[url=#user_comment_350149]@Frost[/url] I see you're taking the Reddit approach of 'use words you don't understand the meaning of to diminish your opponents arguments without addressing their points'.
[url=#user_comment_350099]@Geary[/url]: Looks like Geary is misogynistic against strong womyn who don't need no man. Check your privilege, you fedorable literal rapist.
[url=#user_comment_350036]@AckAckAck[/url] Yes because Samus is a very real person who can make her own decisions and isn't entirely subject to the whim of (overwhelmingly) male developers and producers who feel the need to sexualize her at every opportunity.
[url=#user_comment_350034]@anothga[/url]: Exactly, I worded my message a bit bad. I meant to say no sequel to Fusion has been made (which is correct) only Other M (but I neglected to say it was/would be between Super and Fusion).
[url=#user_comment_350034]@anothga[/url] is right, Other M takes place between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion IIRC.
But yeah a Fusion-themed Samus costume would be awesome. That would be for regular Samus, not Zero Suit though, so it may still happen.
[url=#user_comment_350027]@JackTheManiac[/url]: I thought the reason Samus in Other M doesn't look the way she started looking in Fusion is the fact that Other M takes place earlier in timeline, not because it's canon or not canon. Am I missing something here?
Face it, while the heels on the suit make absolutely no sense for the character, you're secretly out there with visions of walking into a room to a sight to which the only thing you can utter is "Why Ms. Aran, are you trying to seduce me...?"
(cont'd) That buffer(aka Zero Suit) needs to be snug as well, otherwise it could bunch up causing discomfort, even run the risk of getting caught in pinch points in the armor. Quite simply, the Zero Suit HAS to be skin tight because only an idiot would wear jeans/tshirt under a suit of powered armor
I don't care much for the "the zero suit i super sexual!" complaint. Her armor is a machine, a machine with moving parts. To wear a machine, she'd need a buffer, something to absorb the impacts and motions of a machine that cannot move perfectly with flexible, mobile flesh. (to be cont'd)
[url=#user_comment_350020]@LockeZ[/url]: Only her suit's appearance changed. Her's didn't. Her cellular makeup was slightly altered, but fixed at the end of the game.
Basically, they removed the metallic exterior, leaving only the middle layer, which was then fused with Metroid Matter, and the Zero Suit underneath.
[url=#user_comment_350020]@LockeZ[/url]: That was Metroid 4 - Metroid Fusion, and as of today no sequel has been made, only the garbage Other M which most people refuse to consider canon.
Also your understanding of the fusion suit is flawed.
[url=#user_comment_350020]@LockeZ[/url]: http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Suit#Features
For the suit... The Power suit has three layers. Zero Suit, middle layer that links to her nervous system, and metallic exterior, the actual armor.
They stripped off the exterior, and the blue part is Metroid stuff.
[url=#user_comment_350020]@LockeZ[/url]: Other M... is garbage. Sadly, canon garbage. The "maintain the power suit by own willpower" is shit.
The fusion suit... she wasn't turned into a mutant. Her cellular makeup was altered, though, but she was still human. By the end of it, she was restored to a full human.
Remember the time Samus got infected with a deadly virus and only survived by transforming into a half-human, half-metroid mutant hybrid with blue and red pulsing skin? And was permanently stuck that way from then on?
[url=#user_comment_350016]@Geary[/url]: Point 2 is ridiculous. Are you saying that female need to wear a nun outfit just to satisfy you? Female want to feel sexy sometimes. Or you also hate yoga pants when a lot of women wear that daily.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349993]@Ace1h[/url]: How is it problematic? Samus is a sexy woman, and the apparel does look like an MMA fighter's suit. Or what, should sexy women only appear in porn now?
Suit is cannon and it looks allright, but it still has the "combat heels". Like, a few thousands of people gave them feedback saying "the combat heels are bs" so they fixed it by making a new costume with combat heels, but this time they said they have a female designer in the team.
I never understood the problem with Samus being feminine. She's still badass, she can still blast Ridely out of the sky any day of the week... what's wrong with her acknowledging she's a woman and likes to look pretty sometimes?
Haha, well done Joe. I still care about the problem, but this made me laugh and feel better.
Would almost explain Other M...
over 10 years ago
I also agree that this suit is ok
- Suit isn't new, it's from the Zero Mission good ending. I believe Fusion had a similar ending but with a light blue suit.
- Suit is less sexualized than the Zero Suit (which was always just light blue paint on a naked body, Cortana style.
[url=#user_comment_349989]@MangoMaster4[/url]: Well look at that, we found one that can't beat Metroid good. Also SJW much? Nintendo is aiming for everyone. Like when they added Solid Snake for the same reason.
over 10 years ago
Swap than for then.
over 10 years ago
First of all, these costumes were shown if you'd beaten the game good. They really were in the games themselves. Secondly, these exact costumes look like sports shorts and top, and most women i spoke to think that this is less sexualised than the zero suit.
The fun thing about this entire charade is that the people getting angry are, for the most part, unaware that the costumes existed in things like the GBA games. You only saw them if you got 100% within a set time, meaning they didn't git gud.
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