE!
almost 12 years ago
And this is pretty much why I haven't bought anything on Origin.
the idiot
almost 12 years ago
i say im an idiot because the last EA game i bought was the CE of TOR. how stupid do i feel that it went free-to-play(pay-to-win) six months after it released, i have not kept up with the game since so sorry if im wrong. i will not buy anything that has the EA logo on it.
almost 12 years ago
The fact that people have once again voted EA over the banks that put America into a recession never ceases to amaze me.

The internet is one hell of a petty place.
almost 12 years ago
So... what exactly is this comic trying to say?

I know for a fact that the people who hate EA quit buying EA games ages ago... I personally haven't purchased a single game from EA since 2007, and I never put Origin on my computer because of the spyware and absolute CRAP customer service...
almost 12 years ago
Speak for yourself. The last EA game I bought was in 2009 and it was a DS title. I haven't given them money in years. To be fair, though, Henry Hatsworth was an amazing game, and well worth the twenty bucks I spent.
almost 12 years ago
Honestly, I don't get why people don't realize that this poll is an Internet thing (you never see them defending AT&T and Comcast - they're shit but nowhere near as bad as the oil companies).
almost 12 years ago
@.: Because it sucks like DOTA
almost 12 years ago
Why is this classified as a "DOTA" comic in the archives?
almost 12 years ago
your data, eh Sony ?
Or you are forced to join some shitty 'community' shit (GTA, Xbox360). GODDAMN I JUST WANT TO PLAY MY GAME ! Oh sorry... my 'license'.
I am just sick and tired of this. No wonder the gaming market loses customers. Gaming has become 50% annoyance with some companies.At least.
almost 12 years ago
EA Gay will never change. Fresh ideas are bought, not developed. DRM is what's focused on, not a playable game (Sim City or other games that were full of bugs or had shitty servers or...)

And brand new: Nowadays you don't actually buy the game but pay for a license to play. Also everyone wants
Stuff (Post 2.)
almost 12 years ago
(Continued) From what I've heard, they're knee deep in shit by now, so they either change their policies or go bankrupt. I kind of hope they clean up their act and maybe release some good games to their name.
Stuff (Post 1.)
almost 12 years ago
Eh, the only reason EA was voted Worst Company is because it was an internet poll. Y'know, the internet, the one that cracks down on people who watch child porn... But also gladly provides child porn! I can't remember the last good game I played that had any connection to EA... (to be continued)
Pones McGee
almost 12 years ago
I think EA should develop a game on EA. It could be a ripoff of sims where you're forced to juggle daily tasks and shipping out half-asses games! GAME OF THE FUCKING YEAR, PEOPLE!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_275414]@daretobecupid[/url]: to be fair, most gamers are in fact socially unaware idiots.
How Worst Company Works
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_275414]@daretobecupid[/url]: The "contest" is based on worst customer service, not how much you obliterated the environment. Read some time.
almost 12 years ago
To those of you who voted EA as worst company over all others:
Gulf of Mexico says "thanks"
Economy of America, and rest of world says "cheers"
And from me, as a fellow game, I say "thanks for making the gaming community look like petty, socially unaware idiots"
almost 12 years ago
I was a big reader at the time and I believed the article, for a while. Think they said that $1 or $2 of every game sale was lost to pirates. That leads to thinking that if it wasn't for pirates, games would be cheaper. If pirates all stopped, they would just keep the money as profits(and bonuses
almost 12 years ago
@Just don't get the games : Unfortunately, I think the piracy issue is seriously overhyped. They just use it as a scapegoat for falling sales and they try to spin it so people are mad at the pirates. They did an article in PC Gamer a few years ago showing where the cost of a game went. cont...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_275317]@Aeileon[/url]: You do know english is not his native language, do you?
almost 12 years ago
game was originally designed to be. Odds are that DLCs in the first week or two were in the original game and they just removed it to get the extra few bucks. Otherwise I have no real problem with DLCs to let people further expand on their games.
almost 12 years ago
@hate hate? : It's not that DLCs are a bad thing, the problem is that companies are pushing out unfinished games and then just selling the DLCs to flesh out the game to what it should have been to start, and then finally beyond. So the $60 game you paid for is now maybe $100 to get what the cont...
Just don't get the games
almost 12 years ago
Is even piracy the answer here? Wouldn't it just make such companies even more desperate to keep inventing worse DRM to save their sales?

