It is strange to think how much things have changed in WoW. Remember when everyone had to carry flint and tinder so they could use cooking :P
King of Souls
over 10 years ago
Back in my day, we had to go up the h- never mind.
Seriously though, World of Snorecraft really has gone full casual with things such as buying your way to 90.
[url=#user_comment_352658]@Geary[/url]: Holy mother of baseless assumptions and strawman arguments, and it still completely missed the point on the actual problem here, good job man.
Also Tk, there's nothing smart about brewing your own poisons? Planning ahead, preparation and overall grasp of mechanics, that's gone now.
[url=#user_comment_352655]@SoooWhoCares[/url]: Isn't that why they're letting people just straight up skip leveling, and why Refer a Friend gives you +300% XP?
over 10 years ago
My mind was blown earlier this year when a friend told me you can use TMs in pokemon as many times as you want now.
MoP Wow trashed everything: Extreme item level caused rapidly irrelevant content; PVE: leveling = boring; endgame = repetetive; PVP = bots + item level for the win. The community is shitty / toxic and no one tries to play good anymore as mediocre serves well enough. Peak's long over.
And I'm just here, playing GW and GW2, with only 8/5 abilities to choose from a large pool.
I tried WoW, when TBC was the only extension. It was fun, in the beginning, until I realised that I needed up to 5 spells for everything ... and just had to spam them in a specific order, no matter who ....
[url=#user_comment_352646]@Censuur[/url]: Then play a Death Knight instead of a Marksman Ranger. Problem solved. The later a class was introduced, the more complex it is. Don't blame Blizzard that you're intentionally choosing simple classes.
Not that there aren't good games nowadays, but these devs that take the "simplified mechanics" thing in their games is... Ugh. Some gamers can still think y'know.
Oh shit, I've never played WoW before, I should be complaining not commenting, dammit! Sorry ppl I forgot
Pfftt"dumbing down". there was nothing smart about brewing your own poisons.
iam sure the raids of vanilla were great with their 40 mans. i was there. auto-shot hunters, simplistic mechanics compared to todays bosses (or by any standard) and the vast majority of difficulty being herding raidiots
[url=#user_comment_352639]@Geary[/url]: Oh no, I totally prefer *push 3 button sequence to win* over having a lot of options and flavor, my brain gets so tired processing anything more complicated than that...
Ability bloat... you've got to be joking...
It was elements like that that made these games interesting. Now its all aimed at the casuals, dumbing it down more and more. Games like WoW are so mind numbingly boring.
...yeah that's enough, though there's always MORE ("Green is the new Purple").
So I like the reduction of unnecessary complexity and redundancy. WoW's lost a lot of things it could truly survive without. When it finally jettisons the RNG loot endgame it'll be where it should have been a decade ago.
...healers having to track which Spell Level they used, Healer Mods that basically let them /follow through a raid, MC/BWL as endgame, leveling in The Barrens, Ork Racials (+pet damage! contain your orgasms), War Stomp, Paladins whining "I can tank without a taunt!", Windfury being broken/OP...
Vanilla WoW WAS gawdawful!
Talent points on +%'s of Parry, no respec'ing, crap like specific weapon spec (which I liked thematically but was wretched mechanically), trees like Survival & Subtlety being utterly useless, 6-hour raids, 40-person SIX HOUR RAIDS, DKP, no Master Looter, Nnja Looting...
I stopped playing around the time WotLK ended + few free weekends for Cataclysm. I can honestly say, having played since Beta, most changes are good because some of that shit was stupid and considered backwards ass today. Some changes aren't good, but most are. Anne-Marie is bunny girl everywhere <3
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352630]@Geary[/url]: Won't hear it from me. My character was a Paladin aka the only class that got progressively WORSE as Vanilla progressed because the devs couldn't work around 12 seconds of invulnerability.
Hunters don't have hunter's mark anymore, druids only have feral abilities in feral spec and they removed just about every flavor spell from the game.
GG Blizzard, homogenized garbage, 0/10 got a refund request out two hours in.
over 10 years ago
I don't even cast Windfury or Flametongue on my Shaman anymore. All our weapon buffs are built in.
over 10 years ago
Back in my day, every one was bitching over that class/army/race was too over and that certain class/army/race (casually, the one that they had) needed buffing; and reminiscing aobut that patch/edition/expansion(-less) was awesome. Now it's... It's...