What people are saying about "DAC-Z"
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about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357767]@Greener[/url]: Good job, admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving it.
about 10 years ago
Here's something. We haven't had a Starcraft comic since November.

12 Dota comics have been put up since then.

I remember when it was the other way around.

Good times.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357759]@Greener[/url]: Here's a wild idea I want to run by you: maybe you aren't the intended audience for this particular strip. Or do you just believe all jokes should cater to you, and that when someone's interests differ from yours it entitles you to an unmitigated bitchfest?
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357759]@Greener[/url]: A comeback in MOBA (the correct is A-RTS though.) is exactly like a comeback in everything else. You're getting you ass handed over to you, everyone believes you lost, then somehow you turn the tables and win. Just like that.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357758]@Technature[/url]: I think you need to retake your basic education to re-learn counting. December had ONE Dota comic and January had TWO. Not nearly so half of the 20+ comics a month.
about 10 years ago
Jo,you have clearly reduced the amount of dota2 comic, but i guess crybabies gonna cry no matter what @_@
Btw this was perfectly fitting, i wonder what will be next one :D
ps: reason i started to follow this site was about dota2 comic, and i don't go rampaging crazy when i see others comics.
about 10 years ago
The only reason i found Nerfnow was due to your genius DotA comics. I don't want to inspire you to draw more ( it's up to you what you draw), but i hate all the wining about too much DotA. I enjoy all your other comics, but the Moba ones are my favourite.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357756]@Raxyz[/url]: When half the comics for the month are DOTA, you have not reduced the DOTA comics.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357752]@A5G_Reaper[/url]: It ain't really Dota related. You'd have to follow the championship for this to make sense. Basically a crazy comeback happened and people lost it over the sheer awesomeness of it. Here, short version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dpr7w6BLQMw
about 10 years ago
Okay, my last comment wasn't posted for whatever reason... So short version.

Jo, you tried, you have reduced considerably the Dota 2 comics, but the crybabies are still annoying everyone. So I guess you can just ignore them and draw whatever you want to. I know I would do that...
about 10 years ago
I play dota 2, and still have hard time following the comic .-.

Not that I'm complaining (dont lynch me pls)
about 10 years ago
"p.s. Since this one is very obscure let me put some background."

As opposed to other DOTA things in this comic?
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357747]@Greener[/url]: Well, look who's back after his bitchy little "I'm quitting the comic forever" tirade.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357747]@Greener[/url]: Based on the other comments, it would appear there are, in fact, people interested in this comic's content. U mad bro? (I will refrain from dissecting the stupidity of the "inspired by World of Warcraft" line.)
about 10 years ago
Joe has an interview, man! http://techraptor.net/content/nerf-now-interview-techraptor-talks-jo-pereira
about 10 years ago
As someone who is following the Dota Tournament, I found this perfectly fitting and quite funny! One of my favorite of late. Cant wait to see what the follow up will be, if any. Made an account here literally just to post this comment of approval.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357739]@Zero[/url]: It's a extra saturday comic, I feel I could indulge myself with this one. :)
about 10 years ago
Dammit, Jo, you're letting your fanboying override your writing sense again. This is what got everyone in a tizzy over all the DOTA2 spam in the first place. If you need to explain the joke, then your joke has failed. Please don't let this be the start of another story arc that makes no sense...
about 10 years ago
I like this.

about 10 years ago
Also, Team Secret did beat Cloud 9, and at least one of their victories was partially due to this oversight on Cloud 9's part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycFtvMhgFE8

Full tournament details: http://goo.gl/t7BTFA
You can watch the tournament live here: http://www.twitch.tv/beyondthesummit
about 10 years ago
(cont.) Now they have to beat Cloud 9 (8-7 in the group stages) in order to advance and possibly get a second match with VG (hence the line about revenge). Annie is cheering for Eternal Envy (EE), a Cloud 9 player.
about 10 years ago
Explanation: Team Secret (represented by the guy with the hat, as he resembles the Team's Logo) went 15-0 in the group stage of the Dota Asian Championships and were favored to win the tournament, but lost to Vici Gaming (VG) in the winners bracket of the playoffs (hence the scar)... (cont)
about 10 years ago
Even as someone following the Dota Asian Championship, it took me a while to get this one. Obviously the big guy is Team Secret, though the VG mark on his chest confused me on that point for a second.
about 10 years ago
when can we see the reappearance of long hair engie-tan again :(
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357725]@Maphysto[/url]: You guys just cry out of hobby now right? I don't know if I should waste my time but... Look at the archives, number all the Dota/non-Dota comics (if you can count that is). If that doesn't help, go play Dota. It's free and then you can understand the comics and stop bitching about it.
about 10 years ago
Remember when Jo said there'd be fewer DOTA comics?

...Yeah, me neither.
about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago
Could you do a clash of clans comic, or at least make moaaar tf2 arcs, read the comics from page 4 until the current, and I really liked the tf2 arcs, so add more =D, good job and keep the funny comics up xD
about 10 years ago
well game 1 - EE wreck secret
about 10 years ago
Pause of the Ancients 2 - Lag Asian Championship.
about 10 years ago
Will Anne-Marie's Husbando, wins against Secret ?

* Hype intensifie * :D
about 10 years ago
@Dorian Nest Valgav: It's cool man, it's an extra saturday strip. You can always enjoy Friday one. :)
about 10 years ago
''the awkward moment when even with the background you don't understand a thing'' XD
about 10 years ago
Invictus you say?