That said, aye, there's just nuthin' wowing about most big players in the console wars. XBox and Playstation basically directly compete with the juggernaut that PC has become, and Wii U's still having no sizable amount of buy arguments.
over 11 years ago
demand top dollar, put restrictions, and charge you money to unlock things (events, skins, etc), were at one time we just earned them. We now get devices that should blow our minds away, but games that just are beautiful but soulless. Welcome to the future, where the wrapping is all.
over 11 years ago
Only one thing to say, not ONE game has pushed the current systems to their limit. Those days are over. The days when we would hand them 90 dollars plus on a game and we had a sense that the game we bought would be epic. No. Those days are a memory to some, a myth to others. Now we see games that
I wouldn't say i'm not impressed and not looking forward to anything. But i agree strongly with you on one thing. There's no need to jumb the boat. I don't feel the rush to change it yet, and Steam seems to be improving greatly, so yeah...
Black Dragon
over 11 years ago
This is exactly how I feel. I'm just not excited about Xbox One. I mean another Halo is nice, but other than that I see no reason to ditch my 360 which is still going strong (got it a few months after launch.). Plus I'm not an online gamer (not a money issue but where my console/router are setup).
[url=#user_comment_338708]@Khaz[/url]: More to the point, only a tiny subset of games can utilize anything even approaching the hardware's full capabilities, so anything that isn't big-budget, graphics-intensive and aimed at the mainstream audience simply doesn't benefit from being on a traditional console in the first place.
Thing is, in olden times, games were limited by the hardware. Now the hardware can do almost anything we can imagine - so games are limited by the imagination and the talent of the people making them, and that doesn't change from one gen to the next.
over 11 years ago
I feel like the new OMG! OMG! OMG! Is in independent projects like Oculus Rift and Omni and not on the traditional gaming industry anymore.
[url=#user_comment_338696]@pmavers[/url]: Steam is still a form of DRM. I still tolerate it because a lot of my friends are there but I still think it's a piece of shit. DRM free games FTW!
Also just wait until you go offline for more than 2 weeks, then Steam will be completely useless.
majority. It's not always about the graphics. I prefer my RPGs on consoles more often than PC, mostly because of the controls - gamepad feels right for me in RPGs. Though that won't be a problem in future games which add the pad-support for PC. Also, fighting games work better with a control pad too
and want to play them. I personally have a decent gaming PC (gonna upgrade it soon so I can do some 3D-animating) and PS3. I admit, the PS3 hasn't seen that much use lately but there are moments when I focus on playing PS3-games than PC games. Consoles are also better for social gathering gaming for
[url=#user_comment_338654]@European_Fox[/url]: Well, some people just want to chill on the sofa and play with a controller. While you can do that with a PC too, most people don't know how OR want to keep the computer in a different room than the living room. Also, some games are console-only (God of War, Gears of War, inFamous)
To be fair, there are no games out yet to prove the potential. Once Metal Gear, FFXV or any other AAA hits the marked with innovative ideas some of them are bound to impress on a new level. Sure, this gen has more social focus, but as Demon Souls and Dragon's Dogma showed that might not be all bad.
You didn't mention N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Saturn, and Dreamcast.
over 11 years ago
The undeniable superiority of PC.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338667]@AckAckAck[/url]: >PC is not for everyone, especially younger children.
I disagree. When I was four, my father first let me play on his computer. That required me to enter a terminal command to actually launch the cassette. I think the new generation can figure out how to do two clicks in Steam.
This generation is actually pretty big
Both major consoles are going to be using off the shelf PC components instead of custom shit. This means ports are not going to have shitty performance, only shitty UIs and shitty gameplay.
Also, way cheaper to develop for so more better games.
over 11 years ago
The worst thing about this gen, really--the previous ones added something significant. This one..not only is pretty much just more of the same, but there's no real reason to have them if you already have a gaming PC--it's the same experience, either way. Consoles used to be distinct from PCs.
over 11 years ago
Pretty much spot on the same view I have there, Jo. (And after seeing your comment on the matter, I understand why you didn't list the other systems--might want to add that to the editorial). You did miss the big thing on the PS2 and 3, though--DVD and Blu-Ray drives were the best price at the time.
over 11 years ago
AckAckAck, the amazement and adventure is still there. It's just with the smaller companies that put pride in their products and are thrilled with 60,000 sales. It's not with the big ticket repeats that have been running for years and are failures unless they sell 10 million copies.
System prices to new generations. Slowly going up to the point where it is really expensive just to have one system instead of two.
Old new generations came with breakthroughs and new possibilities including freedom. Now its more or less the same as the old one expect with more restrictions.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338673]@Marabunta[/url]: xD I agree!
over 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Yeah, I didn't see. But not mention Wii still make me get sad.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338654]@European_Fox[/url]: Here's the catch: PC game prices vary from 1$ to 30$...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338665]@Shujokin[/url]: I added a photo note why.
Truth hurts, doesn't it, other console players?
[url=#user_comment_338667]@AckAckAck[/url]: I can get excited about new games like Star Citizen, but the CONSOLES itself doesn't bring anything which excite me right now.
The last big thing in consoles for me was 3d. After that, it see mostly graphical upgrades with diminishing returns.
Here I am hoping for VR one day.
A lot of us play games a lot less and too busy fighting with each others in internet forums. Where's our sense of amazement? where's our sense of adventure? Gone, gone with the anger and hate. Shame on some of you people.
eyes of the child who try video games for the first time. They saw beautiful vistas and all the possibilities in Minecraft, or the happiness when they control Mario around in SMB Galaxy or when they explore the world of Rayman.
We? we're too busy insulting each others. I think...
Back then when we were young (or pretty new to the technology) we saw every new consoles are an amazing technology advancement that require lower level of entry. PC is not for everyone, especially younger children. We're now older and and cynical. But I can see the spark of amazement in the...
[url=#user_comment_338659]@Tk[/url]: I think internet made people more jaded, because it's easy to point flaws in any product.
Still, there IS internet today, and this affect people.
[url=#user_comment_338655]@Ghostface[/url]: I did not, I just posted the 2 winners of each generation. There were several consoles I did not mention like Neo Geo and Gamecube.
[url=#user_comment_338651]@Xeranar[/url]: The biggest strengh of Xbox360 for me was the online aspect. Sure, graphics were nice but PC had the same (or better) graphics so it was hardly that impressive.
Generally we have 'Leap' Generations and 'Improvement' Generations. They usually alternate. I think you seriously underplay the HUGE Leap the Xbox 360/PS3 had over their predecessors. I remember having to move my Xbox upstairs to the modem. Now we're looking at streaming gaming...
over 11 years ago
It's funny to think about the next gen mindset. I think the same thing, I mean I remember when 360 and PS3 came out it they too were actually a big deal when jumping from PS2 and Xbox days (unless you're a PC gamer then it was the OMG HUGE GRAPHIC CARDS!)
over 11 years ago
“I hate Risk. I hate that you still like Risk. I hate that you guilt me into playing with you because no one else will. I hate that you do the accents of the countries you’re attacking from. And I hate that you wear a beret every time we play. God, do I hate the beret.”
? Colin Nissan