Jo, I'm sorry to bring up Engie again, but would it be possible to tell us how close her game is to being done? Because we are getting close to year since she left, and I guess she will only return to the strip full-time after the game is finished. Do you think it'll be 3 months? 6? More?
over 10 years ago
Between the hearthstone strips and this, Jane's fast becoming a character I really don't like. Reminds me of why I can't stand playing games against most people I run into.
Wait... Are they really doing this? I thought the previous comic was a single, one-timer since you "technically" can't win in DEFCON even if you "win".
I think the joke worked better that way... but it's your call Jo, so carry on.
Hm... As far as i see it, Morgan won´t have to be first, she just has to be better ranked than Jane. After all it was a bet to determine which is better, Morgan´s strategy or Jane´s multiplayer power. Morgan has to focus on Jane as well. With her better strategy, she will probably overrun Jane.
One small problem with this plan. Skill. It's like three bronze league star craft players vs a top tier one. The top tier will micro manage faster than you can react and by the time you built your first siege tank he shall have his protoss death ball ready to kill you and everyone else.
I already see the fatal flaw of Janes plan: Other two players will be Anne and Alek instead of two complete strangers. I dunno about Anne, but Alek as a Russian should have strong sence of justice, so if she will think Jane is bullying Morgan she will interfere.
[url=#user_comment_351938]@Bindal[/url]: She didn't take the other playersinto account.
The plan relies on "miss too dumb to fool" and "the explotive attention whore" to play rational......good luck with that.
over 10 years ago
Knowing Jane, that plan will backfire spectacularly.
over 10 years ago
Looks like the wording on the last comic was fixed but didn't update for me before I posted. Now it reads in Jane's favor.
over 10 years ago
I'm waiting for after the match when it is pointed out to her that the wording of the bet makes it so Morgan wins the prize no matter who wins the game. She didn't pay enough attention to what she was saying when she made the trick bet.
over 10 years ago
Jane is the best. And she has been even more crazy adorable lately.
I hope she knows that no one on the planet is going to be ok when you tie a bet but try and point that how you worded the bet means you win. Most people will either void the bet or punch you in the mouth :l
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