Either way, the survey itself is a extremely silly internet popularity contest. Who would put a video game company as worse than BP?
almost 12 years ago
I admit EA is bad, and screws up. However i honestly think the community makes itself look idiotic when it puts them above bank of america and exxon... for shame
almost 12 years ago
I miss Good Westwood and Maxis...

Personally i loved ME3, if it wasn't for the ending or more in my opinion the "mandatory online play" to get the best ending i would have thought it a success...

i don't want to talk about deadspace...
almost 12 years ago
@Yeah. Like that will happen: I am glad to have found a decent fellow gamer who knows and STILL plays BG
Pirate Arrr
almost 12 years ago
Assuming 'just pirates being pirates' would be an argument: That means a pirate will never -ever- support a good title. But tell you what: I bought most of the games I pirated afterwards and liked. Those I didn't buy were the drm ones. I want to play (have fun), not being annoyed.
almost 12 years ago
@Yeah. Like that will happen: pirateing still helps them out somewhat. it says "our game and dlc is still awesome, just pirates being pirates" the only way to really vote with your wallets is to not play it at all
almost 12 years ago
Yeah I haven't bought Mass Effect 3 despite having the first two for just that reason. Also glad I held off on SimCity 5. That one turned out exactly how I predicted it would.
almost 12 years ago
I'd never bought games from EA. Never done, never will.
almost 12 years ago
I love Nerf Now, but the notes from the artist are always so filled with typos it drives me nuts!!
Yeah. Like that will happen
almost 12 years ago
Just pirate the goddamn game. No DRM that way, and usually the Day 1 DLC is included too. You will still be let down with the writings though...

Or just play Baldur's Gate. That shit is still way fun.
almost 12 years ago
Since you're obviously "special" I'll explain in better detail:
Love a game not owned by EA
Faggot codkid(like you) gives money to EA
EA has enough money to buy the rights to a game I love
Game I love is ruined

CnC, Simcity, and so on.
Blu Soldier
almost 12 years ago
People shell out millions because they hold on to hope. If EA doesn't change their tune, people will slowly see past the hype that's pumped around their titles. You can see this as over the years, ea has been posting losses in potential revenue. It will take years to happen though.
almost 12 years ago
Ever Since the whole Mass Effect 3 fiasco...and the whole ''Battlefield 3 PREMIUM ...for the FULL PRICE YOU PAYED BEFORE ! ''.... I haven't touched Origin since then.

And I must say, I feel better for it. Not to mention the latest Simcity DRM chaos...
almost 12 years ago
"We should trust our game to marketers from our publicist, instead of developers from our company." -Every US Video Game Developer
almost 12 years ago
I haven't bought an EA product in years, and I always advise others to do the same.
Johnny Z
almost 12 years ago
But money is everything.
People still shelled out millions for the new sim city, just like they shell out wads and wads of cash for near every EA game.
Blu Soldier
almost 12 years ago
EA just needs to change the way they do business. No more 60 dollar games, no more day 1 DLC, and no more god damn drm. Stop buying out competition, change your refund policy, and don't pay for good reviews. Have some fucking integrity. Money isn't everything.
almost 12 years ago
"It's not like they deleted Steam from your computer, installed Origin and demanded you to pay money every time you touched your mouse."

