What people are saying about "Objectification"
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almost 11 years ago
Even Sarah Kerrigan in Queen of Blades form has high heels for some reason. Wouldn't Abathur have seen how unnecessary and silly that is?
almost 11 years ago
I don't get why people dislike the rocket shoes so much. I actually found them really cool.
almost 11 years ago
I hate to break it to you people who claim the high heels are pure objectification and nothing else, but they serve a purpose. In the manner these Jet Boots are being used? The long tube of the "heel" is infact very practical for the use. It's not objectification if it has purpose, which they do.
almost 11 years ago
Whats funny is that this isnt the first time Zero Suit Samus has had heels... Other M did it too.
almost 11 years ago
Don't worry, Jo. EVERYONE noticed the bigger boobs, it was part of the complaints too. The shoes were just more glaring to notice at first.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345746]@Saw[/url]: Rocket heels? Is that really the best excuse they could come up with? Samus never needed any bullshit heels, and they'd likely get her foot stuck somewhere or give her a sprained or broken ankle in the middle of some alien hellhole. They should save this kind of bullshit for Rule 34.
almost 11 years ago
The heels are problematic because, as other have said, it serves no logical purpose other than to make her look more feminine. Also, lots of apologetics coming out of the woodwork. I especially liked the one who created the loli strawman.
Nick T
almost 11 years ago
@Gretha_Unterberg I'm pretty sure there's a valid answer for her fighting in her under-suit, I just can't come up with a better answer than "To prove she doesn't need the power suit (and all the equipment involved) to kick ass, just an energy pistol and her combat experience."
almost 11 years ago
I'm sure there is a obviouse answere.
but why is she coming to a fight in her underwear instead of the combat armour she is known for?
Sounds like one of the more reasonable things to do bring along to a fight.
almost 11 years ago
And do you know WHY "they" would complain about the heels?
Because a skin-tight-suit is canon. they add the highheels because they feel the need to fiminize her further. The bigger breasts, yea, thats not objectification but sexualization for 14 year olds.
almost 11 years ago
Actually her boobs are about the same size, just more natural looking.
almost 11 years ago
Also, people noticed that the original zero suit design document said, "no high heels."

If there was a boob size statement on that document...
almost 11 years ago
The main problem with heels on Samus' Zero Suit, is that her Power Suit doesn't have heels.... and her Zero Suit is inside of the Power Siot, and heels inside of non-heels is just too blatant.

... still is rocket heels, the sheer shit eating grin I get makes everything better.
almost 11 years ago
Well, valid as possible when we're being speculative over-analytical useless whiners that are arguing about "issues" that really, really don't matter relatively when compared to anything actually sexist.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345708]@Rolan7[/url]: It's a status symbol, it makes her stand out and look important, it's aesthetically pleasing to a large audience, or she's so incredibly dexterous that the heels aren't impeding her at all and she's showing off. All valid answers.
almost 11 years ago
Engie in a combat bikini and high heels.
Anyone else want to see that?
Really I stopped playing console games when I found out how much better the graphics where on a PC. At least time I saw the last DOA and remembered Lee Fangs little black dress and matching heals from 3.
almost 11 years ago
Maybe boobjobs are just more socially acceptable than high heels...
almost 11 years ago
...but meh, it's a game. They could wear Slimes and still run around with decent traction.
almost 11 years ago
Heels are practical if you're riding a horse. That's where "manly" heels come from, and even riding heels are fairly low. But ofc over time heels became exaggurated, so if you were rich in the 16th century you wore high heels *because* you were rich, not because they were practical everyday wear....
almost 11 years ago
...and then they just made a half-baked reason for it. "They are like these rocket boots. That make her kicks hurt more and make her jump higher and shit." And ofcourse I think the biggest backslash is that to many older gamers Samus has always been the tough chick. People are just dissapointed.
almost 11 years ago
I actully don't think it is that much as objectification, but they do seem little out of place. I mean you can probably somehow reason with the zero suit as it is light as possible suit for more stealthy approach then the Samus' normal armor/power suit whatever it is. Heels just feel out of place...
almost 11 years ago
She naturally stands at 6.2 feet tall. There is no reason in hell to need high heels. And to those that say you can fight with them, you cant. You cant even run away in them if your life depended on it. If high heels were actual effective form of combat attire... even men would use them.
almost 11 years ago
But the opposite is (small to no breasts and slim build) complained about as a loli character so you can't win. I say ignore all the whiners and buy and play what you like. In the end the no one will play a bad game no matter how sexy the graphics. And really good games will be patched by users.
almost 11 years ago
Personally, I'm more interested in how the heels impact her gameplay. Then again, I usually try to concern myself with things that actually MATTER, not stupid bullshit about how a fighter in a video game wearing high heels devalues women (or whatever else the internet is arguing).
almost 11 years ago
@Jacob Hansen: Emphasis on "rocket BOOTS". Why put all the rocket equipment into a thin stylish heel which hinders running? If there were male characters running around in rocket heels too, there'd be no argument...
Heels are like the unlockable tuxedo in MGS3. Stylish non-functional alt-costume.
almost 11 years ago
Heels are a status symbol for women who don't need to walk or drive themselves. They're not demeaning (any more than foot binding), they show that the wearer is influential enough to be above manual labor.

