[url=#user_comment_351784]@Shade[/url]: Have you considered using a spreadsheet? Excel's programming is complex enough to make games with and you can figure out how to emulate the functions that you need your other program for.
Oh god! I love tower defense but I hate the ones that sort of force you to crunch numbers. Maybe this is why I love games like Orcs Must Die and Dungeon Defenders :)
lolis r the best
over 10 years ago
Hi Jo, please post more flat girls with glasses.
over 10 years ago
Defense Grid 2 (and most good tower defense games) are fundamentally puzzle games. Solving puzzles is fun for lots of people. I'm one of them, though I haven't had time for Defense Grid 2 yet.
over 10 years ago
I have 6 industry characters in EVE Online. My usual calculation software is broken, so I'm having to do everything manually.
I spent 5 hours going through markets, costs, profits, construction times and fuel costs yesterday.
This reminds me when I played OpenTTD. Trying to build an efficient railroad, build atop an outdated railroad system. Also, managing signals to maximize the number of trains in the same rail. Also using the same rail for many different routes.
[url=#user_comment_351759]@Max[/url]: A bit, yes. Think of her as the xbox kid of the comic.
over 10 years ago
I do it! I totally do it!
Maybe not the numbers part ('cus numbers are bad), but I can see me on this one as playing Kingdom Rush!
over 10 years ago
Humans are problem-solving machines, and it's satisfying to do so!
over 10 years ago
Is it intentional that Jane is literally the cancer of gaming?
over 10 years ago
This is what I do whenever I play a city builder like Anno.
It's funny, I like min-maxing but I hate math.
over 10 years ago
I do believe this comic refers to mission 12 "Incursion" in Defence Grid 2. I too kept loosing a core on wave 10 and that was just not acceptable.. I must have tried that mission 7+ times tweaking tower placements and upgrades just to beat wave 10. It was a lot of work but it was worth it in the end
Well I'm not like this with Tower Defence games (not a genre I'm a fan of), I've got papers spread all over the place for modded minecraft stuff. Sometimes the problem solving really is the best part.
This is me and my fiancèe perfectly. When I'm playing Civilization I'm in deep thought about how to proceed, and she's looking at me like "that is not the face of someone having fun."
I was trying to play this game on Competitive Hard without losing cores ... but after about the 7th level I just kept running into walls. Finished the game on Competitive Normal.
I think they should have allowed tower items on competitive hard and orbital as well on competitive elite.
Violence Jack
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351732]@Verteros[/url]: Yep, it looks like Defense Grid... I discovered that game a while ago, and I'm having a blast with it... It's amazing that such a simple game can be so much fun. Games like Battlezone, Defense Grid, Sanctum, Orcs Must Die, etc, are simple, yet amazing. Reminds me of the good old 90s :P
Yeah, I know this!
<Playing a turn-based game>
Me: Hmm, this enemy is weak for dark magic, but I wear an item that buffs my ice skills... Should I attack it now, or may be buff myself, or...blah-blah-blah...
People look at me this way when I play Wartune, but through research, study, and min-maxing, I've done things they haven't. Things they could only dream of being strong enough to do.
Get on my level. Then give me your credit card, I want to upgrade my sylph(pet) to legend.
over 10 years ago
lulz! y so srs. I has wife n kids! No lifer bunch!
Oh wait I'm a gamer I don't have wife and kids. Min-maxing for the win!
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