Oh, hey, Morgan... today's update has a little something for you.
"Reverted the recent stickybomb damage ramp up change. We will continue to evaluate the use of stickybomb air detonations and potential changes to that mechanic."
I finished a game with Demo in Dust Bowl earlier, and I was surprised that I got a lot of kills with stickies. I just shot a bunch of them on the ground at a choke point in plain sight and waited-the BLU players kept stupidly running over or near them and got blown up.
[url=#user_comment_347696]@Xeranar[/url]: It also means that they don't have to suffer as much self-inflicted damage when doing sticky jumps, as long as they do it before the damage ramp-up finishes.
[url=#user_comment_347677]@yiran[/url]: Maybe they nerfed the Axtinguisher to facilitate more usage of the Reserve Shooter as well. After knocking an enemy airborne with an air blast, you can use the Reserve Shooter to finish them off while they're on fire.
I mainly play A/D & Payload, the loss of the sticky is no big deal. Too often it was simply a general area attack for those who got too close, Demos are meant to be a mixed bag of Offense and Defense, finally nerfing the air sticky shot means demos need to get better with their launcher of choice.
over 10 years ago
The more TF2 you do, the more I die a little inside with the absence of a certain redhead engineer (not naming names)...
over 10 years ago
on the contrary game is now alive to me. redownloaded after I saw this comic.
[url=#user_comment_347687]@jnallen[/url]: That's actually what they did, only with less time, 2 seconds.
@yiran[/url]: The Axtinguisher nerfd was necessary, that damn thing is a close-range insta-kill. Then people started using macros, mouse 1 ~ mouse 2 ~ melee wep ~ mouse 1. It was even faster. In pubs that was plain broken.
over 10 years ago
Hey Jo.. Just so you know, this was the backdrop for KritzKast while we talked about Demonerf. <3
over 10 years ago
hoovy got nerfed too...
over 10 years ago
Why don't they just make them less damaging right after they're placed, then ramp up to regular damage range after being in that spot for a small amount of time, say 4 seconds or so?
[url=#user_comment_347685]@2033[/url]: technically it doesn't. It has damage ramp-up that only lasts two seconds, so it's actually good for Trappers.
over 10 years ago
I don't really understand this, all they needed to do was reduce damage on airborne stickys, but this will seriously hurt trapperdemomen.
Then again, I havent touched TF2 in well over two years because I only got crap drops and shit was going down the drain for me anyway.
over 10 years ago
Demoknight with lochnload still rocks.
over 10 years ago
I've been a strong supporter of nerfing the Demo for a long time. It was obvious that he completely outclassed the Soldier at higher levels. That being said, this is ridiculous. The crowd control class can no longer do crowd control, & vanilla is now a straight downgrade to the formerly useless SR.
over 10 years ago
My weapon that 2-4 shots people got nerfed in that i have to wait 2 seconds for them to acheive max damage how sad that a weapon used for trapping got balanced so it leans towards that style in the way it was meant to be used.
over 10 years ago
I don't get why they needed to nerf Pyro. He was already one of the weakest players in both casual games AND pro games.
And Soldier/Scout, the best classes other than Medic and Demoman weren't touched. Idk.
I don't see why cutting off a noob's tactic is bad. For all you whiny demos, press "1" to close range encounters, you know, like you SHOULD. Also, Axtinguisher nerf FINALLY. Two stupid scrub resorts have been shot down. GABEN BE PRAISED!
Mister Jay
over 10 years ago
Hey morgan you can always play the xbox 360 orang box edition. There's no nerfs, or hats, or special weapons, or mann vs machine, or sandvich, or invisibility for spies, or... anything really.
Sticky spam is now finally dead, though i feel there should be an overall damage boost in order to accomodate for this nerf and thus reward actual traps
over 10 years ago
"Oh no! Stickies are nerfed, now I have to teach myself how to aim with grenade launcher!"
-That's how I see people complaining about this nerf, for me it's great change, sticky spam is most anyoing thing in game.
Seriously. If you're in an open fight, use your damn grenade launcher. It's what it's for.
over 10 years ago
About time.
over 10 years ago
Stickies are already so nerfed as to make Demoknight the only worthwhile build on anything but Payload defense. And even then, you need Scottish Resistance so you can place a shitton of the fuckers.
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