What people are saying about "DOTA Yearbook"
DOTA Yearbook
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about 11 years ago
love techies.love putting explosives. hope valve knows what to do :(
about 11 years ago
Valve fixed it but added another bad feature: in DotA 1 if you try to move tangential when pounced, your hero moves circumferential. But in DotA 2 if you try it, your hero just stays in place. I still can't get used of it =(
about 11 years ago
In DotA 1 there was a huge problem with slark: he had soooo tiny click area, so I missed half of clicks on him and couldn't stun, damage, slow, etc. him, while he was killing me or my ally...
about 11 years ago
Oh, I've just understood it is a Riki gem... I should ask Valve to make it universal =)
about 11 years ago
One of my most loved heroes. I spent about two weeks of everyday dota playing only him with average stats like 15 5 10 and at least 50% wins =)
I'm looking forward for him!
When first item on techies is made, I'll buy it and put there a gem "gem carriers killed", mu-a-ha-ha! Those hg mines do it.
about 11 years ago
I already dread the day Techies will be added. I can already see I won't play nothing but Limited heroes, Ability draft and Captain's mode/draft for a month probably so I can avoid them. :D
about 11 years ago
Good old WC3 <3
about 11 years ago
Jo, dear. Valve will NEVER make DotA 3. They don't know what is number 3...
about 11 years ago
(cont.) already are, who actually plays this game for the lore anyway?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342400]@tuvarkz[/url]: While you may still call them that, their actual names, now, are "Lyralei, the Windranger," "Tequoia, Nature's Prophet," and, "Ostarion, the Wraith King." If you go into it expecting exactly the same lore, you're going to be sorely disappointed (and though I suspect many people(cont.)
about 11 years ago
I miss them bones. :(
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342411]@Socram[/url]: You've come to the wrong comic.
about 11 years ago
consider those new items available during the yearbeast fight... yep, techies is getting close.
about 11 years ago
My body is all ready for the addition of techies to Dota 2!
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342409]@Serathis[/url]: Well, I'm here mainly for the DotA strips ;-)
about 11 years ago
"Do not run, WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS!"
about 11 years ago
Jo, Id pay money if you stopped with the DOTA/LOL strips.
about 11 years ago
At least some stuff still remains from the original, we all still call Windrunner, Furion, and King Leoric the Skeleton King (Volvo GIFF). By the way, seen the ally phrase TB has to aiushtha?
about 11 years ago
That's what Dark Reef Prison does to ya.