@Nerf NOW!!: I guess the difference is how you play the game. I prefer to gain control over the board to set up a strong late game over doing damage to the opponent early on. So for me, the Rogue and Paladin powers, which are better for board control than damage, are more appealing to me.
over 10 years ago
Hunter was seriously problematic before buzzard (draw a card for every beast you play) + UTH (spawn a beast for every enemy minion on the board) got nerfed.
Meta seems more about knowing what's trendy and building your deck to hurt those who follow the trend.
[url=#user_comment_354289]@Zeeck[/url]: Hunters are seen as ez-mode and OP right now, but play what you want because the most anyone can do is to say "well played".
[url=#user_comment_354276]@Beretta249[/url]: If you use the power for picking critters, mage power is straight up better because it doesn't hurt you and isn't blocked by Taunt minions.
Also, Druid power does the same thing but gives you some armor back.
Baffled, bemused Morrigan is even more scrumptious. =D
Also, is this weird?
I play Rogue because that's the character I like most that's not Jaina. In WoW proper I'm a career Warrior, but bugger that drooling fool Warrior in HS.
I for one actually agree with Jo. Hunter is probably one of the better ones to start with, though the rush down techniques probably won't transfer well when you try to learn a new class.
over 10 years ago
40 comics ago, she was a legend ranked hearthstone player. Why does she need Ms. Indie Go-Go giving her advice?
[url=#user_comment_354260]@AlmightySpoonman[/url]: I disagree with Hunter being one of the worst hero powers in the game. It's limiting but if you decide you want to rush down the enemy, it's an awesome power. For me the worst powers are Paladin and Rogue.
Hunter? The strongest starting class? I don't know if I can agree.
Trying to make a Beast deck is hopeless with the starter Neutral Beasts, you get no weapons or secrets, sub par removal spells, and one of the worst hero powers in the game IMO.
over 10 years ago
"You can't win with such a simple strategy."
the "Red deck wins" archetype would like to have a word with you, Morgan.
@Nerf NOW!!: I think it's arguable. IMO best starter is Zoolock, mostly because you don't need certain cards for synergy (Highmane, Eaglehorn, Flare, traps), you just faceroll with basics and commons in template Zoo. The only rare that is really needed is Doomguard, and even he can be replaced.
I can't say I agree with your note, Jo. A lot of early power comes from Naxx cards. There's nothing more disgusting than turn 1 Undertaker (+coin Webspinner) and Scientist turn two. That means one needs to farm gold for Naxx wings / pay with cashmoney. Deck's fairly cheap, but not a starter.
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