The day is young.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274891]@Anonymous[/url]: That would be because while Steam has DRM, they do it (when not overlaid by another company, like the EA and Ubisoft offerings are) *right* and in a very pro-customer manner. Unobtrusive, very fault-tolerant, and they don't treat the paying customers as if they're criminals by default.
almost 12 years ago
Yeah! Show that entertainment company what for! Never mind the life sucking lawyers, insurance companies, mega agriculture, or the entire US government!
almost 12 years ago
Jo please remember that you gonna do fan service of engie-tan in the 1000 comic she screw you in the 500 milestone XD is time for revenge
Nial Iwakura
almost 12 years ago
Jesus, EA, just crumble to dust already. I don't need you to change, I don't need you to start treating customers and developers like you should. Just die off, I am waiting for this like nothing before. (well, it can be only compared for my anticipation for Oblivion to come out back in '06).
almost 12 years ago
We already have addone for Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon, while its gonna release in May. And its awesome.
almost 12 years ago
i have allmost all EA games. Cause im a pirate. Allmost all guys in our cuntry are pirates, cause we are not a Europe or America, no money for games, sad
almost 12 years ago
I bought BF3 a few months after it came out throught Origin...
I play BF3 with some friends over a few months but stop due to breakdown of friendship...
I upgraded my PC a few months later...
Origin/EA flips me the bird and tells me that I don't have access to BF3 nor did I ever...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_275150]@Thar[/url]: No, it's not. I believe he's from Brazil.
almost 12 years ago
You really hate EA? For their greedy managers, ruined settings, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera? Then don't hesitate to buy Palladium All Included Pirate Bay Edition of their "finest products". No more games for PC ever they say? Eat fat-free sausages ever-forever we say!
almost 12 years ago
@hate hate?: I think you completely missed the point that the DLC should have been in the original release
almost 12 years ago
For my part, while I don't completely refuse to purchase from EA, I've certainly reduced how much I purchase from them; I believe I spent less than $60 on EA games during the last half decade, all of them from Steam or GOG. And this from someone that typically tops $1000 per year just in games.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_275150]@Thar[/url]: It is not.
almost 12 years ago
Sadly gamers come out looking worse from this as usual, EA a worse company than Exxon? Are you fucking kidding me?
almost 12 years ago
I don't mean this to be rude, but is English your first language? Just noticing a few small errors that some of my exchange-program roommates make.
not so funny joke
almost 12 years ago
Nerf now 2.0
- due the weak audience, we've raise the fanboy rage to 0.6 up from 0.4
- We've also raise the economic talks to 3% up from 0%
- next patch we'll nerf Irelia again
Shadow Scryer
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274801]@Nikari[/url]; (Glumly) I know how ya feel mate. Only EA games I ever cared about were Mass Effect, which to me always felt more like a Bioware game, and Spore. Only other ones I can remember, LORT; ROTK and Dragon Age 2, feel pretty much the same to me. I disagree with Jo on a lot, but not on this.
almost 12 years ago
I made a list of dead franchises in my spare time; Dead Space, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Sim City, Battlefield (Relatively soon), Medal of Honor, I forgot Spore so thank you for reminding me, and finally Command and Conquer/Red Alert. It'll suck when they go out of business but the point will be made
almost 12 years ago
Why do you guys think I stopped buying EA's products after BF 2142 went down the shitter? The only reason I bought Battlefield 3 was a year after release, when the game was $20 as a rental store and on the PS3. It's called capitalism for a reason and everyone needs to vote with their wallet.
almost 12 years ago
EA is actually losing money. Their stock is falling, and their CEO was recently fired.

After multiple firings (1500 in 2009, more today), EA has finally fired enough people to start making money with their lower revenues.

EA needs to get shit together, cause their falling as they are...
almost 12 years ago
I see a couple people using the "they're in business to make money" copout. No shit sherlock. Doesn't mean they have to be dicks about it. Valve makes money as well, but do you see them garnering so much hate and loathing? They're generous as hell and are well in the black.
almost 12 years ago
As the old saying goes: "If you have nothing good to say about someone, say nothing"...

Guess I better keep quiet.
almost 12 years ago
If it Werent for The Sims (And Spore) Series I Wouldn't Have a Single EA game...I Pity Maxis, They make Good games, No Doubt, But EA Screws them EVERY time

Sims? Turned into a Cash Cow.
Spore? Was Left for Dead.
Simcity? No need to Explain.

Oh, And Bioware suffers the Same Crap.
almost 12 years ago
the only thing EA does right is the sims series not sim city
almost 12 years ago
If memory serves me right, i think i've said this already... Back at the Dead Space 3 comic. The ONLY game i'm thinking of enduring the Origin crap to play is DS3...

