What people are saying about "Trouble"
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almost 11 years ago
@ Technature Honestly, this one's simple and doesn't even involve dota mechanics.

Faceless just stopped Slardar Venge and AM in the bottom lane, probably trying to chronosphere AM.
almost 11 years ago
What the fuck is happening?
almost 11 years ago
Can't rightly say how much I'd pay for Engie's game because I don't know what kind of game it is.
almost 11 years ago
If your vote on Engie's game isn't at least 5 dollars, you're a creep.
almost 11 years ago
Also, slightly related: Jo, any chance Engie might want to greenlight her game on Steam? That would be great.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344915]@Telamatros[/url] AM wanted to gank mid witch NS. So: Radiant - Slar, Veng, CM, AM, NS Dire - WR, Void, QoP, BH, Rubick
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344915]@Telamatros[/url]: I just checked, Nightstalker was mentioned in the first page of this story, where Anti-Mage said he wanted to gank mid with him instead of farming creeps.
almost 11 years ago
Someone's about to get run the f*ck over.
almost 11 years ago
Wait, 11,000 votes?! That's not bad.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344885]@Rockman[/url]: Where are you getting Nightstalker?
almost 11 years ago
Curb stomp of the century incoming.
almost 11 years ago
Snap, this is gonna be epic.
almost 11 years ago
Glasses are gem i guess?
almost 11 years ago
@K0rN b4LL: farm long enough and you can afford a custom-built model ;)
almost 11 years ago
I hate to be picky, but since when do Lamborghini cars have a back seat?
almost 11 years ago
Hmph, blink cast time on AM and animation on Slardar, Void's gonna pay for the Venge kill hard.
almost 11 years ago
Let's get to the bashing part.
almost 11 years ago
I wish I had a car like that for when *I* need to get away from the heroes on the other team chasing me.
almost 11 years ago
INB4 FlappyEngie-2048
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344885]@Rockman[/url]: Well i can be 90% sure that AM's team is on Radiant side cuz Rubitch...i mean Rubick's hardlane is bot lane and the jungle background in his strip and the fact that AM's team didnt react to Void taking Rosh is quite a fact. And good guy must be on the Radiant side, right right??!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344885]@Rockman[/url]: it's vengeful spirit not drow
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
Somebody's gonna get his head bashed in.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344885]@Rockman[/url]: it's Vengeful Spirit, look at the feathers
almost 11 years ago
a lambo? with back seat???
almost 11 years ago
Yay we now know the full lineup! I am not sure which team is which though.

Team 1: Crystal Maiden, Anti-mage, Nightstalker, Sladar and Drow Ranger. Unless there is another hero with white hair.

Team 2: Windranger, Faceless Void, Rubick, Queen of Pain and Bounty Hunter.

almost 11 years ago
Gosh, I really am loving this strip Jo.
almost 11 years ago
Oh boy. This is going to be beautiful.
almost 11 years ago
Karma to be served in 3... 2... 1...
almost 11 years ago
Incoming pwnage