What people are saying about "Date 1"
Date 1
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over 10 years ago
When is the kill la kill flash being released zone?
over 10 years ago
Psh, people trying to claim Zone-tan.

No one owns Zone-tan. She owns everyone.
Mister Jay
over 10 years ago
Its obvious Zone is making an Engie Hentai flash to celebrate the upcoming engie game. Or All the girls EXCEPT Engie are going to get fucked while Engie laughs evily. Either way its a secret because Engie fans be crazy (Engie 4 Life)
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353149]@Censuur[/url]: I agree, it's probably something like this: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1228
over 10 years ago
@Al Rz: And so The Great Waifu War of 2014 began
over 10 years ago
remember the time when Jo having rule 34 with engie-tan.
over 10 years ago
"Yeah. You knock her out and ill tie her up"
that show I assume the rest of that conversation went
over 10 years ago
The big hint here is Zone not wanting anyone to be told about it, she's pretty overt about sexual stuff so it's obviously something like flower-picking or binge-watching Lost or something.
over 10 years ago
Something is thickening all right.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353128]@GK[/url]: is it the number in the title?
over 10 years ago
Awesome, the fan service will roll!
over 10 years ago
*plot intensifies*
over 10 years ago
The green tentacle is not actually in a relationship with zone-tan
over 10 years ago
over 10 years ago
OHSHIT Jo don't tell me Zone is helping you with the game! That would be AWESOME!
over 10 years ago
OH my god just wait til pan pizza hears about this!
over 10 years ago
Hey maybe they can get visit the 4chan manor and say hello to /d/emona and e/mlp/ily at th winter ball.
It would be oddly fitting.
over 10 years ago
How am I not surprised? No, wait, I changed my mind. Surprise me.
over 10 years ago
I know she's supposed to be half demon or whatever, but I still can't think of much anything else other than "lucky jerk..."
over 10 years ago
I smell an arc
over 10 years ago
Ohhh poor lemmy is getting forgotten.
over 10 years ago
I think some ladies would like to go out with tenticals if they could. Give them a nice back rub.