What people are saying about "It's Showtime"
It's Showtime
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almost 11 years ago
He's trolling. Wanna check a fan factor attitude.
almost 11 years ago
What is Jo's game even about? He asks how much we'd pay for it but i don't even know the first thing about it.
almost 11 years ago
Don't worry Jo! I'm behind ya 100% :) Seriously, don't sweat your first game. It'll be a learning experience so you can make better games.
almost 11 years ago
This in comparison to Faceless void's partners in crime, Queen of Pain and Bounty Hunter, neither of which has a true "Stun" (Bounty has a mini-stun, which lasts a small fraction of a second) and queen of pain is a straight-up nuker. Both very good for ganks.
almost 11 years ago
Note that Slardar and Vengeful Spirit (The chick) here give Antimage a massive edge in autoattack damage, one buffs damage straight-up with her aura, and the other has the best armor-destroying debuff in the game, (Venge also has a armor-debuff and they both stack) And both have stuns.
almost 11 years ago
Antimage here is telling slardar to let him take Faceless man-to-man. That blue-handled something that Slardar's pulling out is a "Blink Dagger" which lets him teleport, implying he's about to make a move on Faceless.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344995]@dealwithit[/url]: No one asked for your opinion :V
almost 11 years ago
I see AM talking with a Russian hitman accent, for some reason.
almost 11 years ago
Relax Jo, this will just be either your first step towards getting rich and famous, or to total disgrace... no biggie.

nah, i think it'll be great, but even if it ain't, i believe people will understand... 'tis your first game, afterall. i think.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
I know Jo's big game is going to be on Steam, or other PC or even Flash and since I do everything through my xbox i'll be unable to play it. That said I will petition Markiplier and Yamimash to play your game Jo and if they do then you can expect millions of people to see and possibly even get it.
almost 11 years ago
I kinda want suit cosmetics for AM, Venge and Slardar now.
almost 11 years ago
Just remember how many really BAD games the big studios put out. You wont make those mistakes because you don't have the same pressures. Even if it isn't perfect it will be your first and you can learn from it. If it is at all playable and fun everything else is icing on the cake.
almost 11 years ago
I don't know you personally Jo, the only thing I know about you is what you've done on this site and any criticism from me will be something you can improve on, or not, your choice. Just don't turn into a Phil Fish and I will be fair.
almost 11 years ago
As much as I would really like to buy your game off of history alone, the problem is I am completely uninformed of just what the game even is. What genre is it? What is the purpose of the game? Is it a fan-service flash game equivalent? Will it have a plot? What are the main mechanics? I dont know..
almost 11 years ago
so cool
almost 11 years ago
I don't know about others, but I'd buy it. I've been a fan of the comic for quite some time, and I'd be proud to support it.
almost 11 years ago
Dat chrono bait into swap.
almost 11 years ago
Slardar looks so fucking badass!!!!
almost 11 years ago
I need this so much faster the end will be so satisfying
almost 11 years ago
I'm planning on making games, but the secret is to give everything you got, make it fun for yourself too and try to be original for the most part. I don't agree that your first game is always the worst, obviously you would do things differently with time, but do your best now and go on from there.
almost 11 years ago
When it comes to indie games, you will find its not impossible to garner a market. Admittedly I for one don't buy a game unless it is through Amazon, and even then I prefer stuff on th Vita or 3ds over Pc, but im sure you will attract some interested parties.
almost 11 years ago
Jo, I have some good news for you. Nobody is going to care about your first game.

I don't mean this in a mean way, but that's just how it is, especially if you make something as generic as a tower defense game. You can only gain from doing this.
almost 11 years ago
In case nobody noticed, there is the perfect counter to void in this game and near the fight. Void -> chronosphere on AM, Vengeful spirit -> Swap on AM

Chrono wasted on support, void is a potato hero without it, antimage minces him
almost 11 years ago
I'm sure the game will do fine, Jo. I'm happy to give almost anything a try if it's ten bucks or less, and I'm not the only one like that. And you're getting the word out even at this early stage, which doesn't hurt at all.
almost 11 years ago
I'm so liking this arc, XD.
almost 11 years ago
jo pls make game smash fighter with volvo characters with funny altered names like magina = manigga
almost 11 years ago
Some of us would even buy the game just because it has your art.
You'll be fine Jo, you'll have our support and that's what matters.
As long as you're not doing a new Flappy Bird, of course.
almost 11 years ago
Spoiler, Magina get chrono, CM show up and save him before getting killed by BH, then Magina go crazy and end the fun of every one ine the enenmy team, CM resurect, they win the game, add each other on steam and void go to low priority.
almost 11 years ago
Whole thing is set up to show AM curbstomp void; entire arc has AM farming hard and playing nice with CM, while void is just hunting kills, letting lane go to waste, and blaming others for his mistakes.
almost 11 years ago
dont know if the comics also keep dota's level/age limit of 25 cuz void looks like a young adult but I don't know if thats good cuz hes almost maxed or bad cuz AM has so much more experience.
almost 11 years ago
so looking at the previous comics, looks like its CM, AM, Nightstalker, Slar and venge vs. Void, Windrunner, Rubick, qop of pain and Bounty hunter. The rubick could just be a hypothetical starving offlane, not one on void's team. also looks like void got the initiate and venge might be low (cont)
almost 11 years ago
Actually, late void can kill late am before chrono ends. But here is well-farmed and tempered am, while void is russian noob, who overestimates himself... Who knows?
almost 11 years ago
I'm honestly seeing Anti Mage baiting Chronosphere and dodging it with his blink while Void calls AM a cheater or lucky cause he's a bad russian with a good hero
almost 11 years ago
Are you familiar with Extra Credits Jo?

This video might interest you as it deals directly with indie development


Back on topic: love the build-up
almost 11 years ago
Chronosphere, MOM, permabash, "GG report crystal maiden"
almost 11 years ago
silly Jo, the game will have engy in it. ofc it won't be terribad.

That said, I dont play DOTA, or any MOBA. But I like this arc
almost 11 years ago
AM can't win 1x1, I look forward to the next part
almost 11 years ago
You are worrying in the wrong direction. Go to desura, the steam of indie games. Look at all the games you never heard before. Your chance of being destroyed by review sites is low, because the chance to be invisible is very very high.
almost 11 years ago
If you want to make games, you really have to remember that the first game you ever make is going to be the worst game you make. So just make it and release it fast. You get a ton of experience and your future projects will be better for it. If the first game doesn't hit the cord, don't be discourag
almost 11 years ago
It's alright to be nervous Jo, I cant probably tell how you may be at the moment, but you should always be proud of what you have accomplished. Looking forward to the project.