What people are saying about "Nostalgia Goggles"
Nostalgia Goggles
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over 11 years ago
Turbo Express.
Conspiracy Theorist
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_303012]@AngryNNF[/url] Provide me with a three page research papaer about how it is crap. And yes, I TOTALLY work for Blaster Nation.
over 11 years ago
@Conspiracy Theorist: BN is crap

do u work for them
Conspiracy Theorist
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_302456]@AngryNNF[/url] I was not promoting, I was merely stating that I had found something strangely coincidental; perhaps promoting the idea that the artists of both websites had chatted recently. Also, I'll have you know they are both good webcomic sites.
over 11 years ago
@Conspiracy Theorist: How dare you promote this CRAP webcomic on Nernow.com??!??!
over 11 years ago
Funny that I was looking up safety goggles at the same time
Conspiracy Theorist
over 11 years ago
Blaster Nation is currently doing a chapter called "Nostalgia Glasses"
Coincidence? I think not.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_302270]@Mujaki[/url]: Not if you got a GBP.
over 11 years ago
Say what you will about the original GameBoy...
It actually CAME WITH accessories.
Pack-in software, Tetris. Link cable for two-player games. Earbud headphones. Even came with batteries.
over 11 years ago
@A Gray Phantom: That's a great idea, pal! I hope Jo decides to make a new arc with both Engies and the Tentacle.

I don't mind if the theme is still dota, TF2 or any other game, just as long as we can see them more often.
A Gray Phantom
over 11 years ago
Hm, y'know what would make a good story arc? Engie and Tentacle Jo going on a road trip. It can be anywhere, for anything, and it wouldn't matter! It's guaranteed to be awesome.
over 11 years ago
@Lee Sin, the Blind Monk: that's just because you're a blind monk :P
over 11 years ago
Oh you COULD use the gameboy in an environment with practically no light.
I still wonder why I am the only one in our family who is shortsighted... *cough*
Lee Sin, the Blind Monk
over 11 years ago
I recently tried going back to my old Gameboy and I was barely able to believe just how horrible the screen was, I guess at the time I didn't mind so much because it was the only thing I had known, but after using a DS I can't play without a back lit screen.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301504]@Neckbeard[/url]: Sunlight is good for you(in moderation, like most things)? and even if you're a shut-in reclusive gamer, it can be fun to do stuff outside, even if it's just gaming. Newer screens can't handle glare at all well. Or, it would allow you to play a game while waiting for the bus.
over 11 years ago
My favorite handheld was the TurboGrafx one. It used the same data-chips as the full-size console, had a back-lit display with a good battery life, decent speakers... but best of all, an adapter that could pick up over-the-air TV stations and had a plug for a coax cable. I could watch cable on it.
I Play games
over 11 years ago
Well the Gameboy SP had a backlight
Filipe Sá
over 11 years ago
Já tentou o NEStalgia?
Crom Hellsgream
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301726]@Flametoad[/url]: A good ES won't waste his ulti on a bunch of PL's...and PL's team will cry when ES ulties and only Cancer Lancer is left alive and crippled. Never owned a Gameboy, so I don't know your pain...I guess my parents didn't like the idea of me with videogames at any time.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301580]@IceFrog[/url]: Except that most Earthshakers have a hard time getting an Agha to take advantage of the double echo damage for illusions and the problem of PL for ES is theres no real PL in a group of PLs
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301366]@NRV[/url]: wow, not only i'm the real RVN, but now i can even prove it through the internet, thanks very much.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301420]@lololono[/url]: For real, Lifestealer is fine. [url=#user_comment_301400] @Dave[/url]: PL is still fine with less illusion damage, the main nerf to hit him is actually the Earthshaker buff. Hopefully we'll see some good ES play in TI3.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301525]@InternetPolice[/url] Did I say emulator? Stupid auto-correct, what I meant was Super Game Boy. And if you own a ROM or emulator, it's only right to own a hard copy of the software/hardware in question. Of course.
over 11 years ago
The sea game gear may not of been as great.. the Genisis Nomad.. however.. was pretty dang awesome.

Genisis games.. in a portable format.. that can also be hooked up to the tv like a regular genisis??

