What people are saying about "Huge Black Hole"
Huge Black Hole
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over 11 years ago
"Scribblenauts" tried to warn us! Why didn't we listen? WWWWHHHHYYYYYY?!
over 11 years ago
Must... not... point... out... no one... gives.. a buck... about... physics... fail...
over 11 years ago
To recreate what Jo presents, you would need a black hole with an event horizon the size of the moon. What Enigma does would just be the equivalent of a comet slapping the planet. It'll leave a mark but it's still there.
over 11 years ago
A black hole is defined by the event horizon: what we "see" (or lack thereof) BUT, that's just the range of its gravitational influence on light, its influence on matter extends more, but this would only be as though we got a second moon in orbit
over 11 years ago
Must... Not... Point out... Physics... Fail... HRNG
Bill's Beard Talking Here
over 11 years ago
It's funny because between Crystal Maiden,Enigma,Juggernaut and Weaver, in terms of power, Weaver's probably the most powerful since the guy can make and destroy realities. Sure Enigma can manifest black holes, but Weaver on the other hand, jesus christ the guy's lore is op.
over 11 years ago
Joey Archamon: ... Whoops, I knew I forgot something. XD
over 11 years ago
Rise and shine, Mister Enigma. Rise, and shine.
over 11 years ago
I hate enigma.

Whenever I play him, enemy team has fifty thousand five hundred fourty two stunners and a mini-stun.
over 11 years ago
mangus says hi!

in this comic's context though, I guess supernova comes in second.
over 11 years ago
with the ever so little damage that spell does, it would've been nice to show a toothpick breaking after the effect ends :))
over 11 years ago
Must...not...point out flaws...
over 11 years ago
And then another world foolishly destroy itself after recklessly harnessing the power of black hole.