What people are saying about "Stupid Cyka"
Stupid Cyka
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over 10 years ago
Quick question but how do you move photo notes and increase the size of them on iPhone?
over 10 years ago
@Darius Düsener: Afaik fake bashing was fixed in dota2. Also void is holding diffusal blade and manta style. (tho orb should be below blade, not above it). The joke is that void is scrub himself i guess...
over 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Please don't... don't make me remember that certain arc.
over 10 years ago
@Mister Jay: I'm pretty sure Jo wasn't trying to get us to laugh here, but instead get us to think "Wow, what an asshole! I hope he gets what's coming to him before this story's done." Jo's written serious stories without jokes before. (Look at the Starcraft arc from the early days of the strip.)
over 10 years ago
@Mister Jay: You mean Elcor, I assume. Hanar don't explain their emotion before a sentence.
Mister Jay
over 10 years ago
*In Hanar Voice* With Great Sarcasm. If you replace the blue woman with an ordinary human woman and the the purple hammerhead shark flatworm thing with a human man the comic becomes even more humorous.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344706]@neptune432[/url]: It's what he always writes, whether it makes sense or not.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344692]@dealwithit[/url]: What does this have to do with the actual game? It's a skit.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344704]@Morello[/url]: I would have thought a Tunnel Snakes member from Fallout 3, like one of the footnotes says. Also, I thought I might have been the only one who knows about Shaman King.
over 10 years ago
Faceless Void looks like a Shaman King character.
over 10 years ago
That's started stealthily as an ark, but i'm liking it.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344689]@Geryon[/url]: manta is terrible on void since illusions can proc a "fake bash" which doesn't stun the target but still puts a debuff on the target. If your main hero bashes after the illusion procs its fake bash, the duration of the fake bash gets extended, which means your heroes bash
over 10 years ago
Manta is terrible on void due to the illusions fake bashing. Can't explain it, too few letters =(
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344689]@Geryon[/url]: Manta is terrible on Void since it causes a fake bash, meaning if the illusion bashs first (yes illusions can bash, causing the enemy hero to receive a fake bash debuff not stunning the target) while the real hero bashs after, the duration of the fake bash extends, means your bash might
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344690]@The14th[/url]: True, but I'm kind of liking the shift from comedy to drama, at least for now.
over 10 years ago
Well that got dark quick!
over 10 years ago
I know that the stun will be messed up a little, but still has more potential imho. Especially against silencers.
over 10 years ago
One of my friend experimented with diffu-manta void. Actually it's pretty good. Illusions aren't affected by Chrono and it gives more survivability. Diffu can be used to remove most of the debuffs from allies too (Magnus, Enimga, etc..). I think it's better than MoM+Cleave most of the time.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344681]@tuvarkz[/url]: Context clues, dawg. Just ask yourself, should this person know better? Is this something they would never say? Is this something no one would ever say? Did they use internetz mispeelings to say the thing?
over 10 years ago
Anti-mage's gonna save the day I'm sure. The only mistery is HOW?
over 10 years ago
She actually ejnoys it.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344675]@Censuur[/url]: Sorry, I have a problem with detecting sarcasm. Also, calling noobs is srs business
over 10 years ago
I came here to enjoy the comic, and all i see is a useless discussion on diffusal void...
COuld you guys take a chillpill?
over 10 years ago
dat hair tho. . . .

over 10 years ago
You know, it actually should be "suka" not "cyka". Don't try to write in cyrillic alphabet without the proper letters.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344672]@tuvarkz[/url]: He was being sarcastic, many noobs use that logic and it's part of the joke....
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344671]@Serialkillerwhale[/url]: Well, it's a "him", which rules out CM and Windranger.
over 10 years ago
She will have her revenge when they have grown up : http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1163
over 10 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Diffusal only works well for agi illusion heroes(Aka Cancer Lancer and Naga; Mirana sometimes), and Void's innate bash does not synch well with illusions. Besides boots and BKB, he gets much more out of Butterfly, Daedalus, Mjollnir; and Cleave/Madness/Deso/Satanic/MKB in the last slot.
over 10 years ago
Calling it now Old Pal is antimage windrunner or CM
over 10 years ago
hey Jo, watch this short guide about warding:
over 10 years ago
@Darius Düsener: Imagine that...the hero with a proc does better with attack speed than a raw damage item.
over 10 years ago
The last 10 games I had a void in it, every time the void rushed BF he lost. When he built stuff like maelstrom - MoM, he won. Lightnings > Cleave
over 10 years ago
Oh yeah and by pure coincidence, when this guy was trash-talking me the whole game and telling me how much I sucked and that I needed to go kill myself and so on? I was playing as Queen of Pain.
over 10 years ago
Mostly when playing co-op vs Easy bots, my teammates have been pretty nice. But the other day I ended up on a team with a guy like Void here. And I was thinking "Dude, if you don't want to be on a team with people who are still learning and will fuck up sometimes, why are you playing on Easy?"
over 10 years ago
@Selçuk Lale: okay, i found the sure way to win against you: 5 man push one line - you be like "oh noes, enemy are 5, better run away" - push to throne - you be like "oh noes, 5 enemies are at my base, better hide behind the fountain" - kill throne - repeat.
over 10 years ago
In over 2.5 million void games this month, diffusal blade has been purchased in roughly 2500 of them...seems legit.
over 10 years ago
I also seem to notice he hasn't finished his battlefury because clearly he still has a ring of health pierced in his.... whatever that part of his anatomy is called.
over 10 years ago
Ok next comic is AM vs Void add Guile theme for extra epicness
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344641]@tuvarkz[/url]: Void is a agility hero, Diffusal gives ability. Fucking casuals don't know how to Doto..
over 10 years ago
I'd like to point out that either QoP is actually using a Power Boots (On Int), or she seems to be using them.
Okay, not a very smart observation.
Anyway, Void confirmed for Tunnel Snake.
over 10 years ago
I hate this kind players. They call everyone noob. But, actually they're noob. They always rush into 5 man then say "Why run noob?"
over 10 years ago
First! Also, please don't tell me that Void is using a Diffusal Blade...