What people are saying about "Counter Gank"
Counter Gank
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almost 12 years ago
lol i actually tried this with my friend. it worked but my CM died D:
almost 12 years ago
WARNING:Using A Counter Gank may include a ton of pain,blood,ripped skin,or death
LoL is for fags
almost 12 years ago
Poor riki, never saw it coming.
almost 12 years ago
lol I also thought about this some times
almost 12 years ago
Here's hoping we can see some Templar Assassin comics in the future, I love that chick. (Preemptive "Mine!")
Life stealer fan
almost 12 years ago
Niax is op you should try him.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_277031]@shitstain[/url]: iknuwroight xD? comic is so funny XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
almost 12 years ago
LEL another epic dota2 comic XDDDD
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276588]@zzzz[/url]: "smooth move joe." "joe" Why.
almost 12 years ago
Assaulting with a tuning fork someone?
almost 12 years ago
1st picture:
POMF =3 What are we gonna do on the mid?
almost 12 years ago
...Nah. Seriously, its good. No worries. ;)
2 days without comic
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
Next, we need a comic which shows how lifestealer loves using spirit breaker as a taxi.
almost 12 years ago
smooth move joe. getting prompted to draw CM's set and make it entirely irrelevant in the comic.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276440]@Meh[/url]: AoS was the irst game, but not the description of the style of the game.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276272]@Cronos[/url]: Or activating BKB and killing the little shit ;)
almost 12 years ago
@everyone arguing about MOBA v.s. ARTS as the acronym for dota, it's neither. That style of game is known as AoS (Aeons of Strife). Go google it.
almost 12 years ago
Storm Spirit + N'aix = taxi of pwnage
almost 12 years ago
Hehehehe, this is excellent, Jo.
almost 12 years ago
Having no words is best, because it lets me put in my own.

Panel 1
Purple: "Death to the Noseless! You have no noses!"

Panel 2
Brown: "Don't be racist! We were born this way!"

Panel 3
Both: "Go Team Noseless!"
almost 12 years ago
Oh my god, this is awesome, best (first?) no speech dota comic you have done, its awesome.
almost 12 years ago
@Ambassador Pineapple: 7 more to go, the first comic is #4, not #1
almost 12 years ago
Original Source(Hentai Foundry): http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/DrGraevling/199427
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
almost 12 years ago
Speaking of which, lost a match yesterday as Invoker MVP because someone on my friendslist used "I'm a CoD player; you can't blame me for sucking at DoTA," who went Drow mid every game and got Power Treads, Shadow Blade and then went for Divine Rapier. They lost it to Riki and our ancient exploded.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276166]@RatherRidiculouslyRandomRacistRacer[/url]: However a good Riki who plants a smoke bomb will cause someone who continues to attack Riki to miss most attacks. I've gotten away more just running.
almost 12 years ago
The only Action RTS games I need are Brutal Legend and Airmech
almost 12 years ago
What's even funnier is when lifestealer hides inside a Riki and then ganking lanes, double the ganking powaaaaaahhhh
Ambassador Pineapple
almost 12 years ago
4 more comics to go... 4 more comics to go...
almost 12 years ago
I second the "Textless Comic + Annotation Explanation" style as the best way to handle this comic.
almost 12 years ago
needs more Xzibit Yo Dawg meme
Decapitated Bystander
almost 12 years ago
Seeing crystal maiden head exploded high-5'ing with lifestealer? Hilarious
almost 12 years ago
I snorted, lol.
almost 12 years ago
I was that one, who want CM in Snowdrop set :D
almost 12 years ago
@von Boomslang:
I agree.
I mean, even most FPS are "Massive Online Battle Arenas".
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276073]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: Maybe Riki was low hp and just wanted to kill CM after he thought she was alone?
almost 12 years ago
Nice to read Jo's explanation and even nicer to read the comments (finally people seems to accept Jo's love for DOTA 2).

Though I have to agree, the headless chick is really creepy!
almost 12 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Jo confirmed not noob.
Many people blindly run away from Riki, not knowing that they will only die sooner that way.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276129]@Chou[/url]: He still does damage to the surroundings and spread a huge mess of gore. I don't think it's gentle at all.
almost 12 years ago
I understand when he infests the creep and taers it from the inside. But with allies he has to be gentle, so how exactly does he leave their bodies?
von Boomslang
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276045]@Talcon[/url] MOBA is the single worst game genre acronym in existence, since it describes NOTHING about the game. It's the game type that DOTA, LoL, Awesomenauts and similar are.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276073]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: Force Staff + Sentry Ward/Dust to see Riki is you answer.
almost 12 years ago
Suuure... He came out of her head...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276073]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: Yeah, but we don't know any of this guys levels. He may be low enough for CM to just face-tank him a bit (to take less damage) and use her spells (plus Naix bomb) when the smoke fades.
almost 12 years ago
"Fun Fact, I never play either Crystal Maiden or Lifestealer."
you just saved yourself.

with how soft cm is, she could not be saved by a lifestealer if she's inside smoke, because she can't use her disable and naix can't rage for that 80IAS.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276039]@Deleth[/url]: that is the reason why every MOBA needs something like this: http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/20130311
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_276039]@Deleth[/url] What the fuck is a moba. It has nothing to do with Action RTS. It has to do with people needing a joke spelled out for them with speech bubbles. It ruins the joke for everyone else, they were never going to get it anyways. Inside jokes are fine. xkcd does it all the time.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_275989]@Talcon[/url], you aren't the most intelligent person around huh? Calling people "dumb shits" because they don't play MOBA or in this case Dota perfectly fits the image most people who don't have of Moba players though.
almost 12 years ago
Thank you for the explanation in the description oh boy
almost 12 years ago
Ahh I remember letting our Lifestealer hide inside me, rush in the middle of the enemy with an escape hero, let him pop out and nuke people while escape from the nukes with my life !

Good times ! Feels worse when you are on the otherside though.
almost 12 years ago
I've encountered this tactic except the lifestealer hid in Riki and it was annoying as shit to have Riki come out of stealth and then have lifestealer slow you down so they both obliterate you.
almost 12 years ago
It's better without text. Stop pandering to dumb shits who can't understand the joke.
The Esquire
almost 12 years ago
Haha, hilarious!

Not that I need it since I'm an avid Dota 2 player, but the explanation you posted at the bottom of the comic is a good idea for those who don't know the game! Consider doing it for the other Dota comics too, and maybe people will complain less :)
almost 12 years ago
Her lack of head is unsettling
almost 12 years ago
Never encountered this tactic, good to know it :))