Good luck with putting your game that nobody has ever heard of in a store consisting almost exclusively of abandonware, wkz. You're more than welcome to develop exclusively for FreeBSD, sell games exclusively through GoG and live off food stamps, bud.
Chilling Farts
over 10 years ago
I know how that feel. Cyka 2 could turn you a psycho.
[url=#user_comment_352776]@Jigglyboo[/url]: Yeah! We just want to whine about a service we don't like because its big, and popular and stuff! Therefore we need to say its the ONLY online shop out there there is!
I'm continually amazed that these things keep coming out on Twitter.
Twitter's worse then a _priest_ for keeping a secret, because everyone can find it.
It's unreal.
It's like combining Tourettes with Sky Writing.
over 10 years ago
Both. 1. Twitter is a public space, stop using it for tantrums. Want to complain about Newell? Call/message/email/meet a friend. 2. Steam is essentially a monopoly now. If you're not EA, famous or on Steam, you're really quite screwed. Like Google it is now the judge, the jury and the executioner.
over 10 years ago
His last twitter post from that article mention that he will stop making videogames now.
Good,toxic game communities are bad enough,we dont need toxic game developers too.
over 10 years ago
The thing is you don't bitch about the biggest PC digital distribution monopoly, be it legit or not.
[url=#user_comment_352664]@Arny86[/url]: I'd say the line is drawn whenever the company is big enough to remove that single dickhole employee on it's own. Infinity Ward, for example, would have that guy packing his bags and leaving the Company before Gabe even knew his life was in danger (if he didn't have Spider Senses).
[url=#user_comment_352712]@AckAckAck[/url]: Indeed. In fact, merely being rude is enough to cut ties where I work. Death threats are enough to press charges over.
I've been a paid assassin for 25 years now and this is fucking dumb, real death threats aren't made in public you know, this is just a shame for all fellow assassins out there.
*looks* Well, so far two people have needed more space than is available in a single comment to say what they wanted, so I will make a thread for discussing this at greater length in the Steam group:
[url=#user_comment_352707]@Khaz[/url]: Yes, he doesn't give a fuck to devs, this is why Iridium Studios ported his previously XBLA exclusive to Steam and then posted how he'd rather Steam from now on.
This is why Trendy only lauched patches and DLCs to Steam because both PSN and XBL had hefty taxes and were unfriendly to indies.
[url=#user_comment_352707]@Khaz[/url]: He also doesn't give a fuck to us customers, maybe this is why his service recovered my hacked account in two days, the price is the better on literally any other market, his games' service improves constantly with new features and doesn't make DLCs to its games. SO EVIL!
I side with Valve for this. If the dev politely ask them to change the status via email or tweet it will be resolved nicely. But Threatening and spouting angry tweets? I'm a businessman and I will also refuse to work together with asshole business partners.
[url=#user_comment_352707]@Khaz[/url]: Yes, he doesn't give a fuck to devs, this is why Iridium Studios ported his previously XBLA exclusive to Steam and then posted how he'd rather Steam from now on.
This is why Trendy only lauched patches and DLCs to Steam because both PSN and XBL had hefty taxes and were unfriendly to indies.
@? Platypus : you left out the phase where rape threats became prominent. But it's easy to forget since it seems to have become common vocabulary on the internet.
So I guess my post raped yours! Sue me for it, death threats not allowed!
Finding it hard to blame the guy. With Steam steadily becoming an evil megacorporation, I can't believe this is only the first time someone's threatened to kill Gabe. He's like the fucking Al Capone of videogames now. He doesn't give a fuck about either the developers OR the consumers anymore.
I honestly can't believe he was stupid enough to do that. He got his game taken down off Steam and was blacklisted, but they could press charges for this if they wanted to. They have proof that he threatened one of their employees after all.
over 10 years ago
From what I've read, the game was put as early access by accident, and that got corrected 2 hours later, so basically if he had waited, the problem would have solved itself.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352680]@Von[/url]: Thats pretty shortsighted, or do you really think its beneficial for the customers when devs can get special treatment just by threatening Valve?
King of Souls
over 10 years ago
People claiming Valve overreacted, like Jo said: Even if the threat was empty, what kind of precedent does this set for other developers who get frustrated?
Act like a child, get treated like one.
If this is your main source of income, perhaps contemplate your actions somewhat more thoroughly.
Back in my day when people got mad at each other on the internet it wasn't a problem, because everyone was using a fake name anyway and it was on forums where nobody cares enough to figure out who you really are. Anonymity is important! Especially if you're going to get mad.
valve did the right thing and he should have send a mail. Mistakes happens, procedures and delays happens pending on how much moneys, how big you are and connections.
Why go on an insane tirade and then a threat on a public social media. Don't try to devour the hand that can help you
[url=#user_comment_352689]@Musculus[/url]: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I saw it on Desura. Besides, it might still be available for download to those who already bought it.
