What people are saying about "Mourning"
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about 10 years ago
I don't like to boss around, but Angela needs a tan. And not another female character from a game, but she needs some Sun in her skin. Although she can invite another girl if she wants.
about 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: I did that but I haven't been able to play yet do I yet for the transation to go through?
about 10 years ago
@Bernie Nova: You get access to the game if you make a $3 per month (or more) donation to Jo's Patreon.
about 10 years ago
How do I get to play the game?
about 10 years ago
I don't know any of those bitches and therefore don't even read textboxes, though i've been your fan since 4chan.

You seriously should go back to recognizable characters, because nerfnow is going downhill. Fast.

Not even trolling, who are all these annies and whatever?
about 10 years ago
Oh. Wait. It end? Here? Shiet.
about 10 years ago
@Crimson_Blade urine jars?
about 10 years ago
Crimson Blade
about 10 years ago
I want more blankets!
What would sniper-tan blanket be? With aiming crosses? With bullets?
about 10 years ago
Not sure about the bun, but the rest of Angie's outfit seems to have stayed intact, and the glasses are cool. Her very fanservice-enabling personality seems to have been split between Jane and Anne-Marie. Still working out my feelings on that.
about 10 years ago
Its still a citybuilder.
They just removed the "Sim"ulation from "Sim-city" but couldn't trademark "city". :(
about 10 years ago
Pretty sure this is Soul Eater reference. I mean, in SE, Chrona is depressed and he/she starts writing poems; when Maka-chan reads them, she get depressed in the same way as Chrona, sits in the corner in the same way as Chrona, in the same position, with the same expression as Chrona. And Morgan.
about 10 years ago
oh MAAAN im never going too get used too glasses Angie :I
about 10 years ago
Here is where the orange haired engie is from http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=captain+team_fortress_2
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355772]@Shareazu[/url]: This.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355776]@Victite[/url]: It's not definitive, she hadn't time to go to a barber yet.
about 10 years ago
Am I the only one that actually really hates Angie's new look? I feel like her old look was much more iconic to the comic.
about 10 years ago
Does Morgan has a Bomberman's plush doll?
about 10 years ago
Angie's looking good. Well, in the first panel anyway.

I began playing SimCity 4 after Yahtzee's review of the latest SimCity in 2013, where he said that 4 was on Steam instead of Origin, didn't require being online all the time, and was just a better game, so buy that instead. Good advice.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355766]@Seangief[/url]: I believe that the orange-haired engineer is not one of his original creations... if i recall, she was created by an artist called 'Captain'... Unless Jo is actually the captain, which would actually make him the spy all along!
about 10 years ago
Shantae :D
about 10 years ago
Engie now wears glasses eh? How intellectual. And kinda cute.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355766]@Seangief[/url]: If i remember well, that character (the orange-haired engied) was not his, but of an artist named 'Captain'... unless HE is the captain, hich would actually make him a spy! other works by Captain (careful: NSFW) : http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=captain_%28artist%29
about 10 years ago
Hey Jo, have you considered doing a Q&A comic at some point? That'd give us a chance to ask about NerfNow lore.... Like what happend to orange-haired Engie? Is she coming back as a villain from your neglect? :3
about 10 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Oh wait, did I say TF2 merchandise? I mean NErfNow merchandise! Morgan's Red blanket bomber! Angela's Wrench blankie! etc etc. No relation to TF2, nope, not at all.
about 10 years ago
Engie looks stupid now.
about 10 years ago
@nerf NOW!! TF2 themed stuff? That's just a bomb pattern blanket and a wrench pattern blanket! Who said anything about TF2?
about 10 years ago
Am i the only one who didn't dislike Simcity Societies? I mean yeah, it's sorta dumbed down, but i did like the idea of customizing your society's style... For me, the ideal would be a mix between simcity 3000, simcity 4 and simcity societies... who knows, maybe even with a bit of Tropico, too.
about 10 years ago
Is that sackloth?

And yay, she really did keep the glasses! x3
about 10 years ago
"Late update"? To be honest, I didn't know you even had a schedule.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355751]@Calamity[/url]: I know I'd buy some shirts with NerfNOW original IP. For example, Tentajo, Paingod, the Crystal Ball of Revealing...
about 10 years ago
How's Engie doing? I hope she's not suffering from Vitamin D deficiency like myself.
about 10 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Good question tho. Could you make stuff like T-shirts and blankets and others, and sell it without... you know, triggering Valve or some other bulldh!t?
about 10 years ago
I just hope that will not happen with Heroes 3 HD
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355743]@AckAckAck[/url]: I could not sell them as TF2 themed stuff directly thou, I'm sure Valve won't approve.
about 10 years ago
Dear EA, you know that's it's cool to hate Ubisoft now. Please don't try to catch up on that :/

Also Jo, how about making merchandise for NerfNow? Like... blankets with TF2 themes like what you drawn here.
about 10 years ago
You mean that's where you "draw the line".