What people are saying about "Dislike"
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over 10 years ago
Grammar fixed version:
over 10 years ago
Josue! Glad you brought up Xbox. Remember how awful most people thought it was when Microsoft said it was getting into gaming? Well that's how us true supporters of Occulus see you guys!
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344108]@LoSpettroItaliano[/url]: Seconding the cuteness factor of the eyebrows!
over 10 years ago
I don't see what the big deal is.
over 10 years ago
@Bart Stabwound: At least Sony gave us a choice. MS will happily forced their Kinect and other stuff down our throat.
over 10 years ago
Last pannel Jane has the ultimate trolling face.
over 10 years ago
Well, facebook tends to leave their purchases to the creators. Though I have no idea what Facebook wants with a gaming thingy.
over 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: I know the comic is not bad... there is a reason I keep on coming here, you know? :p
I just wanted to express my general disappointment in the cliche direction it took, particularly when it started as such an unusual webcomic.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344132]@Censuur[/url]: "everything is subjective so you are wrong". OMG dat awsum logic aim naht warhty.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344132]@Censuur[/url]: "everything is subjective so you are wrong". OMG dat awsum logic aim naht warhty. @Kilgore Trout: I know the comic is not really bad (otherwise I wouldn't keep on coming here :p), I just wanted to express my disappointment in the cliche direction it took, that's about it really.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344132]@Censuur[/url]: "everything is subjective so you are wrong". OMG dat awsum logic aim naht warhty. @Kilgore Trout: I know the comic is not really bad (otherwise I wouldn't keep on coming here :p), I just wanted to express my disappointment in the cliche direction it took, that's about it really.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344134]@ninetails[/url]: last i checked(though it's been a few years since i've been on FB) farmville was Zynga's game not facebooks.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344132]@Censuur[/url]: Just saying that it wasn't me calling people morons yesterday, or telling somebody that what they were saying was bullshit today. If you consider those sorts of things polite, then all right, if you say so.
over 10 years ago
Does Jane's ponytail get longer with each successful troll or something...?
over 10 years ago
personally, I don't mind facebook buying out oculus, as long as they don't fuck up the game and software so much like how they have with other games.
fucking Farmville 2.
over 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: So what do you call this then? Because the irony of you clearly trying to pick a fight here does not escape me. Please calm down and chill the fuck out.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344129]@CAPSPOOL[/url]: Well, the purple tentacle is the guy who draws the strip. Obviously he's not a tentacle IRL (at least, as far as I know), but that means he DOES have the power to do anything he wants to the other characters since he controls their universe. Which is why Jane's where she is.
over 10 years ago
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344124]@Censuur[/url]: Okay dude, seriously, are you just here to pick fights? Because this is two days in a row you've insulted at least one person in the comments.
over 10 years ago
@Better Nerf Irelia: Well, it's not as bad as it could be, since we still get strips taking place inside games like yesterday's, and since we see the tans and Jo as characters in the game they're playing. As opposed to them just being on a couch and talking about shit all the time.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344124]@Censuur[/url]: So, yesterday you called a number of people morons for bothering to discuss naga, and today you're saying somebody else is full of shit. Since you've apparently never heard of Wheaton's Law, I can tell that sharing the comments with you is gonna be a real treat.
over 10 years ago
@Better Nerf Irelia: Yea I'm going to call bullshit on your assertions here, just because you've been overexposed to something and underexposed to another does not make what you are asserting to be true, just highly subjective trite.
over 10 years ago
Yup, OR seemed great, but now it's down to Sony alright.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344114]@Censuur[/url]: So yeah, it's bad and it's a huge shame that Jo has to relay on triteness in order to keep the traffic high.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344114]@Censuur[/url]: what Jo is doing may be "new" for NerfNow, but it's under no condition innovative or original to Webcomics. Its' been done ad nauseum, unlike Jo's previous work which had a very unique flavor.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344114]@Censuur[/url]: What Jo is doing may be "new" for NerfNow but it's under no condition new or innovative to the WebComic World. It's been done to death, and it's a lot less unique than his previous work. So yes, it's a complete shame that he has to resort to triteness in order to keep the high traffic.
over 10 years ago
@Better Nerf Irelia: It's funny how you're commenting that Jo doing something new is somehow bad because it makes it less unique...
over 10 years ago
I really don't like the direction this webcomic is going.

It's been slowly (but steadily) becoming a "two gamers on a couch" comic, just using "gamer-tans". I guess this is far more commercially successful (Joe said so after his mute "rainy-day D&D" saga), but it's also a lot less unique. :/
over 10 years ago
anyone have an aggregator for comics on the rifting debacle?
over 10 years ago
Is Jane the childish/trollish definitive replacement to the cool-headed and irate Engie-Tan? I'm sure you can interact with the other girls as well for the sake of diversity.
over 10 years ago
In this comic Jane looks very more young than she actually is.
But I still love the eyebrowns.
So cute.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344068]@LockeZ[/url]: Bottomless Catgirl Summer Camp sounds fun. Why can't I find anything like that?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344090]@AckAckAck[/url]: I dunno, man. Sony has a bad habit of never supporting their peripherals. Microsoft is a lot better at forcing devs to add support with their stuff. That being said, I'll probably still end up buying whatever Sony offers, as Xbox is against my religion.
over 10 years ago
@Boojum Snark: LOL
over 10 years ago
Facebook needs to go.
Boojum Snark
over 10 years ago
I've read this comic for more than a year a I only now noticed that the second row of circles in Jo's face is supposed to be his eyes.
over 10 years ago
@James Friedman: And then we have the Gray Death, UNATCO and electronic old men. Damn you Illuminati! But at least our vision might be augmented.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344090]@AckAckAck[/url] someone once said "Sony always wins" [url=#user_comment_344065][url=#user_comment_344065] @Elyseon[/url][/url] Facebook doesn't likes porn... Or nudity... Sometimes not even elbows.
over 10 years ago
@James Friedman: the hardware-market gets more and more controled by a myspace clone and seachengine ? yeah sure, and the Flappy Birds 2 developer will be President of the United States *rolleye*
over 10 years ago
@Mister Jay: Yup, Sony and MS are developing their own VR machine. And from the look of it, Sony got it better first.
over 10 years ago
Damn so many grammar mistakes in this one. The force isn't helping you anymore Jo.
over 10 years ago
@James Friedman: Eh, FB is too expensive and Google will keep pushing G+ till the end of time.
Mister Jay
over 10 years ago
By the time i'll be able to afford an oculus rift it will be a virtual boy compared to what will be out. So this news doesn't affect me except in the regards that I watch Markiplier videos and he uses Oculus Rift.
over 10 years ago
It's only a matter of time until Google buys Facebook. And then Disney buys Google. And then the Rockefellers buy Disney.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344068]@LockeZ[/url]: But think of all the likes you'll get from your fellow bottemless catgirl lovers! On a more serious note, the occulus rift never seemed to be anything more than the next big gimmick to me, in the end it's the software that decides how much fun you'll have with it.
over 10 years ago
Well I was GOING to, but not if it's going to put "LockeZ is currently playing: Bottomless Catgirl Summer Camp Vol. 17" on my newsfeed
over 10 years ago
We all know the first thing people are going to do with any kind of virtual reality device is 3D porn.