What people are saying about "6 Slotted"
6 Slotted
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almost 11 years ago
I think I loved this the most out of all your work since the Splash Woman arc (which will still sit forever in my head in the place reserved for unexpected, deeply and fantastically traumatic/excellent work)

But this was just excellent, Jo. Thank you so much.
almost 11 years ago
Arcs may be hard to make, harder to draw, and may not fill everyone taste.
Still I remember I first started to read Nerfnow because of the fun TF2 arcs (And I started playing TF2 because of it), even it I'm not a DOTA2 fun or great fan of MOBAs in general, a good story is still a good story.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345382]@4tran[/url]: Theres an option in dota where you stack up the money-source. Because they don't spawn when the old campers are still there, so someone have to hit them and make them move outside the camp. Once the timer hits xx:00 a new camp starts to spawn , thus making the money-source twice as much.
almost 11 years ago
Chaos Gods are very pleased by this photonote stack.
almost 11 years ago
Jo, I really liked this! Excellent, and even moving, story!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345382]@4tran[/url]: So when the minute mark hits, the camp is empty allowing a new one to spawn. This is called stacking. Generally a carry is too busy farming/pushing/ganking to actually just farm the jungle camp by camp. Stacking allows guys with AOEs or cleaves to kill a lot of jungle monsters very fast.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345382]@4tran[/url]: Well sort of. Essentially there is a jungle(forest) with neutral monsters living in specific camps. These monsters respawn every X:00 minute mark unless something is occupying that space. So a support can attack the camp just before that time pulling it out of the spawn box.
almost 11 years ago
Thanks for the story arc, even though you said you would never do it again. I enjoyed this, even if it was about dota. An arc provides characterization and context for the people and events. It provides a narrative.

Now for the newb question: what is triple stack? A type of burger?
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
My feels.

All of them.
almost 11 years ago
This was surprisingly touching and awesome. You managed to turn something with minimal active plot like a MOBA into a touching action story like this. I rarely say this to any sort of writer, but great job Jo. Simply a wonderful job.
almost 11 years ago
@rayx and singaporenet freedom : Please stop feeding the troll. Let him starve away.
almost 11 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 is so amazing
almost 11 years ago
Anti-Mage is currently using Boots of Travel, the most expensive shoes. And he skipped Divine Rapier to buy Power Treads for granny CM, who always took care of him and his farm.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345343]@dealwithit[/url]: "this is the reason why dota 2 sucks" "Deal with it." I issue you a challenge chump, comment a 3rd phrase!
almost 11 years ago
Heh, i liked it. Good one Jo.
almost 11 years ago
AM's old/current shoes, style wise, are better than the power treads. I can understand why he would get the Power Treads but they look lame.
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
Amazing story! I loved it, please keep doing these, and keep playing dota 2!!
Greetings from Chile, WP!
almost 11 years ago

U 8 the b8 m8
almost 11 years ago

U 8 the b8 m8
almost 11 years ago
Keep doing that series that was great
Make more life-dota stories about heroes
almost 11 years ago
Great arc. Loved every little reference, Manta Style as a suit is a new classic.
almost 11 years ago
Good frickin arc, Joe. Thanks.
almost 11 years ago
Really liked this arc, and I'm not even a DOTA fan.
almost 11 years ago
Why granny CM instead of hot middle age CM?
almost 11 years ago
Dunno jackshit about dota but still nice feels all around. G to the G.
almost 11 years ago
Enjoyed the entire Arc.
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345315]@dealwithit[/url]: Deal with it. Dota 2 sucks only for you.
almost 11 years ago
Congrats on a fine arc. I am truly impressed with how well you represented aspects of the game and I really liked that even without a deep knowledge of Dota 2 I was able to follow along. Keep up the great work!
almost 11 years ago
That feel trip
almost 11 years ago
Aww man I waited all the arc for an opportunity to make a "before my bdy runs dry" photo note.
almost 11 years ago
This was nice tale. Thanks Jo.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Is the story AM was a brat who didnt want to eat his creeps and wanted the best shoes. After seeing not everyone can afford shoes he shaped up and became a "farmer". After bettering himself ,becoming a badass, and defeating his enemy He is unsure about buying shoes but is reassured he earned them?
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345294]@Kiree[/url]: hear hear!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345274]@Serialkillerwhale[/url]: He's passing up divine to get a pair of nice treads for CM!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345300]@bodmans[/url]: tis not an arc, tis but a scratch
almost 11 years ago
And I thought Jo said he wouldn't do Arcs anymore... YOU LIED TO US
almost 11 years ago
This whole Arc has made me feel good. Funny jokes mixed with game and real life knowledge. Also, very nicely wrapped.

I hope to see more arcs like these int he future.
almost 11 years ago
Just for information, -50% on steam for Skullgirls today, enjoy !
almost 11 years ago
Really nice story, keep going and... Relax, you're doing fine. GG :D
almost 11 years ago
P.S. please bring back Engie :<
almost 11 years ago
I've been reading your comic ever since your old TF comics and have not commented before. When this arc came to an end, I just had to make an account to tell you how great it was and how much you have improved over the years. Thank you for this comic and keep up the good work Jo! I love NerfNow!
almost 11 years ago
I really arcs, and I really liked this one. Please do more.
almost 11 years ago
I had called her being an elder, but it was so obvious that she would be that I can't even call that a prediction.
almost 11 years ago
Granny CM looks... not as hot as I expected.
almost 11 years ago
This is one of you better stories.
almost 11 years ago

That was one of the sweetest story arc!

GG indeed! GG indeed!
almost 11 years ago
That shoe store's the same one he window shopped as a kid.

He's probably buying a pair not to use but just to have.
almost 11 years ago
One of your best arc, Jo. I had fun reading it and it was not awful.
almost 11 years ago
It was a nice comic ^_^
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
... AM traded BoT for power treads.

Or buying treads for maiden, whose already bought Zap-o-Matic, not to mention item pooling in DotA is disabled except for some items, which treads is not one of the-

Say the MST3K Mantra...Say the MST3K Mantra... Say the MST3K Mantra...
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago