What people are saying about "Side Job"
Side Job
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over 10 years ago
Okay, I don't get this, but not for the same reason everyone else didn't get this. I recognized it as a Gauntlet reference quickly, I just don't get where they're either side-jobbing into or from.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351515]@Voidheartd[/url]: about that, my Ghostery blocked 17 tracking bugs (6 are related to publicity) and FlashBlock blocked 11 (!) Flash objects (3 were VISIBLE publicity). And that's terrible.
over 10 years ago
Actually they had names in the original. But hardly anyone bothered to watch the attract mode.
over 10 years ago
In addition, I'd say the game is worth a try, if you enjoyed the original or enjoy co-op monster-killing dungeon crawlers. The game is fine enough solo, but a bloody blast with friends, especially with four people playing. I'd recommend it.
over 10 years ago
Ironically, the four characters from Gauntlet really DO have names this time. Warrior is Thor, Wizard is Merlin, Valkyrie is Thyra, and Elf is Questor. So I think calling him "wizard" might be more of a giveaway...
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351515]@Voidheartd[/url]: Got to agree with you there. I've kept NN whitelisted because it's a way to support Joe, but I generally keep a browser tab with NN open and just refresh it once a day, so having a constantly running flash ad in the background is just a waste.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351521]@A5PECT[/url]: It's not like legends/dark legacy if that's what you're asking. It's like the original gauntlet from a number of decades ago.
over 10 years ago
Nvm, just saw steam updates and saw Gauntlet cover art. It's Gauntlet allright.
over 10 years ago
Have you played the new Gauntlet yet, Jo?

I played the Nintendo 64 versions to death back in the day, and I'm interested in picking the new one up. But I have yet to hear any feedback on it from my usual sources.
over 10 years ago
This is Axe and Invoker in the new Gauntlet game for those wondering.
over 10 years ago
Really not a fan of these continuously playing video ads on your site. I'm not sure if this is a new thing, but I'm not going to keep the site whitelisted in adblock if these are going to be a regular occurrence.
over 10 years ago
I'd say Dragon's Crown, but DC doesn't have that warrior with a spear.
over 10 years ago
This looks like a good D&D party, although they missing cleric...
Serial Killer Seniors
over 10 years ago