Jo, you really don't understand how muted people commmunicate, let me give you a few of the big ones:
Well played = Good job, or sarcasm Good job(Bad play).
Stun now = Shut up, fuck you, or use a stun.
Get back = Get back, sometimes like get out of my lane, or disregard last comment(s)
[url=#user_comment_345254]@Kuronaya[/url]: I don't play Dota 2/LoL either, mainly because I'm terrible at them. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying the comic. Remember: Just because you don't like something... Doesn't mean that most of the rest of the audience doesn't thoroughly enjoy it. Don't ruin it for them.
@Kilgore Trout: Not quite. It's already established that Void was textbook bad player who cuss and mute anyone criticizing him. The way I see it, Tinker prob told him to start pushing/defending and got muted, hence why he's the only guy defending the ancient. (and spam well played as last fuck you)
I don't play any mobas and I barely know anything about them, but this is my favorite arc in a long time. You don't have to know about the character references to enjoy the story.
over 10 years ago
As someone who doesn't play Dota 2/LoL, I'm glad this little arc is done. I'm sure it was enjoyable for those who play the game but I, personally, couldn't wait to see the final page. Even though I don't play TF2 much, I enjoy the TF2 comics/arcs. But Dota2/LoL arcs are pretty dull for me.
[url=#user_comment_345247]@Technature[/url] Tinker was the only on Void's team trying to defend their base. Vengeful Spirit's ultimate can make her swap positions with any hero, she did it and her teammates killed him. She's pretty much a counter for Tinker's defensiveness and aggressiveness.
[url=#user_comment_345249]@Serialkillerwhale[/url]: I guess if a player's been reported enough to be muted I shouldn't be surprised they are stupid, but why would you abandon the game right when you're about to lose? Either way the game will be over for you in a second, but if you quit then you get penalized.
Well, I'll assume you've read the explanations on the earlier strips, in order to save on space, but Faceless void's team also apparently includes Tinker, whose just spamming well played, as he's been "Muted". Venge (The girl) just used "Nether Swap", switching their locations.
So why does Venge look like Drow (white hair and all)?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345212]@uragiruhito[/url]: I believed the Rubick was a folk tale, rather than the actual character being in the toplane.
Boy, this was one hell of a ride!
[url=#user_comment_345225]@Vioze[/url] AM In the early stages of the arc mentioned joining him to gank instead of farming.
The suspiciously well timed transition into night is also part of it.
over 10 years ago
Where was it ever said that Night stalker is in this game though?