[url=#user_comment_343324]@T[/url] The problem with the magic solution is, that it applies to everything then. A magic portal was created to steal weapons from another dimension that happen to be from the candy "Land of Ooo".
[url=#user_comment_343322]@Scejthe[/url] actually floating objects can be explained by magic. If they have floating islands and floating creatures why not floating clothes? Other unpractical armor could be explained by protection enchants without making them out of said world logic.
about 11 years ago
Even gimmick clothing in a fantasy setting is but the tip of the iceberg of idiocy to any lore that any mmo tries to create. For one. Thongs. Fishnet "armor". Pieces of armor that "float". So if we accept these as norm, lollipop axes cant be argued out of the lore.
[url=#user_comment_343316]@T[/url]: It's still a paganic holiday. It will be better if the programmers make their own holidays. Imagine the Great Dragon Rising Holiday, or Qutarak Harvesting day, or Goddess Citra's hunting season, etc etc. Imagine a world with their own religions and set of rules.
[url=#user_comment_343308]@Fenbrae[/url]: We don't mind events. But in a world of magic with fairies and flying dragons and deities and suddenly BOOM! christmas tree, santa, everything Christianity related. It felt out of place in the lore. That's why I oppose those kind of events.
People who think MMOs are bad because they have seasonal events are no true fans of MMOs. Real life has seasonal events, so why can't fantasy worlds have them? Fantasy worlds aren't all about wars and "The Big Bad" y'know. It isn't lore-breaking either, since the bad guys are still at work.
about 11 years ago
That all said, you found a way to to make me love Morgan more.
Not easy, believe me. +1 for horns. Horns are sexy.
about 11 years ago
Christ yes.
NAMES. Fucking names. Always some disease with xXx420xXx in a fantasy setting.
The first thing I do in any MMO any more is leave server/regional chat.
I don't give a fuck. I'm not here to share you hatred of Justin Bieber.
I think this is exactly what puts me off from most MMO games. WoW has been my personal favorite since Everquest. I like how they weave the seasonal events into the lore.
Thats why Skyrim is currently my most played game, since thanks to the modding community. mods like Frostfall, *City/Town* Enhanced and other mods make it feel so much better.
Reason why Dark souls is one of my fav games to (There are some silly items tho)
about 11 years ago
Pretty much sums up what happened to TF2.
They ruined the aesthetic value of the game. It's sad because in the tutorial with dev commentary you hear a dev specifically talk about the care taken into the distinct (and rather brilliant) appearance of TF2.
At least they still have decent lore.
about 11 years ago
For some reason I read Anne-Marie's line in the voice of Amy from Futurama.
This is why I liked Guildwars so much. They had holidays AND lore to back them up. All around amazing and entertaining.
about 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Sorry about the late response, but yeah, thats another problem with them, but I was more meaning about just the immersion issues. Though from actual gameplay issues its usually just that the RPG ones tend to be more on the uninteresting side for me. Most tend to be that same usual kind.
Relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5KU34DrrPI
Also at least I'm glad that while Valve also do this they don't exactly copy the whole holiday and all its themes, they add some more unique twists on it: Frostivus, Smissmas, Diretide, Scream Fortress (Okay, that last one doesn't count.)
Peter Lemmen
about 11 years ago
The developers do care. It's the shareholders that don't, and the players that let them. At the end of the day, MMO's are a business, not a game.
about 11 years ago
World of Warcraft does have Real World Holidays, but they fit decently into the lore and are only there for special events. They too have imersion breaking items, but those usually go away after the event.
Hurray for blizzard
And instead of Halloween, we have a time of year where our plane of existence approaches that of the Plane of Darkness and various Undead keep rising from a Graveyard recklessly and a mind-eating aberration wearing a pumpkin has us kill a spectral dragon for its scale so we can fashion items with it
See, you don't see this kind of thing in Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO). We don't have Christmas, instead, we have a Festivult and a magical Dwarf jester trades Magical Cookies for special coins we obtain during our quests. Try DDO sometime. Just learn to avoid any a-holes.
about 11 years ago
@Timmy Affenita: Welcome Timmy!
And I couldn't agree with you more, Jo. Seriously, it's amazing all the hard word and detail that's invested in these MMOs only to be wasted a few weeks later with the addition of the vanity shops.
-Urg- The bad memories of these really leave a nasty aftertaste.
[url=#user_comment_343266]@Spoy[/url]: I can't touch everything wrong with MMORPGs in a single strip, but my biggest grip is actually the need to grind levels when you already have the gear grind. I'm all for a MMORPG without leveling.
Seriously! All those guns and rockets are destroying the immersion in my hat trading simulator! NERF NOW!
about 11 years ago
You complain about silly outfits, but a problem with MMORPGs right out the gate is usually the difference between male/female characters right out the gate. Its an issue often touched upon, but yeah. Even if you aren't playing during a seasonal event, female characters still tend to look ridiculous.
Sleeping Bear
about 11 years ago
Yes, I'll be "that guy": in the first text box the word "that" is unnecessary, and I think the second one would work better in the form of "in these beautifully".
That being said, I still like todays comic a lot and completely agree with you about the holiday events and their ridiculous rewards.
And this is why I enjoy Demon's Souls and Dark Souls immensely. They are simply focused on lore and not bullshit add on just to satisfy some people. Or better, twist the holidays into something new at all. Christmas event? make it completely alien no one will get it.
Runescape in a nutshell
"going through haunted swamp. scared shitless. ghosts attacking me. low on food, health and courage. feel actual terror im going to die....guy in a chicken suit runs by. I stop and let the ghosts kill me."
about 11 years ago
I like the fact that Anne is the one with the money to buy all that cosmetic stuff.
You know... I almost never comment, but I have to here. But rather then type it out here, I'll just put a link to a blog post I did about this sort of subject.
Ironically, Star Trek Online, set in our good ol' universe which actually has Christmas, doesn't get too obnoxious with holiday items. The special holiday weapons only work during the holidays and the clothes are just winter coats that sort of look like uniforms anyway.
[url=#user_comment_343234]@Vize[/url]: Yeah, Blizzard has plenty of other ways that they're raping the game that they don't have to use ugly cash shop items.
Oh wait they totally do with those ugly $20 helms and not to mention letting everyone transmog into ugly, ridiculous gear.
Eden Eternal allows you to decide what items show up when equipped and also have aesthetic sets that can give you a better look even with crazy random actual equips.
Oooh, nice, a Femani. We need more of those.
I have noticed you seem to only ever do 3 games. Are you not playing anything else but TF2, DOTA and Diablo anymore?
How about trying The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot? it's also F2P
This is a nice point in playing a MMO and have fun with the seasons and I don't mind having a saint nick help beat up an evil god... it is another to shove anything that messes with the system onto a character and make a walking eye soar just to be "unique and show their rares".
about 11 years ago
that's why I am really enjoying the old republic currently, even the cash shop armor fits in the game and looks cool instead of having something ridiculous like that lovely catgirl(but if the game is just a big joke anyway and its all colorful I don't really care what others look like)
Eh, counterpoint: I quit Warhammer Online because its seriousness was so constant. It just got boring. It's fun for MMOs to be a bit silly (goblins, squig herders) but I agree that 4th wall breaking santa hats are too much.
about 11 years ago
That's one of the few things I liked about WoW. The Seasonal/Holiday Events and Quest rewards all still fit (to a point, Tanker o' Terror. HO!)with the "Theme" for the rest of the game.
I think you meant "willing" instead of "won't" in the commentary part of the post. From how it sounds like your asking "why bother making lore if your not willing to rape it completely."