What people are saying about "Hard Lane Hunger Crisis"
Hard Lane Hunger Crisis
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almost 11 years ago
Those poor supports should be happy they don't know much it hurts to be full. :V
almost 11 years ago
There is no Morgan.
I don't understand, Dave.
almost 11 years ago
If you're in dire need of gold (no pun intended), magic stick will suffice :)
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344406]@Lectricanman[/url]: Thanks, think I got it.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344406]@Lectricanman[/url]: TY, think I got it. I finally played the tutorial and at one point my Dragon Knight was joined by Ezalor, who kept boosting his mana. A little bit like the heavy/medic combo in TF2; he was helping me be more of a threat, but didn't seem to be very tough on his own.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344407]@Waka[/url]: Oh yeah, I knew that, and that's why I recognized the word "creeps". "Support" is also more or less self-explanatory, but stuff like "get fat", "lane", "carry", and more needs explaining.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344406]@Lectricanman[/url]: Think I got it, TY. I played the tutorial finally and, at one point, my Dragon Knight teamed up with Ezalor, who was able to boost my mana. It was KIND of like the Heavy/Medic combo. But looking at his wiki page, it looks like he'd have a harder time soloing enemies than I did.
almost 11 years ago
best way to decribe dota is imagine a free roaming RPG with each hero a class of its own, the creeps are basically monsters the give exp/gold, and the goal of the game is to defend the base from the enemy while destroying theirs.

also forgot to mention but I really like your MILF girls, Jo.
almost 11 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: /watch?v=Fp4p6CaQH5E Not sure if we can post youtube links so I did the short version. Basically a carry should be able to do this. The purple guy in this is the same guy from this comic. Notice how when he hits those guys with red health bars they just flat out start dying.
almost 11 years ago
First Crystal Maiden and now Windranger? Jo those girls are ADORABLE! :D
almost 11 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Basically the guy that kills the lil guys. He needs to to get big and strong. See the rest of the team protects and lets him (in this picture the purple guy)kill the lil guys (which I should mention are not players) because they can't get as big. In the end he carries the team to win
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Hermes:I have questions about that title.
Bender: Oh he meant Hard Lane Hunger Criss Angel
Hermes: That just raises even more questions!
almost 11 years ago
I'm really tired of DotA2.
almost 11 years ago
Inbefore more "I'm entitled to you doing a comic for a game I play, and if you don't, I won't even try to understand it, and instead will flame on the comments."
almost 11 years ago
Why does it feel like I'm reading this comic in another language?

I know the words are english, but I can't understand a thing.

Also, I see dwi still has no life.
almost 11 years ago
Carry is a role usually taken by a hero whose skills are useful for dealing a lot of damage when combined with expensive equipment.
Antimage (from yesterday's strip) and Void both have a passive skill tied to their normal attack, thus benefit from items which speedup their attacks.
Ewig Custos
almost 11 years ago
The description is a bit misleading, since each side has only one hard lane. Easy lane where the main hero-killer is farming is the hard lane for your enemy. Hard lane is called like that since enemies have access to the jungle on their part of the map, which can be used for ambushes and > farming.
almost 11 years ago
Jo has got it, after all the bare skin we've seen in fanservice, the true way to erotism goes by hiding stuff.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344387]@Lectricanman[/url]: But what's a carry?
almost 11 years ago
Thanks OleJ & Random Dude.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344387]@Lectricanman[/url]: He probably has no idea what a carry is, though. Hell, I finally changed my mind and started playing the game, and I'm still not entirely clear on that myself. (To be fair, I only just completed last hit training; none of the tutorials have mentioned carries so far.)
almost 11 years ago
@Mister Jay: Second part of the joke. That poor old green guy's a support. He gets to have the glamorous job of buying the items that help the team function. For example little cameras to spy on the other team. These items are expensive but supports shouldn't be killing lil guys for gold.
almost 11 years ago
@Mister Jay: Care for an explanation? It's a pretty simple yet integral part of the game. Creep are lil guys. You kill lil guys. They give you gold and exp. That makes a carry happy. If a carry gets distracted by fighting other players he/she's not killing lil guys and the other team gets ahead.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Welcome to strips that people don't play the game can't understand. I have no idea what any of this is saying. It sounds to me like someone randomly sputtering words Hard lane creep lane eat lane creep eat hard eat creep.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344369]@Tk[/url]: Fight da powah?
Random Dude
almost 11 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: "fat" could be summed-up as when they can effortlessly steamrolls their opponent (ie: can kill one enemy in less than 3 seconds). It doesn't have to be max level but you do need to have your primary gears.
almost 11 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Yes, that is exactly what it means.
almost 11 years ago
Just to make sure, does "get fat" mean "level up and max all your abilities, get gold to buy good gear, and become the unkillable stuff of nightmares for the other team?"
almost 11 years ago
Oh Jo, it's 1 gold per 0.6 sec, or 100 gold per minute, not 1/sec!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344360]@Salem5[/url]: You mean HotS takes away all player individuality and removes half the features similar games have and calls it "innovation" with the mechanics in HotS you know the game is going to end up with everyone 5 manning all the time and the game being decided in the first 5 minutes out of 20-40
almost 11 years ago
That Windrunner outfit should become a set on the Workshop, and thus, in the game.
almost 11 years ago
1% of the fighters holding 99% of the money and items!
almost 11 years ago
sounds like your in the trench Jo. that or your outdated.
nowadays supports make more gold thanks to Ice buffing the gold per minute, adding gold for destroying wards, buffing assist gold, etc.
heck theres various supports who buy midas occasionally.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344360]@Salem5[/url]: Well yes. The premise of HotS seems to be that people like clicking and killing things rather than remembering complex builds and combos along with taking out last hitting and other otherwise integral parts of mobas. Tbh I think it's a great learning tool for beginner moba players. But...
almost 11 years ago
pls make a comic with theme 'camp blocking with ward'

there is a bunch of eyes that stare at neutral camps,thats why neutral camps not respawn, they ran away.
almost 11 years ago
Apparently everyone is allowed to have fun in Heroes of the Storm. Won't even touch DOTA before I tried HotS and see how good it really is.