What people are saying about "Anti-Hype"
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over 10 years ago
I better see Mara Jade in there.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354520]@T[/url] Oh… Is it bad, that I'm fan of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354514]@Marabunta[/url] from what I could understand about the fans drama is that this would be similar to if in the world of Harry Potter they identified some genes that give greater potential to magic on people.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354514]@Marabunta[/url]: A lot of fans saw it as a let-down, because they grew up with the original trilogy's depiction of the Force as a mysterious, unquantifiable, spiritual bond with the universe itself. Adding midichlorians to the story made the Force and its users more mundane in their eyes.
over 10 years ago
(Cont.) If you're asking whether they're good or bad within the context of the Star Wars universe, they're neither. They're similar to DBZ's concept of "power level", or whatever shonen series you kids are into these days.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354514]@Marabunta[/url] from what I understand, fans got upset that they gave a scientific explanation to how living beings interact with the force instead of being a mysterious thing that permeates the universe. In an exaggerated way it is like if Harry Potter's magic were a genetic trait.
over 10 years ago
I'm generalizing here, but most to Star wars fans midichlorians are a bad thing.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354514]@Marabunta[/url]: They're just a letdown for some fans. The original trilogy's depiction of the Force was as a mysterious, unquantifiable power that could only be sensed, & I think it appealed to a lot of fans as the religion they wish for. Midichlorians take away some of that specialness.
over 10 years ago
So are midis good or bad?
over 10 years ago
For all those confused about Midi-chlorians (all of you), Wookiepedia would be a good place to look. It's updated by Super-Nerds that live and breath Star Wars and update/fix trollings with all the extended universe's information.

Mr. Al
over 10 years ago
I'm glad most commentators here understands the concept of midichlorians. Anne is either a troll or retarded, but as Jo said, a perfect character with no flaws is uninteresting. I mean, most guys love Morgan and she is STILL an avid supporter of the deadly sin of air-spamming stickies.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354470]@Enlong[/url]: "Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force. When you learn to quiet your mind, you'll hear them speaking to you." You're right they're not the source, but it was misleading.
over 10 years ago
@The Cheat: Yeah, leading with a random jumpscare and then a silly astromech kinda killed the rest of it for me. I really thought it was a fan project at first, based on the camera angles. Then I found out it was JJ Abrams. Good thing I don't actually care about levels of canon in Star Wars.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354470]@Enlong[/url]: You win a internets today.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354489]@AckAckAck[/url]: Sadly, there are chances that his offspring could escape. Who knows? Personally, I wait for Ewok Jedi Master.
over 10 years ago
@Guilherme Soares:

Are you really sure that it is not a flamebait?.
over 10 years ago
About Star Wars, it will s*ck so much. Why?. JJ Abrams. It ruined Lost, it ruined Star Trek and it ruined several other movies. The only things that he did it good was Mission Impossible 3 and it was because Tom Cruised was already seasoned with the role.

over 10 years ago
I have no idea what Midichlorians are. I gues i only watched the movies and they were not there so NON CANON FOR ME or something ;P
over 10 years ago
Oh wow that last panel. All of theses facial expressions.
Truly a masterwork.
over 10 years ago
Personally, I don't know why the hate for Phantom Menace or Midichlorians explanation. Then again, I was never that much of a fan of Star Wars.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354456]@MrIczer[/url]: Fucking this again? Look, energy hilt already existed way before Eps 7. There's even light whip! Also the user of that kind of saber obviously already trained in their entire life to master it to the t. No way an amateur going to use a complicated weapon from the get go.
over 10 years ago
@Neko <3: I heard Jar Jar was in Alderaan when it was blown up by the Death Star. So possibility that he or his offspring will appear in this new one? Nil, zero, nada.
over 10 years ago
I'm "afraid" chance for Jar-Jar Binks son is small.

Jar-Jar, if he was still alive during Battle of Javin, was 59 year old.
Average Gungan Lifespan is 65 years.

It will be his grandchildren, if any.
over 10 years ago
...but I liked Phantom Menace. Same with Revenge of the Sith. I DO agree that Attack of the Clones is terrible, especially since it's mostly a chick flick set in the Star Wars universe.
over 10 years ago
So was it even a trailer, not just a teaser? I'm pretty sure it dosen't tell us ANYTHING about the movie. It was just a bunch of random, not even interesting scenes. "We have a black guy" "We have a new sword" "We have a popsicle racer" the end.
over 10 years ago
The only reason I think I'll see this movie is that I believe that JJ Abrans can make the FIRST good StarWars movie, like he did with StarTrek.

//not a flamebait, I swear.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354470]@Enlong[/url]: Yes!!!! That's what I always assumed too. People should understand that a high level of midchlorians is a consequence of the presence of the force, not the cause of it.
over 10 years ago
Midichloians... are things that flock to beings with Force sensitivity. I don't recall them being the SOURCE. It's just an easy thing to test, 'cause they're a sign that the Force is there.

I mean, that's a bit like saying snow is the cause of cold weather.
over 10 years ago
Part 2.
For fans of the Novels, Comics, and other items that were canon under Gorge's management it broke the time line and gave the empire an easy blood test to check people for force sensitivity so they could be rounded up and killed/trained.
over 10 years ago
For those who don't get the problems with Midiclorians and fans it comes from 2 sources.

Fans of the movies only hated their introduction in Episode 1 because they were an explination to a magic trick that nobody asked for.
over 10 years ago
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_354457]@Verteros[/url]: Yeah, what was that guy's deal, and why does Star Wars need a jumpscare? I'm digging this scenic shot of Tatooine and alla sudden, he jumps up like "BOO, BITCHES".
over 10 years ago
You want to fix the Midichlorians? Just do what my GM did in the last star wars campaign. Have the blighted bugs just indicat force users. They still exist, but they don't give force powers, but just indicate them. Kind of like a a PH meter. The Ph meter doesn't make the item acidic, just the level.
over 10 years ago
Jane's blush melts my heart.
over 10 years ago
I watched the trailer and I don't feel the hype. It looks really bad in my opinion from the overacting black guy to the stupid looking droid. I can see it being a good Star Wars movie but a great one, probably not.
over 10 years ago
I know it's supposed to be cannon in the comics or whatnot, but the 'hilted' lightsaber just rubs me the wrong way. As I said in another forum, one wrong move in a battle and you'll Skywalker your own hand...

/god almighty Anne-Marie-chan... those legs...
over 10 years ago
"They may even have the son of Jar Jar in there!"
Holy shit!
over 10 years ago
@Crass Spektakel To me Star Wars is more some kind of technomagic. It looks like technology but it actually is some sort of refined magic. That's why their technology seems so advanced in some points and yet so unpractical in others.
over 10 years ago
i dun getit
over 10 years ago
And also in the 1990ths we had SCIENCE FICTION, nowadays we have Distopic Disaster Porn at best.
over 10 years ago
A good Movie is running in 22 Episodes each 45 minutes per year.

To the younglings out there, there was a time when we had FIVE space operas running at once, spewing out one episode each week.

Those were the days... and yeah, episode 7 my ass.
over 10 years ago
I'm not into Star Wars therefore that's the very first time I didn't get Jo joke :((