What people are saying about "Nekopara"
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over 9 years ago
@Mr SP: No high bars indeed.
Why go on steam and pay 10E for a space-bar holding fest when you can instead have instant free porn on say, the internet? Porn stars or something are slightly difficult to find, but if you just want random drawn characters, try not to drown in them.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357043]@Geary[/url]: That's some selective memory there, because Hatred was only removed after the manbabies from the anti GG side complained to steam to remove it.
over 9 years ago
Huniepop is also on steam and it's not censored at all :P
over 9 years ago
I like Jo's catgirl more than actual game art.
over 9 years ago
@Mr_SP To be honest... I only got my credit card a few days ago... so until now it wasn't really a matter of choice >.>'
over 9 years ago
Then countries start banning the IP to steam servers to put pressure on Steam, as people proxy into the curtained content, thereby bypassing location specific protection, and making steam in breach of local laws.
over 9 years ago
Continued. Use this curtain analogy to also prevent such games from showing up on the front-page for those who don't wish to see it, and also to hide any other content and so on. Refine it via betas. Something like this!
over 9 years ago
Continued. Screenshots from behind the curtain would be limited to those who also can peek past it. This can be enforced via mandatory use of the overlay and new functions if need be. The "curtain pass" would also need to check for local laws so Valve is covering their own ass; while showing others.
over 9 years ago
Solution: "Steam Curtain" .. adult stuff is hidden behind the virtual curtain. Eroges and similar titles will just have the normal age check and be sold censored, with a "DLC" that unlocks/re-adds the scenes available only if you can PROVE you're of proper age.
over 9 years ago
Do you like moving the chest bounciness slider Jo?
over 9 years ago
@Nya-chan: Ah thank you.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357039]@Raxyz[/url]: Actually, Steam initially banned Hatred off the Greenlight, and only put it back after the manbabies in GamerGate cried censorship about their nazi genocide simulator not being on a singular retail outlet.
over 9 years ago
Does anybody still plays erogames even?
over 9 years ago
No, it's Steam hoping everyone forgets there's such a thing as "uncensored" so that their business model never has to get complicated. Steam's "giving you more" period is over. They're a huge established corporation now. The "taking as much as possible from you" era has begun.
over 9 years ago
Y'know, I've always found this curious.
Hatred? OK, it's just mindless murder of innocents with no reason at all and plenty of gore.

Wouldn't buy either though.
over 9 years ago
@Mr SP: If it was because of the porn aspect I could understand, but the steam version doesn't even have porn in it from what I hear.
over 9 years ago
The only VN I finished was Everlasting Summer, a great free-to-play game by a talented russian team. It takes place in a soviet pioneer camp and is full of russian internet memes you will likely not understand XD You can get it in steam: goo.gl/97Izvj and hentai patch on off site goo.gl/tzhIfJ
over 9 years ago
Oh. Only after looking through photo notes, I catched the pun >_< Non-steam, lol. Also Angie's face in 1st panel is frightening. Don't draw her like this, pleeease!
Ancel De Lambert
over 9 years ago
What? You don't mod? Pfffffft, some PC Master Race you are.
over 9 years ago
@John_Semilla - Ooooor... You could pay money at Mangagamer, and support the official release. [url=#user_comment_357031][url=#user_comment_357031] @MangoMaster4[/url][/url] - People don't have the highest bars for their porn to jump over.
over 9 years ago
And this is why you get VNs from Erogedownload.

