@Jesse Kouwenhoven: I was making reference to Smite, but it makes sense that both games have similar voice command setups
over 10 years ago
@Aerion Snow: Well, when i played it I saw it used mostly as a kind of "GG" from either side. I think it is a very stupid idea by Blizzard, but considering who Hearthstone seems to be aimed to...
[url=#user_comment_346628]@r3dman[/url]: In hearthstone, I frequently both see it used and myself use it non-sarcastically.
Usually in a 'Damn, now what do I do?', or a general acknowledgement that I'd really not planned for that twice-buffed uber-minion to be turned into a sheep.
Could you make the Blue Eyes White Dragon and the Black Red Eyes Dragon from YGO into something female and esthetic. Maybe not in a comic , but on Deviantart or so.
I like your style.
over 10 years ago
It is the same thing as chat wheel commands in Dota for muted players.
> Well played!
> Well played!
I swear i have never seen one of those who wasn't sarcastic.
[url=#user_comment_346607]@Freezestar[/url]: YES! I was looking for that.
You can literally have a full conversation in Tribes Ascend with their voice commands.
[url=#user_comment_346609]@Awesomknight[/url]: To be honest, most aren't really offended by such BM. I don't see how indirect sarcasm is really hurtful, nor do I think that using Threaten when you win is bad sportsmanship. Do you think that using Threaten is a way of bragging? This game doesn't make me pissed at any players at all
oh gosh
over 10 years ago
Whenever I'm playing Rogue and I'm about to lose, I concede and use the "Greetings" emote.
They really need to remove the "Sorry" and "Threaten" emotes. Using Threaten when you win is poor sportsmanship, and when you lose it's just sad. And "Sorry" is used sarcastically 99% of the time. The only solution is to squelch every opponent from the very start, and that shouldn't be necessary.
And whether a Well Played is perceived as "that was a close game and I got a lucky draw at the end" or "neener neener neener" is an exercise left to the recipient and magnified by mood.