They are utterly out of place on a warrior. Why, if not sexist pandering?
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345685]@Zade[/url]: Nobody takes Other M seriously. It depicted a veteran mercenary as suddenly fragile and helpless without the direction of a male command figure she just met. Whether or not it was sexist, it was utter character assassination.
almost 11 years ago
Jo, EVERYONE noticed she got a boob job. EVERYONE noticed the zero suit was eye candy for the guys ever since it was introduced. EVERYONE been saying Samus been objectified before the high heels were introduced.
For goodness sake, Jo shouldn't be teaching us what he is guilty of doing.
almost 11 years ago
I think Street Fighter is a pretty cool guy, eh Rose fights in heels and doesn’t afraid of anything.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345695]@TheBaron87[/url]: And they have a rocket boot function. Essentially she is kicking enemies with a miniature rocket strapped to her feet.
almost 11 years ago
Oh and nobody noticed how 'obectified' snake is?
almost 11 years ago
@Ancel De Lambert: They've shown in trailers that her footwear has an anti-gravity function. That has to require a power source, and I don't see any wires running down her body, so where does that power come from? The heels probably house the battery/generator that powers her soles.
almost 11 years ago
While I agree that mainstream modern gaming is a huge sausage fest I've also notice that even female designers have a tendency to "objectify" their female characters. From a psychological stand point this phenomenon seems to be much less about sex appeal and more about fashion trends.
Ancel De Lambert
almost 11 years ago
@Qwefg Lockheart: No-one complained because they served a function: they were impact boots that helped Chell survive insane falls. They weren't heels, they were springs.
almost 11 years ago
I really like the development of the girls has coming along, even though people voted majorly for Alek, (oddly the one that has lees screen time per se (Maybe Anne-marie, can't tell)) we have discovered a liking for Jane, Morgan, and Anne in a way. You made a really nice choice Jo.
Ancel De Lambert
almost 11 years ago
Does Nintendo seriously think their sales are down due to a lack of sex appeal? And why do they keep picking on Samus, what the hell did she do to the N-Executives? They already bought Bayoneta, she comes pre-cheesecaked, use her.
almost 11 years ago
>Paying attention to what the internet thinks

What the shit is wrong with you Jo. You might as well go ask a brick wall what it thinks of the bikini DLC they'll release.
almost 11 years ago
Jo, is there a combat bikini version of engie ? And if there isn't, do you intend to make one ?
almost 11 years ago
To be fair they gave Chell the boots which sort of looked like high heels and nobody really complained. I guess it is because they just added high heels when they didn't really have them or notice them before.
almost 11 years ago
what i really...do not get about the heels...

is in Other M, she already HAD heels


hell giving the heels function actually removes some of the objectification really :P
Flandre Scarlet
almost 11 years ago
[insert joke about pads and knifes here]
almost 11 years ago
Cause I'm still trying to figure out "how does heels work on sneak suits?" on a character whom normally destroys a planet as her answer to a problem. Also that in the past during the character designing of zero suit samus there was a memo of "no heels"
almost 11 years ago
When the heels serve a purpose, or when they're on a super-humanly dextrous character they're fine. (Bayonetta also pulls this off)

Whenever I see a fully armor clad knight with high-heeled plate boots I punch a wall.
almost 11 years ago
No, Jo, people are noticing she got a boob job too.
almost 11 years ago
"Brawl 2"?
almost 11 years ago
I noticed :O
almost 11 years ago
"Compression sports garments" do have some benefits according to research, so there might be a reason to wear a tight suit depending on what you're doing. Of course, a real one would be made for function before style, but anyway.

Heels have no purpose when fighting on your feet.
almost 11 years ago
why did people have a problem with Samus wearing heels again?
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345667]@Lushtree[/url]: Really? Haha, the more you know i guess?
almost 11 years ago
Technically, reasonably sized high-heels ARE in fact combat gear. Specifically, they were used by cavalry regiments to have a better grip on their stirrups. It was not until a few centuries ago that they became women's wear, until then they were worn exclusively by military men.
almost 11 years ago
The rocket boots thing makes me think of that Haloid crossover video from a few years back; I wonder if Nintendo saw that and thought "Hey, Zero Suit Samus SHOULD have those!"..
almost 11 years ago
@Dyzzi-Chan: It's the internet, people always complain about something. :)
almost 11 years ago
I can't wait the game to be release, want to see how well she'll perform now that she is a solo character. Oh and Jo, I'm pretty sure there would be very few complaining about engie in combat bikini. ;)