They have everything from Galaxy Angel (most kid-friendly thing on the site next to Eien no Aselia) to Shuffle! (Classic) to Muv Luv (among the best VNs of all time)
over 9 years ago
Why do people buy that shitty game. Seriously, just why, people have no taste.
over 9 years ago
baby steps to more "mature" content
over 9 years ago
Well, Steam isnt completelly porn-free. The Witcher has completelly uncensored sex cards. Ok, the sexcards are hardly the WHOLE POINT of the game, but that means Steam is slowly opening it eyes for more "mature" content...
over 9 years ago
T.N. Keikaku means Plan
over 9 years ago
Hahahaha, was watching co-optional podcast, and came to this page -exactly- as they were talking about eroge on steam XP
over 9 years ago
It recall me same stuff as Huniepop, weird censore but easly patched :O
But i agree steam is so much a easy way to get games now @_@.
over 9 years ago
Im all for ecchi stuff, but holy crap, i tried the demo on steam and the dialogues gave me diabetes. Twice.
over 9 years ago
So, Angie and Jeanne are besties? Cool to me
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357018]@Jigglyboo[/url]: :D
over 9 years ago
Loved this one, Jo. Good going. :)
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356998]@Irbricksceo[/url]: Hahaha, like I care! Most of my friends on Steam would buy them as well anyway.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Not censored, it has only 13+ version: https://vndb.org/v9876
over 9 years ago
>non-Steam version
I see what you did there.
over 9 years ago
Oh, yeah, fun fact - in my country "para" mean... "steam".

Funny coincidence.
over 9 years ago
Look at my nick, and you can guess if I am happy from this strip ^^
over 9 years ago
I advise U to play "Everlasting Summer". It is free on Steam and have a hentai patch.
over 9 years ago
@Stanislav Vladimir Evseev: Sure, question is where? It could be within the game files, but it could also be that they replaced them completely, and that only the censored files exist.
over 9 years ago
is it just me or are the eyes in the final panel as little... off?
over 9 years ago
As i know drawing tecnique, before the steam added, somewhere must first exist a non-censored version of middle picture.
over 9 years ago
@Luiz Rafael
We could make every film and game family friendly but family friendly God of War wouldn't make as much success.

Very specific niches can be very profitable because in our world a small percentage of the population still is a lot of people.
over 9 years ago
You should buy and do a comic on HuniePop. It supposedly combines Dating Sim action with Match-3 games...
over 9 years ago
So speaking of the cutting edge of "fanservice-based gaming:" Honoka, the next/last Dead or Alive girl.
She's awful, you're a tentacle -make a love connection.
over 9 years ago
Censoring visual novels can be ok as long they do it right. Dengeki Stryker did a good job by adding stuff in for the space where the H scenes was. On the other hand we do not talk about If my heart had wings. That vn was completly violated in its censor
over 9 years ago
Also, Grouping Visual Novels and Erouge is not quite justified In my opinion. Ever17, 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors, Virtues last Reward, Remember 11. All these are AMAZING VN's without any erouge.
over 9 years ago
The most interesting thing is that, until there is a way to completely hide games like these (not just in library, but in terms of "name now owns X", People will be reluctant to buy them.
over 9 years ago
I found story much more to my liking that hentai. So after first scene I just fast forward all H content.
Oh, and Jo, if you like Visual Novels, I can suggest Everlasting Summer. This one got 92% positive votes on steam, and the best thing: It's FREE~!
over 9 years ago
Jo, if you don't like the hassle of mods, you could always use a manager like Nexus to make it cakewalk to install them. I personally suggest Skyrim Redone or Perkus Maximus.
over 9 years ago
If NotDrFrank appears, tell him he is DrFrank.
over 9 years ago
I didn't actually know this. Is "Long Live The Queen" censored? That's the only visual novel I've bought so far. I've enjoyed it, but it would suck if I had missed out on anything by buying the Steam version.
over 9 years ago
The non steam version is the adult one. Naughty girl.
over 9 years ago
Haha! Get it guys! Cause it's the STEAM version! HA!
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356983]@D4rkLigh7[/url]: I'll prob go that route.
over 9 years ago
I bought NekoPara off of steam and it was not that hard at all. I can give you the link the site I used.

over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356980]@uragiruhito[/url]: I'll give it a try but sounds simpler to just buy an uncensored version.
over 9 years ago
Jo, there's a patch to turn it into the 18+ version btw.
over 9 years ago
I'm on the fence about censoring eroge. A lot of the time the censoring is a bit too heavy handed. I would rather be able to make the choice of not watching the ero myself than have some third party company do it for me.
over 9 years ago
As someone who hates the ero part of eroges im ok with Steam :P then again if a company will make a censored version of their game why not make it so to begin with and get a bigger audience rather than being focused for a very very specific niche?
Oh well, funny strip!