I love running into Sticky Only Demos, Specially when they Sticky Jump me closer to themself so i can Melee Them.
about 15 years ago
The fact that he's drunk, just shows how nooby he is. indisputable logic.
Forced Spanking Pics
over 15 years ago
yoo.. love this :)) y
Segolene Sexe
over 15 years ago
ehh... nice.
Huge Black Dildo
over 15 years ago
hmm.. really like it :)
Captain Kiwi
over 15 years ago
Lol, this is on ubercharged.com :D
Atlanta Dating Speed
over 15 years ago
well.. it's like I thought!
drunk lesbians naked
over 15 years ago
I should email u about this.
over 15 years ago
amiable locality
I be struck by an Iron Horse) This commitment be my second dive to Sturgis, we make be leaving on July 28th and staying utterly the 8th.
incest drawn
almost 16 years ago
mm.. luv it
almost 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
Hellraiser: They fixed it. Check the TF2 Wiki page about baseball.
about 16 years ago
Dunno what demos are QQing about.
When all else fails, demoman prevails.
As in, if nothing works, demoman will. I still kill people with stickies and I still get killed by stickies.
You see, demo's been nerfed so often, if he wasn't overpowered, he'd be useless by now...
Abby Normal
about 16 years ago
Though the Force-A-Nature is still rather annoying; the knockback is
very strong, and it's disappointing to see THE anti-scout class (See:
pyro) getting tossed around and killed with abandon by scouts now. :(
about 16 years ago
valve agrees with me about everything
buffed pyros, buffed heavies, nerfed demo stickies, nerfed the sandman
about 16 years ago
I love how people cry "Z0mG DEMO = NOOOBB" although I kill them with the normal grenades..
about 16 years ago
Zak Canard
about 16 years ago
In the hands of a good or better player the demoman is still to be feared. I just wish I was the demoman to be feared. I'll just have to make do with my pyro/medic/heavy triumvirate.
Now there's a word you want to say when you're demoman drunk!
about 16 years ago
never any love for demoman ;_;
about 16 years ago
lol the chat showz that no matter what people will complain about thing no matter how much they change it
Lord Mervren Barron
about 16 years ago
Demomen had flaws that was easy to exploit, they are slow and fire slow projectiles. all nerf to the demoman just made his less of a demoman and more of a firecracker
demomen where never overpowed, only they faced silly foes with less IQ than a clothes peg
about 16 years ago
Great comic. Nice touch with the chat in the corner! Poor demomen...
As a demoman player... NO MORE NERFS PLZZZZ!!!!!!1!1!!one!
Drake Ducaste
about 16 years ago
I love photo notes.
As much as they kill me with way-off splash damage, I can't really say that Demo is OP when I can kill them so fucking badly with heavies.
about 16 years ago
i love the chat in the corner XD
about 16 years ago
As a scout (not sure if they fixed this or not) you can actually 'bat' the stickies away in mid flight. But requires amazing timing.
about 16 years ago
I remember being on awesome Demo Uber rampages. Wow I was able to take out at the least 4 sentries, dispensers, and engineers. Now it's hard to just kill 2, ever since that update to weaken the epic demoman D:
about 16 years ago
Poor demoman... but he still gets around as Demobama. Democrits still make him win.
Edit: I just noticed how fitting the comic's title is.
about 16 years ago
Next thing they'll nerf is the scrumpy bottle. That broken glass does way too much damage.
about 16 years ago
Now if we could just punt those pipebombs back at his face with scouts like the Pyro's flamethrower... >:]
about 16 years ago
And photo comment guy, it's not terribly clever making us read the same thing twice.
about 16 years ago
Demo nerfs were all welcome additions. What does a demo need 40 ammo for anyway? Why should stickies only be pushed around but never diffused?
Although I admit the second one is rather harsh.