Its a pity this idea never took off.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301420]@lololono[/url] it forces naix to really put levels on his open wounds rather than leave it at one point and be able to catch anyone easily.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301494]@Gameboyfan[/url]: Stop promoting illegal stuff on nerfnow.com Consider this your final warning.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301498]@khade[/url] Why on Earth would I play video games outside? Actually why would I go outside in the first place?
over 11 years ago
Something the older not backlit systems had that modern ones don't is that you could play them outside during a bright day. Good luck doing that with a DS or PSP or 3DS.
over 11 years ago
In this world of emulators now' the perfect time to catch up on overlooked Gameboy games! I recommend Donkey Kong (Land) and Link's Awakening as two of the absolute best.
over 11 years ago
Wow i just started reading his comics on monday
4 or 5 have come out since then and all of them are funny. Vg cats comes out with one every 2 months and its usually hit and miss. Kudos dude
Crom Hellsgream
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301420]@lololono[/url]: It sure will kill his pubbie stats though, because that's where you see supports wussie enough to force Naix to actually initiate a gank with Open Wounds...CM is safe though :P
over 11 years ago
I don't recall ever having a problem viewing the original Game Boy's screen; the first model of the Game Boy Advance however, oh boy. I barely played it until the SP came out because it was so damn dark. Not helped by the color pallete issue early games had (which you can Google for info for)..
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301400]@Dave[/url]: Reducing range of open wounds completely decimated Lifestealer. (No it didn't, Lifestealer was always laned with a competent support with a stun, and you'd generally not use open wounds before you were in melee range anyway, so it doesn't change jack shit)
over 11 years ago
Everyone I know has played Gameboy in their well lit bathrooms for that reason.
Funnily enough, having had a DS, a 3DS and a PSP, I think the PSP is frankly the best handheld, backlit screen, extra controls, and with PSN and/or ProCFW, it can play a boatload of games.
over 11 years ago
Hey Jo, not sure you will read this, but are you planning a comic on the 6.78 update? Lifestealer has been nerfed pretty bad, PL got the short end of the stick too, good update all around. Or will you wait for it to be implemented to Dota 2?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301319]@RVN[/url]: Connect via a gmail account using login at the top. It'll ask you for a name, write RVN. Then you can login every time as RVN and you get an underline under your name, showing you're real.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301272]@rqm[/url]: Link's Awakening.... DX was better.
over 11 years ago
I can't help but feel that it's a tad hypocritical for Nerf Now to start decrying nostalgia.
Detachable Head
over 11 years ago
Man i wore out my old gameboy color till none of the buttons worked, then i moved onto the advance and wore that to hell too. Then i got my SP and i've been using it ever since, I still play on it occasionally. i prefer the old advance design though,the SP's lighting and fold design are good too.
over 11 years ago
I had the Gameboy colour. Worked pretty well! :)
over 11 years ago
The Gameboy set the standard for portable gaming, and was great for it's time. About the only thing I can look back on and say was truly amazing about it is it's sheer indestructibility. Frikin' Nintendium, man...
over 11 years ago
@Sadly.: How can you get stuck in that dungeon? Specially if you could solve "First defeat the imprissoned Pols Voice. Last, Stalfos" without playing OoT first.
over 11 years ago
oh shit i noticed wrong grammar in my last comment, how can i delete it?
over 11 years ago
good thing he didn't went into virtual boy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301223]@Tk[/url]: Dude, the Grey Brick Gameboy was a lethal weapon. You could beat someones skull in until they were a red mess on the floor, then play some Tetris.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301272]@rqm[/url]: Until you get stuck on the eighth dungeon, yeah...
over 11 years ago
@don't get it.: How does it feel to be so young?
over 11 years ago
Ever heard of a Super Game Boy?
over 11 years ago
nice tits
don't get it.
over 11 years ago
don't get it. unfunny.
over 11 years ago
But Links Awakening was worth it.
over 11 years ago
The neogeo pocket color is the too underrated.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_301224]@AckAckAck[/url]: Well said, pal! The really "portable" gaming in the old days was to find a power socket and enjoy your games! Aaahh, nostalgia glasses, lucky I never had this problem with my favorite console, since the Atari always had to be connected to the TV! =D
over 11 years ago
The Game Gear helped you build muscle, and made you play smart if you wanted to complete games in time before it ate the battery.

Or you could pansy up with the adapter and pillows for comfort.

...I miss my Game Gear.
over 11 years ago
Use the Gameboy Pocket Nostalgia googles next time. Or Gameboy Color (which are similar to the NES ones)
over 11 years ago
What the hell Jo? Game Gear and battery? that's not the right way to play! You need to find the power socket and the power adaptor and sit down and play! for hours!
over 11 years ago
atleast you could literally kill someone with the sega portable if you wielded it as a weapon
over 11 years ago
Had to have something to do with eye focusing, as other people could only see my reflection, which I couldn't).
Years later, after getting used to SP and DS I have a hard time playing with an older GB.
over 11 years ago
It's funny, back in the time I never had a problem with the GB lighting (be it normal, color and GBA). I could go out to the street in either a sunny day or a cloudy day and I'd have no trouble at all playing.
over 11 years ago
A good pair of Nostalgia goggles is the Super Nintendo or GBA color. Also has some games still good by today's standard.
over 11 years ago