What people are saying about "Spy Evolution"
Spy Evolution
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almost 16 years ago
And that's Work, not Works...
almost 16 years ago
"Works on Natasha now" referrs to the fact that the weapon has been riddled with bugs.
A Gray Phantom
almost 16 years ago
What does, "Works on Natasha now" for? Did back stabs not work on Heavies with Natasha, or what?
about 16 years ago
to jake'm
Didn't know I could edit photonote, however you should learn to read before making your own comment, I corrected myself
about 16 years ago
I see it... the first one was a facestab (unpredictable, but kinda lulzy), the second one is the sidestab (higher sucess rate, but more of a "aw, crap" feeling if you miss), and the last one was a proper backstab (WIN).
A Dog And A Man!
about 16 years ago
Fast Backstab is awesome.
I remember when jumping and stab used to backstab people, man that was funny.
about 16 years ago
These last two have been my favorites so far. Hilarious stuff, keep em coming. :)
about 16 years ago
I have made it clear on my clan's server ( if you want to drop by) that spies do not need disguises save when killing sentries.
about 16 years ago
Facestabs were so unpredictable yet so awesome.
about 16 years ago
2fort is my second home. So many straight lines for scouts to be forced to run in makes me a happy sniper :)
about 16 years ago
And this is why Pyro's should always walk backwards with your flamer burning when pushing the bomb on Payload maps.
about 16 years ago
The correct answer is: Kill the goddamn medic first if you can.
about 16 years ago
The first frame shows the facestab.  Where the spy could stab someone and get and insta-kill by stabing their face.
The second frame shows the heavy being side stabbed.
The third frame shows the heavy being back stabbed.
about 16 years ago
I hate 2Fort. Such a boring map.

I love playing as spy, and backstabbing rows of heavies.
It's like stabbing pigs in a row, them squealing like crazy XD
about 16 years ago
Seriously, the Heavy looks so damn huggable.
about 16 years ago
I'm waiting for them to still work on the demomans almost always critbottle
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
Basically the process of fixing the spy with the heavy being a guinea pig
about 16 years ago
Hrm...I think this one has gone over my head.  Anybody care to explain this to me?