What people are saying about "Date 2"
Date 2
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over 10 years ago
Zone-Tan is really starting quickly, disguise stripped off already by the third panel.
over 10 years ago
... Why are the last few strips' file names not the same as their page numbers? (e.g. This is page 1414, but it's file name when I save it to my archive for posterity purposes is 2277.)
over 10 years ago
Why would anyone PAY for porn???
over 10 years ago
Not going to lie, I misread the title as 'Dota 2' and felt lied to when I noticed it was not related to Dota
over 10 years ago
Puppey leaving might have something to do with it.
over 10 years ago
you just hit it right Jo.
ever since TI4, the overall skill level has increased and navi as well as others like alliance and IG can no longer just stomp every other team they fight.
over 10 years ago
I feel like the head to body proportions are a bit off in the last panel...
over 10 years ago
I feel TentaJo's pain.

The pain of wanting to browse Zone Archive but not wanting to pay for porn.
over 10 years ago
Yeah a good chunk of the old teams have lost their touch a bit. Even Alliance is suffering and they went through a player team switch as well. TI4 opened the eyes of many players at how different the meta and the people who play this game.