But EA won't vanish out of thin air... There are a lot of stupid shooter fanboys that'll give them as much money as they want...
almost 12 years ago
No offense, but see Godot's comment. You make a comic about "lol people keep giving them monies!" without recognizing two obvious, basic truths: the people voting aren't the people spending, and EA has had LOSSES, not profit.
almost 12 years ago
Remember Westwood!!
almost 12 years ago
@hate hate?: Battlefield 3 was the same shit as Battlefield 2 except a bit prettier, Mass Effect 3 was garbage and in hindsight ME2 foreshadowed how bad it would be, and the Crysis games are just utterly "meh", their only real exceptional quality is their graphics.
hate hate?
almost 12 years ago
Battlefield 3 with all expansions, Crysis 2 and Crysis 3, all Mass Effect games; were freakin great. Battlefield 4 will probably be also a great game and probably I will buy it. Haters gonna hate. OH NOES EA ADDS DLCs TO GAIN MORE MONEY, THAT MEANS GOOD GAMES ARE SUDDENLY BAD.
almost 12 years ago
Consumers gonna consume. I uninstalled Origin, Punkbuster, Battlelog plugins, and BF3 and have only missed one - but not enough to install the others. BF3 was the last straw for me, RIP any future game published by the current EA.
almost 12 years ago
I never did nor will I ever buy, pirate or use any game from EA, Ubisoft or Vivendi. Gasp! Inconceivable.
almost 12 years ago
@Pirate King: Fuck yeah, man, I ended up buying Saints 2 and 3 +dlc during a steam sale a few months after pirating them. Support unshitty companies.
almost 12 years ago
Well, I'm going the no-more purchases route, at least until they find a way to properly fix Simcity. The last EA related thing I bought was the Isaac Clarke DLC for Playstation All Stars and I don't regret that.

Between EA, Ubisoft and Capcom it seems a lot of VG companies have gone downhill.
almost 12 years ago
EA should really look at Valve to see how it is done.
almost 12 years ago
At least they gave us a free update to fix their mistake with Mass Effect 3's ending.

...still, they should just leave their stuff with Steam.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274974]@crayven[/url]: Perfect example of what you've said: "RedSnoipah:allowing them to ruin even more of our favorite games" When did shitty games become favorites? EA sux but whats bad about it is that many people buy their crap and think of it as BESTgAMEeVAR missing many better but less advertised games
some guy
almost 12 years ago
on a video game. i'm not stupid enough to know that a video game company is the worst company in America, stupid, stupid, stupid stupid.
some guy
almost 12 years ago
How is EA considered the worst company in America by anyone? Tell me how is EA worse then companies like BoA, comcast and BP? well, i'll tell you how, it's because for the idiots who voted for EA, the worst thing that ever happened to them to their entire live is having to pay $5 for DLC (cont
A Gray Phantom
almost 12 years ago
Whenever I'm looking to purchase a game I check to see if EA is attached to it. If so, I don't buy it. Simple. As. That -_-;
almost 12 years ago
Decided not to buy any more EA games after ME3
almost 12 years ago
meh..EA gave me crysis...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274970]@Spud[/url] Same here :)
almost 12 years ago
But the problem is, Jo, that there are retarded shitstain gamers buying their merchandise, keeping them in the market, allowing them to ruin even more of our favorite games.
almost 12 years ago
The term "vote with your wallet" is missed by most consumers and when i tell them "why you complain AFTER you bought it? why did you BUY IT in the first place?"

They go "well...i will never buy it anymore"

and then go buy the next thing EA gets out.
Fucking sad...
almost 12 years ago
I can proudly say I can't even remember the last time I bought an EA game.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274891]@Anonymous[/url]: (who replied to Pirate King) People keep on taking terms and turning them into what propagation turned communism into, like it's some form of evil. DRM, like DLC and Microtransactions, done CORRECTLY are not bad. All 3 of those things EA does in some of the worst ways. Steam doesn't.
almost 12 years ago
Heh, the last EA game I "trew money at" was Mass Effect 2, I think. I disliked buying EA games even before and Origin then broke the deal completely. Not that even good studios stay good very long when influnced by EA's "reverse Midas touch" and THAT'S why people really hate EA.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274891]@Anonymous[/url] (The one who replied to Pirate King): Steam is a way less intrusive DRM than most are today, and you can still play games in offline mode, after they are verified just once. Also, Valve is an awesome company I am proud supporting.
almost 12 years ago
No doubt EA is grossing a lot of money, but they have net lost money for 4 out of the last 5 year. 2012 they barely managed to break even)

Just because they have a lot of customers doesn't mean pissing people off suddenly became a great business model, it just means their fall is taking a while.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274857]@Dustin[/url]: Capitalism, ho!
Play something else
almost 12 years ago
Can't seem to get away from Battlefield 3? Just get PlanetSide 2 or something like that.