[url=#user_comment_352664]@Arny86[/url]: To quote from Suburban Commando, "what are you nuts? This is the 90s. We're going to sue you." Oh wait, this is '10s were apparently death threats are somehow an acceptable reaction to EVERYTHING.
[url=#user_comment_352686]@Type99[/url]: The game isn't out of the internet, it's still available, but not on Steam. Now the dev probably won't give a discount to Steam-owners because he's a fuckhead, but it's still here for $10. Maybe Valve will do a refund (they'll certainly do it if they receive hundreds of emails for that).
To be honest, Steam fucked up here. But this dev really overreacted. He could have sent them an e-mail, and they would fix it. I can understand that it was probably frustrating to push game on Steam, and then see it wrongly labeled as Early Access, but you got to know your limits.
Just saying, people were waiting for that game and now it's kinda gone. I don't care if the developers wished death on Gabe or some crap, I'd like to play that game. For being a gaming platform Steam really was dumb. "Shall we simply sue him"? "Nah... let's remove the game". Genious.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352680]@Von[/url]: This was not an overreaction by any means. A major developer of the game publicly made a death threat. That by itself is asking to get fired from any company you would work for, and ruin any deals with companies that care about who they associate with.
[url=#user_comment_352680]@Von[/url]: There is a line, the guy crossed it, and there were consequences.
Nothing in that equation is faulty.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352680]@Von[/url], If I understand correctly, you can still buy the game, just not through Steam. This is not an overreaction by any means. A major developer of the game gave a death threat to an employee of Steam. At the very least, it shows extremely poor professionalism. A good reason for Steam to not sell it
over 10 years ago
Valve overreacted, I disapprove. The guy may be an idiot, but it's their customers they are punishing too. Not to mention the difficulties he had while trying to get into steam store, so there is kinda reason he holds a grudge, right?
Also comment length is stupid. I feel like I'm posting a twee
over 10 years ago
I guess it's just surprising that the guy was able to hire employees, create a finished product, and yet not have the common sense to not nuke his future with this PR nightmare.
"Even if the threat is empty, is that the kind of person you want to make business with?" There you have it, now the discussion can end because it's absolutely mundane.
Definitely his fault, the rest of his tweets and past issues demonstrate how unprofessional he was. When you are working with your business partner, you don't publicly talk shit about them.
Taikei no Yuurei
over 10 years ago
Now that he has sold his half of the company to his co-developer, I hope Steam will consider putting them back on. It looks like a fun game (not quite my kind though), and it sucks for the other 4-5 people in the company to lose out on their main source of possible income for the game.
Taikei no Yuurei
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352664]@Arny86[/url] Keep in mind this would be the equivalent of the CEO of Infinity Ward issuing a death threat to Gabe. Or, like... I don't know, Bill Gates from Microsoft. Would that get CoD or all MS games removed from steam? Possibly, though lawyers would get involved.
[url=#user_comment_352664]@Arny86[/url]: Argh, first post didn't stick.
There is no situation whatsoever in which a death threat is an appropriate response. At all. Full stop. That he was pissed, and even that he had good reason to be pissed, is not a mitigating factor here. He's lucky Gabe didn't press charges.
[url=#user_comment_352664]@Arny86[/url]: As for his employees... yeah, it's unfortunate that they had the poor luck to be hired by an irresponsible shitstain that would ruin their hard work.
[url=#user_comment_352664]@Arny86[/url]: A mistake was made, but what he did was Not Okay. There's no qualifier, no excuse, no possible mitigating circumstance. He's lucky that Gabe just yanked the game and closed his account instead of press charges backed with enough high-end lawyers to make the charges stick.
After the game got removed, he said "I'm done making video games." (Reminds me of certain other indie developer who got butthurt.) I thought, "You raged over a simple mistake and then issued a death threat to the president of the company that's publishing your game. What the fuck did you expect?"
over 10 years ago
He was pissed. He had a bit of a right to be, with his game having been freshly off early access. It was his game's release, and at a big sale time too. It should've been the culmination of a lot of time and effort. But a mistake was made that was botching his release, fucking up his livelihood.
over 10 years ago
Like, I can't help but feeling a curiosity of where the line gets crossed that a game is big enough that a single developer's horrible ranting won't fuck up the whole studio.
I mean, an employee of, say, Infinity Ward wouldn't have Call of Duty removed. It's simply too big.
over 10 years ago
A little overboard? Did you read his tweets? It went way beyond childish ranting.
over 10 years ago
Here's my issue with the whole thing: He wasn't the sole developer of that game. The team that made it wasn't very large, but Valve sure didn't seem to feel bad screwing up the livelihood of everybody affiliated with that game just because one of the devs went a little overboard ranting on Twitter.
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