What people are saying about "Duel"
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about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351536]@Ajedi32[/url]: Yeah, now we're stuck with farm-fest matches with little to no strategy and teamwork. Yay! TI final was kinda boring, but it was VG's damn fault they played like pub noobs. I mean it, I've met common players who could've put up more of a fight. In this case blame the player not the game
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351536]@Ajedi32[/url]: Yeah, now we're stuck with farm-fest matches with little to no strategy and teamwork. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLTZctTG6cE TI's final was kinda boring, but it was VG's damn fault they played like pub noobs. I mean it, I've met common players who could've put up more of a fight.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351536]@Ajedi32[/url]: Now we're stuck with boring farm matches, with little to no strategy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLTZctTG6cE The deathball final was boring, but it was VG's damn fault they played like pub noobs. I mean it, there are pub players who could've put more of a fight.
about 10 years ago
@Xavier Chen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDpipB4yehk#t=71
C'mon people, I haven't even watched it ('cuz it's very inferior to the book as i've heard) and I knew about the reference.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351536]@Ajedi32[/url]: The problem with the current patch is that the victor will mostly be decided by a single teamfight 50 minutes in instead of 20, regardless of who held the advantage in any of the previous moments.
about 10 years ago
Personally I'm glad they nerfed the Deathball push strat. I'd much rather have longer games whose victors are determined by many teamfights and small victories than a single engagement that happened less than 20 minutes in.
about 10 years ago
How can you not know about the scene of the shining?
Have a look at this: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/heres-johnny
about 10 years ago
It's funny cause it's a shining reference.

Seriously, what am I supposed to laugh at?
about 10 years ago
That Deathball meta sounds like some crap balance.
about 10 years ago
The Shining reference you guys
about 10 years ago
@Jean-Sébastien Leclerc Demers: You and me both. I get that Crystal Maiden is weak (and I only know that's who blue cloak girl is because of the comments) and I assume Legion Commander is the other one. The duel thing and her breaking through the wall makes no sense at all to me however.
about 10 years ago
I don't get it
about 10 years ago
@What The Hell: Nah it not going to be like that it all about ganking and teamfights If you play it safe and farm and mess up that worse then just lots and lots of fighting since if you fight a lot you won't get such a huge lead and feed a crap ton of gold.
about 10 years ago
@The J Man: Well LC can buy Crit now since it does not get turned off same for Butterfly not that you would buy that on her.
about 10 years ago
I laughed. You could've drawn Legion in her Arcana though.
about 10 years ago
Will this end with Rylai escaping while Tresdin freezes to death in the jungle?
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351471]@GK[/url] Her, you mean?
about 10 years ago
you should've kept his eyes fully open and had his pupils almost completely stuck to the right (from our perspective), similar to in the film
about 10 years ago
God damn it, Rylai not Tulsi.

Stupid auto correct.
about 10 years ago
I can see why he chose tulsi, it seems LC nerf to her duel really made her crap since passives are now allowed in duel. Sad times for LC players and it seems she can only target squishy supports. The funny thing about that is support heroes are not ideal choices anymore with the new death system.
about 10 years ago
Welcome back to chinese dota! ~50 minutes of farming because fighting is too punishing.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351459]@r3dman[/url]: Boring? It was fast paced and full of exploding heroes. Its certainly not any more boring than a drawn out farm fest.
about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago
Well, i think splitpushing must have its place in the game, and the 5man deathball 20min games were boring as hell to watch.
about 10 years ago
The great thing about Dota is that it's constantly evolving. Don't like this meta? Just wait a while for the next patch!