[url=#user_comment_344505]@Azulmagia[/url]: Omni Knight is the kind of guy who lets his kid get in trouble and only gets them out of it once they learned a lesson.
hey Jo, i just thought y'should know that people are starting to use your comics without giving credit to ye... i just saw this on facebook: https://scontent-a-gru.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10154169_1409796122622303_3926799410718354864_n.jpg
over 10 years ago
Am I the only one getting an error when trying to edit a comment? Was trying to post this.
Edit: also, I love this series. Keep it up. Can't wait to see AM in teenage, having Manta but unable to fight because he is squishy.
over 10 years ago
CM mom is best CM.
over 10 years ago
The only reason to go Power Treads before BF is if you are suffering too much harass in the lane. In most cases its better to buy a Ring of Health, a brown boots and go directly for the Battlefury.
To clarify some of the more obscure aspects at work here, a "carry" like antimage generally requires a degree of protection in the early stages of the game where they are weak and easy to kill, this is done by supports and is called "babysitting" the crystal maiden being the babysitter/daycare lady.
rushing an item in dota 2 is completely optional. Any item you are rushing, if you can play well with it, Rush It.
over 10 years ago
Threads for the ability to blink more(swap to int...) accelerate your farm more, also pls get a quelling blade if u dont already have one when u finish ur bfury
There might be 9M more PT than BF in dotabuff... with a winrate of 43% agains a 51%... so antimages, go for BF, except if you know pretty well what the fuck are you doing...
@Kilgore Trout: Indeed, not all boots are good certain heroes. A Str hero who rely more on casting than auto-attacking should opt for Arcane Boots over Threads for example.
Most carries will opt for Threads since the attackspeed and the ability to swap stats is really nice.
[url=#user_comment_344468]@Somebody[/url]: Because some players Opt for other items instead of a Bfury as there first damage item. Either that or 9 mill games where finished so early that AM never got to finish his BF.
[url=#user_comment_344476]@AckAckAck[/url]: Stop using your fancy logic.
over 10 years ago
So are we going to run this joke into the ground?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344476]@AckAckAck[/url]: crystal mama? that sounds like she'll look like a trainwreck of two high velocity trains in a month.
also, she looks more like a kindergardener.
[url=#user_comment_344481]@Wildcolt[/url]: Ah, gotcha. So far I've played as Leviathan, Akasha, Vengeful Spirit, Sniper & DK (in tutorials), Razor, Enchantress, Juggernaut and CM. Which I know is only a relative handful, so I guess the more I play the more likely that I'll choose somebody who will be helped a lot by the Treads. :)
[url=#user_comment_344470]@ThatGuyWhoIsLosing[/url]: Your name, this logic you're using is why. Map awareness counters all early ganks way harder than treads ever could.
I finally gave in and tried the game. I'm new so I might be wrong, but it seems like there's better stuff to get than Power Treads. I always save up for Arcane Boots for my Tidehunter, which is what the guide I read recommended. Maybe it's different for other heroes?
Where in earth do you buy your child an Axe before Shoes.
over 10 years ago
9 million more power treads on AM than Battlefurys. Sorry Jo:
over 10 years ago
Boots and blink isn't enough to survive early ganks, if they have silences you have to rely on your boots, and if they lured you away from a tower or group of allies, then you're screwed. Also, Multiple stuns one after the other, (E.g Sand king, Lion, Wraith king, Spirit breaker Passive and charge)