She gave it to her in the end... CM You da real MVP.
over 10 years ago
I seem to have good luck with Lazarus, I always tend to get screwed over early and die, but after he comes back, the luck goes to my side.
over 10 years ago
Re: Binding of Isaac;
Beat the game with "???" (blue baby) all the way up to and including the Cathedral to unlock one of the best items in the game, which Isaac will start with from then on. :3
Also, for TRUE pain, try and unlock the hidden character, "The Lost".
Though the only thing that sucks about soulstorm is that to play all the original races, you have to have bought and ran all the other RTS's at least once. Not counting the newest one that i think just came out.
I've actually really enjoyed all of the Dawn of War RTS's, I highly recommend you try out soulstorm. Vanilla is heck of a lot of fun and if you somehow get bored of that. Just download the Ultimate Apocalypse mod that completely revamps the game into newer and better ways. More races too to play as-
Also, unless Satan is offering Dark Bum or something really good (like Brimstone), you should not take deals from him on a ??? run (red chests don't count). If you skip Satan deals, that gives you a higher chance to get an Angel room, which commonly gives Soul Heart items.
@Nerf NOW!!: By generate I mean the item creates soul hearts over time, not on pick-up.
Some good soul heart items to look out for:
I also believe Jakiro would be far more efficient if he didn't needed give such and obvious sign of casting a spell...
Ppl can se a Macropyre coming ages before it happens.
[url=#user_comment_354386]@DreyfussFrost[/url]: Well, it's most similar to Panzer General/Corps, recolor of which it totally is. But the combat dynamics are different and unit pool immense, so it plays quite different. Also, nice artwork, cheesy voice overs and over the top characters, W40K style!
Have to agree there, the few times I picked up Cursed Eye it ended in disaster. I'd rather have Bob's Brain. My winning ??? run was polyphemus + chocolate milk + a ton of damage upgrades. Oneshot all normal enemies, twoshot most bosses, killed It Lives and Isaac fast enough that it wasn't a problem.
How to beat Binding of Isaac Rebirth with ??? (Blue Baby):
-Hold R to reset run until near treasure room
-Enter treasure room and take the item
-Does the item generate blue hearts? (use a wiki)
-If no, hold R and try again
[url=#user_comment_354398]@Dave[/url]: Cursed Eye + Chocolate Milk + Polyphemus. I was shooting tears like three times the size of Isaac's whole body when fully charged.
Nicknamed them the "Screw You" tears. XD
[url=#user_comment_354386]@DreyfussFrost[/url]: I never had the stomach or liver for DoW2, now dawn of eldar was great, I lvoe it but DoW 2 seemed more like company of heroes 40k edition, this time it's in space.
I'm really just looking forward to chapter master getting an update, more so then anything else
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354390]@Regularjoe[/url]: My winning combo (in the original BoI) for ??? was Dr. Fetus + Bobby Bomb.
Regarding WH40k strategy games: if you're referring to Armageddon, it seems decent. People are saying it's similar to playing the tabletop, if that's what you want. But if you just want a great 40k game, get Dawn of War 2: Retribution. Pretty much the best RTS that isn't Starcraft.