Call of Duty? No one will miss you anyway.
almost 12 years ago
Sorry altough i have adblock disabled i dont own a facebook account and i dont have a twitter account
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274850]@Godot[/url]: Selling out means making decisions trying to make money over making good "art". So they are basically selling out hoping to get a lucky hit while the games get poorer, all while trying to keep as much of a profit margin as possible.
almost 12 years ago
Verteros, BF3 indeed confused me a little with the lack of a main menu but that ain't a reason to make it a bad game... i really loved bf3 and i will buy bf4... i just hope it dont become something like COD...
almost 12 years ago
honestly, EA is the worst gaming company...but how are they the worst company in America? I mean, they won over, from a quick glance at the list, people who caused the recession, companies that tried to push SOPA and similar things down our throat,known child sweat shop owners,and carcinogen makers.
almost 12 years ago
"You don't have to buy from them blah blah blah" yeah until they buy out your favorite studio and then skullfuck it to death.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274857]@Dustin[/url]: ur a fagit
almost 12 years ago
@Pirate King: You would pirate but still vote with your wallet to support steam drm instead of pro-consumer distribution hubs like gog and desura?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274856]@Tarrker[/url] The vocal minority voted on EA being the worst company (which is really a joke with the likes of Bank of America and Exxon being against them) but a vast majority of customers obviously don't give a shit about their practices and just want to play their games.
Pirate King
almost 12 years ago
Pirate EA. Buy Steam games & extra stuff in sales. Be happy.
almost 12 years ago
well i can honestly say iv not bought an ea game for 2 years
almost 12 years ago
idle question but how many people who voted on that actually lived in america? XD
almost 12 years ago
Yay, torrents!
Gimme back my TU!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274823]@Hook[/url]: Exactly! Pirate EA games (those that I even bother to play, lately not so much of those), buy Paradox, that's my policy.
almost 12 years ago
No matter how much you hate them, they won't change their business practices if you keep giving them money.
The Pope
almost 12 years ago
Even if we ignore them, others won't, and EA will still make money. Things like this send a message not only to EA, but also to consumers who don't fully grasp how horrible EA is.
almost 12 years ago
>see comic about hating EA
>see two Orgins ads on comic page
almost 12 years ago
OMG YES! This has always angered me. We have a company that everyone agrees is evil and I no longer support. But then we see that they are breaking record sales with their latest PoS release. Are you freaking kidding me?
almost 12 years ago
My point being that no, they are not successful. They are on a long decline from a former position of success. They're not selling out; selling out implies making good business decisions over good artistic decisions, and EA isn't even making good business decisions. It's a sinking ship.
almost 12 years ago
People are forgetting that EA's stock price is less than half of what it was 5 years ago, keeps posting losses quarter after quarter, and is finally in such deep shit that the CEO's been forced to resign. If not for their sports games and sizable pre-crash savings, they'd be bankrupt.
almost 12 years ago
EA is laughing all the way to the bank. Confused message EA is getting. The mother complains that the crack dealer is ruining the town. At night, she's at the dealer's house, sucking one off to get her fix. Yeah, everyone sure showed EA.
almost 12 years ago
Meanwhile THQ, who released many great games without being shady about it, went out of business.

He who has the most money makes more money.
almost 12 years ago
If you don't like something then vote with your wallet. It's the only way that they'll notice your opinion independent of everything else.

Yes... You're only one among thousands but you've got to start somewhere. Also it's the best thing one can actually do.
almost 12 years ago
And this is why I pirate all their games. Vote with your wallet, and your torrent program.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274815]@Doopliss[/url]: They won twice in a row, this means no matter what, enough people just keep buying their games after the first prize.
almost 12 years ago
It's a bit misleading to say EA's on top of the world with everyone throwing them money.


almost 12 years ago
Never bought another EA product after I battlefield 3 didn't even have a main menu. Some people say, oh but it was so streamline and easy, all I thought was it was lazy and inconvenient. Would be like if a sports event replaced seats with concrete ledges and speakers with buzzers.
almost 12 years ago
I can expect hate posts toward EA in this comment section. But I bet you guys will open your wallet when EA release another shiny stuff.

Vote with your wallet people! you.... gullible gullible people.
almost 12 years ago
EA should buy the rights for dota 2. seeing how shitty both are.
almost 12 years ago
It's funny how good EA used to be... and look at them now, only caring about money instead of caring for the consumers' opinions.
almost 12 years ago
My instinct, my eyes, and my gut tell me, each three thousand times, to stay the hell away from everything EA-related.
But I like Bioware... /cry
almost 12 years ago
First! Down with EA, Down with publishers killing good studios! Down with allways online DRM!