@Xavier Chen: She's a very slippery assassin who can potentially 'Penta Blink'(Giving up damage for a bit). She's one of the two squishiest champs in the game And has the best mid-game burst combo. Warwick's Ult is a targeted suppress that makes someone stand still for 2 seconds; aka, doom for LB.
Random Dude
about 11 years ago
@Xavier Chen: In terms of squishiness its true (most of the time) but only if any of opposing team manage to farm and not getting evaporated by her first. Plus, she has pseudo-blink that can be used twice at the cost of (a lot) less burst damage.
@Xavier Chen:
Nope. Take Storm Spirits jump, give it strong point and click nuke and Clockwerks hookshot without the dash and have all of those spells do silly amounts of damage and make her take less damage than a hard support CM before dying and you have LB.
"Shitty ass LoL comics are now being added, that need explanation as to what the fucking joke is. Awesome pure dogshit." But on a serious note I'm guessing she is like the CM of LoL, fresh and easy to rape.
Anyone not getting the joke, the chick's name is LeBlanc. In League she is fairly popular as a "high risk, high reward" character in that she has strong damage and moves fast enough it's hard to hit her, but if anything does hit her, it nearly one shots her, hence the "SUPER SQUISHY" on the ad
I came here for LoL shitstorm.
I am dissapoint :(
about 11 years ago
Can someone explain me why blue Lycan is chewing on female Invoker?
about 11 years ago
LB Weak Hero? LoL WhaT! She is one cast killer, like Kasa, And she is extremly mobile. Btw, WW is rather weak hero, but he have good disable, and high sustain in jungle.
Mb Joe feed for lb and joke about it? ^) or may be not who knows.....
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343223]@TheMentorAssassin[/url]: LeBlanc is the champion in question, she was offered a toy deal and it's not what she hoped for. In game terms, Le Blanc is high risk/reward in that she can generally remove most priority targets instantly in the mid game(Assuming a good player), but pays for it by being squishy.
[url=#user_comment_343211]@Mordekaiser[/url]: Huh, so she's kinda like Lina then? Weird, i thought a chew toy would mean a weak hero, XD. Thanks for the explanation. It seems everyone who stood up for Dota comics will experience the other side of the coin now, XD.
about 11 years ago
And WW, while not 'in meta', is a counter to Le Blanc, with his targeted and ranged suppress he can pin down slippery assassins like LB so that she can be swiftly removed as a threat.
[url=#user_comment_343211]@Mordekaiser[/url]: But she's so agile that it's quite tough to do so.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343205]@Raxyz[/url]: Actually she's considered one of the more OP champs. With a couple of kills she can insta-gib almost any non-tank champion before they realize what's happening. She pays for it by being squishy enough to be one shot by almost everyone though.
[url=#user_comment_343205]@Raxyz[/url]: LeBlanc is really strong actually- she's picked all the time in tournaments.
The thing is, she's really low health/resistance, so she doesn't take much damage to kill. Warwick, the champion that's using her as a "chew toy", is an anti-mage (due to how he builds) that takes advantage of it.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343205]@Raxyz[/url]: LeBlanc is really strong actually- she's picked all the time in tournaments.
The thing is, she's really low health/resistance, so she doesn't take much damage to kill. Warwick, the champion that's using her as a "chew toy", is an anti-mage (due to how he builds) that takes advantage of it.
I suppose that character is awful right? Something of a feeder reference, XD.
Oh, and Jo, the comic buttons are out, y'know, clicking to comment and the arrows. I dunno if someone else already said it, but i thought i'd point it out.
about 11 years ago
I know its only because I'm personally a league fan, but it feels great to see Jo enjoying a game that I've enjoyed for so long!
Also the comics are fantastic. I needed more pictures of Warwick in my life (I main him in jungle... or would, if he wasnt TERRIBLE right now. Cant wait for the rework.
Omg, you guys are right. Vel'Koz and Jo look the same, and started at the same time. It is only logical that what Superman are to Clark Kent, Vel'Koz is to Jo. It has been his secret identity all along!
[url=#user_comment_343189]@Fobian[/url]: Only if he gets to farm his Q. If he goes against someone that denies him proper farm or gets ganked all game then Veigar is nigh worthless. Still wub him though.
about 11 years ago
@Aleksandros Rodriguez: Veigar more squishy and deal MORE damage.
about 11 years ago
The white shirt and black tie doesn't complement you.