What people are saying about "Crazy Aliens"
Crazy Aliens
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almost 11 years ago
Oxygen is not flammable. You can't burn oxygen. Hell, burning is a process of oxidation, you can't oxidise oxygen.
almost 11 years ago
OMG!!! FTL got so many ups!!! Lol!
almost 11 years ago
Spot on, Jo.

You pretty much listed every fault I found with the game, even though it's still very, very addictive.
almost 11 years ago
The best part of this is that putting a Lanian in the O2 room cuts off oxygen to the whole ship.
almost 11 years ago
Engie should have joined Skullgirls. I'll buy that DLC. Anyways after that game, will she comeback in NerfNow
almost 11 years ago
wait til you play Warframe, apparently infested monsters can cut off life support when you're on the wilderness of earth.
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Wow. Thank you so much, Jo ^^
almost 11 years ago
I love this comic more every time I read it.
almost 11 years ago
Oxygen is NOT flammable!!
The only thing oxygen does is react exothermal with stuff, which results in heat, flame and oxidized stuff.
almost 11 years ago
The beauty of FTL is that there's so many valid strategies; all these comments about how you "need" this or that? That only applies if you're going with a particular playstyle. The only thing neccessary is sufficent skill to deal with the luck you've been given, good or bad. P.S. Moar FTL comics! :)
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345640]@NEHZ[/url] Glaive cuts through 2. I effing love Glaive!
almost 11 years ago
Nothing's required to beat the Flagship - heck, you don't technically even need a Shields System to win.

The best thing about FTL is that good enough play will overcome virtually any amount of bad luck. (Sadly it doesn't *feel* this way at first, and falsely feels like luck is just screwing you.)
almost 11 years ago
oxygen isn't flammable
almost 11 years ago
Man, once I was playing FTL using the computer of one of my relatives, and I unlocked the Crystal Cruiser.

...It didn't sync to the Steam Cloud.

And I love the touch with the room continually losing oxygen as he stands in it.
almost 11 years ago
Beams work fine when combined with Ion, hacking module for bonus.
The disadvantage of beams is that you need the shield gone, however they never miss and deal MASSIVE damage. The best beams still deal some damage even with 1 shield left.
I've won 1 game with a beam and without teleporter/drones.
almost 11 years ago
Well... We breathe a corrosive gas that also happens to be rocket fuel, their concern is without a doubt understandable.
But we've grown used to the accidental fires so we are prepared, Xenos.
almost 11 years ago
also getting the crystal rock ship is STILL being evasive after all this time
almost 11 years ago
i used beams and missiles myself. they're very effective but the build needs to be VERY particular. I used two very powerful (different) beams with emp spam. it wrecked that ship to shit.
almost 11 years ago
I'm pretty sure defense drone II shoots down more than 1 missile from the 3, but i haven't used it in a long time, so i'm not certain...
almost 11 years ago
@Dmitry Solovyov: Need lvl 2 teleport for it (or Rocks) but yes, it can be done.
almost 11 years ago
I loved to send my crew on enemy ship and take it down from inside ) Just dont foregt to stop firing at it or you can lose you crewmate if not beam them fast enough. And you CAN kill even autonomic drones if you beam you crew - destroy part - beam them out before they die from lack of oxygen.
almost 11 years ago
oh Jo-senpai, you still got a lot to learn
almost 11 years ago
Personally I just hope FTL2 will be less random. There's nothing like having EVERY one of your shots miss what should be an easy opponent. So you either die there or end up spending all your scrap on repairs. That or two jumps into a new game you get someone that hacks your ship and you die. Blah.
almost 11 years ago
@Afafbbh Gibbon: Defense Drone blocks one missile of the three. Given how much a drone system costs I'm not impressed.
almost 11 years ago
Level 2 Defense Drone lets you ignore missiles.
That said, teleporter is pretty much the only required subsystem, because you get more stuff from killing every crew member. It's only competition is from anti-personnel beams (fire + bio) but they are harder to get through shields.
almost 11 years ago
Annnnd, the obligatory no-oxygen run!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345623]@Meowth[/url]: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15508817/avatar_lanius.png here.
almost 11 years ago
God, give me a version of the Lanius on the last pannel without the speech bubble. Best avatar ever.
almost 11 years ago
If you want a bigger challenge, you should download FTL: Captain Edition. It's a combination of mods which change the entire game. A lot of new weapons, the old weapons are completely changed, a new enemy type (Stations), areas have events going on...and there is an Endless Mode.
almost 11 years ago
Reminds me of a science fiction sub-genre where aliens consider human being scary for living in what they called "extreme conditions." Also those aliens compare us with eldritch abominations.
Cley Faye
almost 11 years ago
If I could give you reddit gold for this comics and comment, I would. FTL is pretty awesome, but having only one boss seems like a huge flaw.
almost 11 years ago
@Dyzzi-Chan: :D
almost 11 years ago
Love your FTL Comic Jo, they show some truth about the game haha.
almost 11 years ago
I'll only agree on cloak. Often you have a full ship of zoltans and engies that you don't really want to send out offensively.

But yeah, i would totally love to see more different end-bosses.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345607]@LSN[/url]: I've beaten with it with 3 shields. I'm saying Teleporters and Cloak are far better than any other options to a point Ibuy it every time if I can. Drones are in no way necessary.
almost 11 years ago
The only "pretty much must have" thing is indeed cloaking.
almost 11 years ago
Jo, i strongly disagree with the requirement of full shields and them "not letting you max drones system". I've beaten boss with 3 shields and no drone system at all. And no crew teleport too. There is a very high variaty of things you could do to counter a lot of boss's things.
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!:
Teleporter is nice, but not the most important thing for the boss.

Spoiler: Hard is different and the teleport to the missile room strategy no longer works nearly so well.

Cloaking is most important, then breech bombs. Anything after that is of similar effectiveness.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345598]@tapif[/url]: Having teleport is more important than Cloaking. I can survive power surges with 4 layers of shields, but I need to destroy the missile launcher as soon as possible.
almost 11 years ago
I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.
almost 11 years ago
Wp Jo,
i am still trying to finish it on normal, but i keep doing a lot of mistakes. You can play without cloacking if your defense is strong enough, but sure,it is a sweet way to avoid power surges.