What people are saying about "Consoleitis"
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almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345892]@Zelos[/url]: Thankfully, Mario Kart 8 comes with another free game.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
So the solution to his depression is to break out a doll of a guy who is vdeathly afraid of the number 3 and invented valve time? What do you do when he's depressed over a video game's ending break out a bioware doll?
almost 11 years ago
never cared about mario and carts. what am i doing wrong?
almost 11 years ago
The Last of Us really is a great game you should play it Jo. Oh wait...
almost 11 years ago
@Nathaniel Smith: Sorry that you never owned anything after the SNES.
almost 11 years ago
I was talking about CS GO by the way, if you could do this in any other game i wouldn't care that much.
almost 11 years ago
I don't know if valve deserves that high spot anymore, i mean, look at the last update, you can put a doge in your gun, and the word "swag" with a big $ symbol.
almost 11 years ago
Ah don't sweat it man. My brother has a Wii U and all those crappy Mario games. Trust me, you're not really missing anything. I mean, it's Mario. You would get the exact same experience from just playing Super Mario World again.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345894]@RodIshiCi[/url]: Truth. A friend bought a DS at US and sent it to me as a gift, transport expenses paid. I had to fork out 130 reais (about 70 dollars) extra just for import taxes.
almost 11 years ago
Gaben doll añso talks, for example it could counts (but only up to 2).
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345897]@T[/url]: Are you unaware that he doens't have a console and can't play those games that aren't on PC or are you just a cruel person who plays with the heart and passions of others?
almost 11 years ago
I smell a Steam OS comic.
almost 11 years ago
When I buy games for friends One of the sites I use is Playasia. They have region free games and it is much cheaper than buy them here in Brazil.
almost 11 years ago
If you're going to raise funds for him, either buy thru Amazon so all duties are paid beforehand or buy from some store in Brazil. Else, he could easily pay again around US$400 just to get it out from post agency. XD
almost 11 years ago
People. As a PC and Nintendo gamer I say we raise money to fund a WII U for Jo. With Mario Kart 8 and a second game thrown in.
Pinkie Spy
almost 11 years ago
Consoleitis - inflammation of the console
Consoletitis - when your console has breasts
almost 11 years ago
Ugh... This is one of the largest reasons I'm pondering about buying a 3DS now that they're a bit cheaper... I love mah PC and all, but there will always be an extremely soft spot in my heart for Mario and co.

Besides, most people are saying MK7 is the best of the lot thus far.
almost 11 years ago
If the choice is no port, or an inferior port with awkward control schemes and shoddy or no optimization...
almost 11 years ago
We also got a new Mario Golf and Kirby a few days ago, but hand-held consoles tend to be an "as well as" for the PC Master Race.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345876]@Somebody[/url]: More accurately, Mario Kart will be coming out soon.
almost 11 years ago
What Mario game came out?
almost 11 years ago
Hey Jo! Have you already tried "The last of Us?" Is it pretty cool! I want to play some Dragon's Crown since I love classic beat'em ups
almost 11 years ago
Consoletitis: Inflammation of the console
almost 11 years ago
God bless sir Gaben.

Unless it comes to QA.

Speaking of which, you should do a comic about your opinion on Early Access.