What people are saying about "Wingwoman"
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almost 11 years ago
Sisters help sisters out
almost 11 years ago
Clever... Very clever...
almost 11 years ago
Now I cant stop hearing omniknight as a realy smooth charmer
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346396]@Demotechies[/url]: So you're one of the child-raping satanists who actually enjoy NTR? Jo, you're amazing btw.
almost 11 years ago
Necro(boss) is really good versus PA because she cant dodge his motherf*cking aura. This comic is really well made. Btw necro(boss) is my most played hero so i really apreciatte that. Well played!
almost 11 years ago
Jo, please make a sequel where old man Necroly-uhm, I mean, Necrophos got ulti-ed by Skywrath Mage.

Or a netorare chapter is fine too.
almost 11 years ago
aaand we're at 6 million.
? ?_? ?? giff new stretch goals volvo.

on a related note, its quite ironic that you picked omni and necro for this strip...
try listening to this for subtext: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/8/8b/Necr_omni_07.mp3
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346392]@Ribusprissin[/url]: Agreed,Jo is losing its touch.
almost 11 years ago
Vengeful just prevented her from getting any at all, everybody knows that white knights never get laid.

Besides, Necrophos is a hot motherfucker, just look at how much longer his beard is than Omniknights.
almost 11 years ago
Venge should have swapped with Necrophos.
almost 11 years ago
pls add utf-8 support to your notes and comments. for cases of:

Shouldda skilled blurr, coz
(? •_•) this problem couldda be
( •_•)>??-?
(??_?) evaded
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346377]@vinislentoje[/url]: Necrophos' aura/death pulse is killing Phantom Assassin. Vengeful Spirit swapped herself over to save PA and let Omniknight heal PA.
almost 11 years ago
"you're a dirty bitch, omniknight"
copy/paste the url below to hear it!
almost 11 years ago
Bastards claimed everything.

Comment section is now mine.
almost 11 years ago
It could be worse Venge, Atleast it's not pudge.
almost 11 years ago
btw Jo, how do I change my nick to nryn?
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346377]@vinislentoje[/url]: shendelzare silkwood's ulti is she can swap any hero within range. those hands in first panel is rotund'jere's. she swapped places with mortred so in the last panel shendelzare is the one who's beside rotund'jere and mortred is beside purist thunderwrath.
almost 11 years ago
I don't get it.
almost 11 years ago
@Xavier Chen: She is not poor, she even has boots!
almost 11 years ago
Poor Venge