What people are saying about "Hardworker"
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about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343378]@Raxyz[/url]: Actually, it was tested that if you compare the first games of Mario and Sonic, Mario moves faster.
about 11 years ago
There are days when I'm happy to be a Planetside 2 player. It's a modern shooter that is everything that other modern shooters *aren't*.
about 11 years ago
Well, i'm with ya Jo, modern shooters fell the same. ESPECIALLY Activ and EA, ever since EA took the crusade for a "CoD killer" their games BECAME cods...
The MoH airborne for example. FAR superior than any cod, and any EA shooter...

Well, we still have 2K for crazy, good shooters
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343337]@Wildcolt[/url]: "Mario moves faster than Sonic does." What are you smoking? Neither by story nor by gameplay Mario is faster. Especially if the comparison is made with modern games. Zacharial I guess not, if she's happy with Diablo 3 changes.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343337]@Wildcolt[/url]: "Mario moves faster than Sonic does." What are you smoking? Neither by story nor by gameplay Mario is faster. Especially if the comparison is made with modern games. [url=#user_comment_343366] @Zacharial[/url] I guess not, if she's happy with Diablo 3 changes.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343337]@Wildcolt[/url]: "Mario moves faster than Sonic does." What are you smoking? Neither by story nor by gameplay Mario is faster. Especially if the comparison is made with modern games. [url=#user_comment_343366] @Zacharial[/url] I guess not, if she's happy with Diablo 3 changes.
about 11 years ago
She just worked hard and cleaned up your house, even put on the maid outfit to amuse you, and you don't even want to buy her a game over it? Shame on you, Jo!
about 11 years ago
C-mon Jo, Jane can have her game. After all she was the one, who didn't got the money last time.
about 11 years ago
Wait, Jo's eyes are the 2nd pair of circles?! Rly?! O_O
Ever thinked they was the first.
about 11 years ago
Forgot: Linear story, linear maps, no freedom to ever discover or decide anything because not doing = can't proceed.

Story isn't a bad thing but with restrictions that go as far as locking the player in a room so that he has to listen to a NPC talk...
about 11 years ago
Agree with Jo: cliche story, forced facial time: camera lock/shoved faces, good guys vs bad guys, spawns all the time, invisible walls/blocked paths everywhere, AI movement >>> ours, we=robot waiting to be allowed to proceed, no mod tools to not hurt sells of the next "game of the year".
about 11 years ago
I wonder if Morgan is picking up Dark Souls 2
about 11 years ago
We've rediscovered battlefield 2142,
an ancient shooter from the time as the
WW2 shooter's reign was crumbling.

Lets hype this through the roof !
about 11 years ago
Specialized elite soldiers with 3D-maneuvering equipment, fighting 15m-tall mecha named titans which have a vulnerable spot behind their necks. Alright.
(Eren Yeager's voice) "I'm going to kill every single titan."

I haven't even seen it yet I already love this game. Wir sind der jaeger!
about 11 years ago
May i advise you Natural Selection II (http://unknownworlds.com/ns2/). It's a FPS with a huge strategy side: in each team there is a commander that see the map from above, can place building for ressources, tech, base,... ; there is 2 sides which are completly opposite marines and alien (cf google)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343349]@Dinonick[/url]: Once again, the game FEELS the same for ME. It may be totally different from COD (it isn't, even the creators say it) but the moment I watch it, I see "Modern Warfare" all over it, and personally, I think isn't coincidence.
about 11 years ago
I tried to preorder titanfall like 4 times. And I mean the special limited edition with the light up titan.

I started to choke everytime I read it needs origin.
about 11 years ago
Titanfall, meh I'll wait on that... DARK SOULS 2...
about 11 years ago
Comparing apples and oranges, Jo. Hawken/TF2/Tribes/CoD aren't in direct competition with each other.
about 11 years ago
Woah woah woah....beat CoD at its own game?
So a modern military shooter with a single player campaign
A sci fi military shooter with parkour and a story told through multiplayer.....how can you possibly compare them? That like comparing assasins creed to infamous or prototype
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343342]@dM[/url]: TF2 is class based, Quake is fast, Tribes has jetpacks. I could say, maybe, Unreal is kinda close to Quake, but the weapons on both are very distinct.
about 11 years ago
So... every shooter is a shooter?
about 11 years ago
Try checking out Hawken, it's overshadowed as far as "mechshooters" go, but under the grit there's gold to dig. A couple years in beta, we begrudgingly let Steam get its hands on it.
about 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze_uxxFJTvE
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343331]@Teek[/url]: The games may be totally different from fans of the genre but for me who only casually play them they "feel" the same. Slow moving grunt with a rifle, a pistol (which is a weaker rifle basically) and grenades.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343330]@Wildcolt[/url]: I think Sonic top speed is higher, but once mastered I could run by most Mario stage faster because they had less obstacles and Mario jumped higher.
about 11 years ago
After playing the beta, I can safely say that it is nothing like Call of Duty. Even if it has aim down sights and quick kills like CoD, the movement and map design in this game is radically different. It would be like comparing Quake or Unreal to Tribes.
about 11 years ago
Remember though, big companies are afraid to do anything new. Some indie studio will have to be the one to attempt something new, and if it's not overwhelmingly successful, it won't transfer to the big companies.
about 11 years ago
Dear God!!! That smile really freaks the heck out of me!

Also, gotta love that "feeling": forget reason... I need it now!
about 11 years ago
"Imagine if Sonic moved at the same speed as Mario" You know what's funny about that comment? Mario moves faster than Sonic does.

But yea, I'll agree with the comment that most modern shooters are pretty much just copies of each other with minor tweaks here and there.
about 11 years ago
Fact of the matter is, Titanfall has an inferior mech game as a minigame killstreak added on to a reskinned CoD game with a few extra mechanics.