What people are saying about "Casual Jane"
Casual Jane
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almost 11 years ago
I like the increasing variety of facial expressions; it adds a lot of flavor to these characters :S

I figured out what was broken - stupid facebook like button. The visible part is this small blue thing, but the rest of the (invisible) img/button or whatever covers the bottom 1/3 of the screen.
almost 11 years ago
This is why, um, these types of games suck?
almost 11 years ago
Back at launch of the Wrath of the Litch King you had people who got to max level in around a day. When they launched Cataclysm One of the euro players maxed out their pally before the game even launched in America.
Some one getting to max level in a few hours, It can be done.
almost 11 years ago
Facebook bought Oculus Rift for $2 billion yesterday and I haven't seen a single comment, ranting about it. Strange, considering this comic is mostly about games.
almost 11 years ago
Back when my casual friends convinced me to play WoW (curse them for that) I managed to get to level 85 in one week (or two, don't remember). It was "fast" for them, but only because I actually played the game instead of wasting subscription time like them.
almost 11 years ago
Well watching the GB quicklook turning it to Master can level you really fast, since everything is scaling AND getting you a 200% bonus on top.
almost 11 years ago
"my non-gamers friends think I'm hardcore, but between my gamer friends, I'm the casual."
Exactly the same with me. I just spend a lot of time gaming, it's not like I'm some kind of pro or anything.
almost 11 years ago
Jane is best girl.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343993]@AlmightySpoonman[/url]: Diablo is an ARPG (Action RPG) while GW2 is an MMORPG. They are different beasts with a different game objective. Diablo is intentionally linear while GW2 (and other MMOs) are more open world.
almost 11 years ago
This kind of problem doesn't exist in Guild Wars 2, where the game scales you down in level based on which zone you are in, though you still get to keep wearing your higher level gear.
almost 11 years ago
taking into account how this game is about playing the same content over and over again I don't see the point of rusing,boosting and such stuff.

at the level cap you do exactly the same things, just without the occasional new skill that changes your playstyle and keep things fresh/less repeative.
almost 11 years ago
I saw a "friend" of mine going level 50 just 2 hours after launch.

Turns out it was just boosting . A.k.a "my friends at level 70 paragon 200 are in a party with my new character, and breezing through torment VI ".

I seriously don't see the point or the fun in that. Yet again, SAND AND BLOOD
almost 11 years ago
those first 4 weeks are still because I get to mess with friends with stuff in the game they don't know about :)
almost 11 years ago
I get MOST of my games day 1 or week 1 and my friends get it 4 weeks later and I know my way around and must teach everyone the small tricks and tips and then everyone gets an easier play time than me but that's just me ranting :/
almost 11 years ago
Also someone got 3 level 99 characters in D2. I means seriously how many hours he spent killing cows and harvesting Mephisto? And does he actually have fun? or it's just fuckin bragging right.
almost 11 years ago
Geh, reminds me when I played Diablo 2. I want to play it in my own leasurely time but people keep forcing me to rush the entire 3 level of difficulties in a single night and ended up grinding with Mephisto and Cow Level over and over again. That's what kill my interest with that game.
almost 11 years ago
Rushing levels is nice an all, but i kinda like taking it slow to enjoy it.
almost 11 years ago
Everyone that play more than me, have no life.

Everyone that play less than me, is a noob.
almost 11 years ago
Made an account just to say... I am [partially at least] to blame for this comic. XD
almost 11 years ago
Like that dude that unlocked everything on Titanfall MP within 3 days of release.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343960]@Dagnet[/url]: It is on sale right now. $20
almost 11 years ago
First! I might try Diablo 3, when it goes on sale!