What people are saying about "I Hate You"
I Hate You
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almost 11 years ago
That was the cutest.
lolis r the best
almost 11 years ago
wow loli :o
almost 11 years ago
Nerfnow: Come for the fanservice, stay for the more fanservice.
almost 11 years ago
And the poll result is...!
Not surprising.
almost 11 years ago
@Random Dude: Steventhe?
almost 11 years ago
Hey Jo what do you think about the nuzlocke comics
almost 11 years ago
AM, you should see the things she does with pudge to feed you.
almost 11 years ago
CM should have cooking creeps :3
almost 11 years ago
When you get your first Rampage and announcer will shout "Holy sh!t" about you, you will remember this moment. And you will be sorry. But it would be too late. Your support will be one-shot by Lion, or Bounty Hunter, or will jump in front of Mirana's Sacred Arrow to save you.
almost 11 years ago
Cannot wait for the awesome rampage with BF! :D
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344548]@Serialkillerwhale[/url]: Or a crazy aunt. Lina comes to mind. She comes in and lets him smoke gank. Suddenly magina's addicted to arcane boots.
almost 11 years ago
I want this loli QoP.
almost 11 years ago
The tragedies of childhood. Well the situation strikes close to home for most of us.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344524]@Danund81[/url]: I think it's more about knowing how comfortable people are with it, since Jo seems to enjoy the titillation himself (given his apparent relations with some other artists). Anyway, this series of comics is goddamn entertaining. I love it.
almost 11 years ago
do you even need a poll??
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344546]@glooper1908[/url] maybe if the fanservice is hard enough it becomes a hentai game?
almost 11 years ago
<3 Engie. Don't be too hard on her. Now Jane on the other hand.... >:-D
Edit: first post
almost 11 years ago
Seriously, make a mid hero the Fun uncle that takes you ganking.
almost 11 years ago
(sees the polls taking place for fan service on engine...) "well, I guess we don't to be TOO hard on engie, so maybe just some fan service? (sees the huge amount of votes for massive fan service) "well, never mind then..."
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344524]@Danund81[/url]: I'm glad he cares what his fans think. Not all webcomic creators do. *cough*TatsuyaIshida*cough*
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
don't worry magina wait until uncle Nature prophet buy you travel
almost 11 years ago
I love these little kid Magina comics, keep it up Jo !
almost 11 years ago
oh, I get it. support is a mother
almost 11 years ago
The poll result was pretty obvious....
almost 11 years ago
@Random Dude: Trolling is a art.
Random Dude
almost 11 years ago
Just draw whatever you like Jo. Let Dealwithit and Steventhe complain about Dota and non-dota comic, respectively.
almost 11 years ago
@Elyseon remember what you said in the last Engie comic? What do you think now?
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344524]@Danund81[/url] I like to think that Jo makes polls to better troll us. Do you remember valentines poll?
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344524]@Danund81[/url]: But how will they know what they think if they don't think? CHECKMATE ATHEISTS
almost 11 years ago
really love this dota kids series. everyone is so cute lol.
almost 11 years ago
Well, the poll is going exactly as expected from us. Fanservice is totally winning.
almost 11 years ago
Its alright Antimage. You may be angry now, but one day, you'll look beinhd you to see that old support ready to throw that Meka, while you are killing everybody, THEN you will see.
almost 11 years ago
Just wait til he gets older, QoP. You'll see what a real carry is like.
almost 11 years ago
Jo, please go with option 4:

Stop polling. Do what YOU think is best for your character, your story. People don't know what's best. They just know what they think, and it's more often not.
almost 11 years ago
You're not my real mom!
almost 11 years ago
There is no such thing as "too much fanservice", the more the better!