What people are saying about "Transistor"
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almost 11 years ago
When you start playing Transistor, you will want to finish it ASAP. You just want to know what will happen next. But you must resist it. Gather informations about all characters, do challenges in sandbox, stand for a while to listen soundtracks and let this Process absorb you completely.

almost 11 years ago
is it wrong, that I actually like the middle picture
almost 11 years ago
Finished the game last night. It's great! Buy it, you wont regret it.
almost 11 years ago
When you speak I hear silence.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346573]@Zacharial[/url]: Load(Jaunt()) creates self-detonating mines. Add Breach() and you can drop them in a large radius.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346570]@vonBoomslang[/url]: Spawn mines all over, detonate them from afar. I like it, except that you don't get health back, and it seems more viable in Turn() I usually mix [Ping()Load()Tap()] with [Void()Crash()Get()], and [Spark()Spark()Bounce()] for added insult to injury.
almost 11 years ago
Transistor is a pretty cool guy and she doesn't afraid of anything.
Polite Gentleman
almost 11 years ago
Onde eu deixei o bendito Transistor?
almost 11 years ago
I'm fonder of Load(Breach(), Jaunt()) and later Tap(Breach(), Load())
almost 11 years ago
Also, Ping + Load + Tap = OP
almost 11 years ago
Grab the game, Jo. You'll be glad you did.
And avoid those damn spoilers. One should experience the full blast of the storyline.
almost 11 years ago
Bought it, finished it, had a great time. The combinatorial explosion of the skills system is a thing of beauty.
almost 11 years ago
Also its not meant to be bastion. it is its own game. stop drawing parallel references to the systems.
almost 11 years ago
i have a 150 game long backlog and iam i nthe same position. iam very tempted to get transistor and i dont know how i've been holding off.
almost 11 years ago
Jen Zee, the art director for Supergiant Games, has a Deviantart page here http://jenzee.deviantart.com/
almost 11 years ago
game is short, pretentious and not very balanced (seriously i enabled ALL HANDICAPS in newgame plus and i can easily wipe out enemies in seconds with AOE combos) it has a nice sountrack tho, and an interesting battle system....but IMO, Bastion was leagues better than transistor
almost 11 years ago
He could say "on one tentacle X, on the other tentacle Y, on the other tentacle Z, on the other tentacle W...
almost 11 years ago
Don't know if you'll consider this worth changing, Jo, but most English-speaking people say "On the other hand" instead of "On the other side". Of course, not having hands I can see why that expression may not make sense to you. ;)

("On the other tentacle" would work pretty well, I think.)
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
The game also has a "hum along with the soundtrack" button, which is the best dedicated fluff-only button since "hug Blob."
almost 11 years ago
I miss Engie-tan D:
almost 11 years ago
The game is good and you should feel good, Jo.
Kinda short, but well worth your money.