What people are saying about "Acunputure"
almost 16 years ago
I'm sure that you spell it Acupuncture, unless I'm missing something like wordplay perhaps...?
about 16 years ago
The Pom-pom claiming (of DOOM) is at least localised to the pom-poms. lololololo... and so on, just claims random (and/or pointless) stuff. I mean, who claims the website hosting the comic?!
about 16 years ago
@ Starpilot
I started that then everyone decided to make it their thing. the assholes...
about 16 years ago
****ing hell, lolololololololololololololol, you're really pissing me off with your stupid photo notes. Stop acting like an idiot.
What I wouldn't do for a mod or two to look at these photo notes -_-'
about 16 years ago
I predict a facestab. The lag kind of the ping difference registers as a backstab, or the *push into the enemys model and stab* facestab.
about 16 years ago
Let's remember that we're on blu's 'side'.. And that Engie-tan went off to build a nest somewhere nearby. Spy, being undisguised... well, run around the wrong corner and the knockback will send her all the way to Dustbowl.
about 16 years ago
I predict Heavygirl dieing and demo stairing at Spygirl before she jumps at him but he stops her and keeps stareing at her nad than she blinks a couple of times before she falls onto the ground and demo walks away.
the young /co/mp/a/triot
about 16 years ago
This isn't going to end well, though the most likely saviour I see for this is demoman fending her off with a timely grenade or sticky bomb.
about 16 years ago
PT: Ubers are already pretty easy to stop with a half decent Pyro around to juggle via airblast.
about 16 years ago
good comic. As for stunning bat... it's overpowered - it shouldn't work on invulnerable people. It'll make ubers totally useless and ridicously easy to stop
about 16 years ago
If HWG is halfway competent she'll be able to eat that spy like a sandvich. This being the spy's arc, however...
about 16 years ago
that first panel is a total mess. Seriously, what the hell is going on with that Demo/Medic shared leg? Has some serious mutation occured? Also, Heavy-tan is a disembodied head. o_O
Beat Dubs
about 16 years ago
Stair stab is inevitable. Spy gonna pull a Lt. Cyndi Lauper before the heavy even knows what hit her :(
Wealthy Hobo
about 16 years ago
Argh! Too many claims on the boobies! Boob Photonote Counter is Destroyed!
Also, the Medic's Face is just awesome.
about 16 years ago
Ha Pyro got owned... probably by Critrawkets... again.
I call that Pyro's gonna respawn and save the Engie or Sniper from the spy's stabby wrath.
about 16 years ago
I can see a stairstab coming. gonna be awesome.
didn't like the pin idea though.
RED Sniper
about 16 years ago
IF YOU LOOK VERY CLOSELY it looks like medic's ear is her lips saying "ssshhh".