What people are saying about "Fun Server"
Fun Server
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about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago
I really don't get how a mounted pistol that really has no impact on whether or not the objective is completed is more annoying than a soldierheavy who's constantly getting health and ammo refills and brings the game to a complete halt until it's dead or time runs out. "Fun" my ass.
Robert N. Adams
about 10 years ago
@Wanta loves Mayu: Hi there, I'm the guy who wrote the article. The names in the caption were listed clockwise, meaning in this order:

1 2 3
6 5 4

I'm pretty sure I got them right, but I can see how that would be confusing. Next time I'll do it differently, sorry about that!
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357824]@GarketMardener[/url]: You say annoying, I'll say free ammo refill, each pieces is a 50% ammo pickup.
about 10 years ago
Have you played Bioshock: Infinite yet? its actually really good
about 10 years ago
Jo, Try Besiege. It is just awesome.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357838]@WOLEad[/url]: Yep. Good game, a bit rough here and there but the overall experience is positive. I'm not super fan of the story thou. Supergiant is pushing the nihilist approach a bit too much.
about 10 years ago
I enjoyed that interview more than I thought I would.

"Angie was basically my mouthpiece and while she was fun, she had little depth." FUKKEN CALLED IT.

I also liked "A robot or a monkey were the other options."
about 10 years ago
I have not lol'd so hard at a NerfNow comic in ages. This was perfect, thank you.
about 10 years ago
Has Jo ever played/finished Transistor? I remember the comic a while back ... and the crayon drawing, but surprisingly nothing else about Red showed up in relation to Engie there.
about 10 years ago
If you'looking for suggestions:
-Hard Reset
-Lichdom Battlemage
All three have some interesting things that could be worth comic material. They're also good games on its own.

PS: NerfNow taunt for TF NAOW!
Wanta loves Mayu
about 10 years ago
http://techraptor.net/content/nerf-now-interview-techraptor-talks-jo-pereira under the characters screenshot they got morgan's and anne's names mixed up. noobs!
about 10 years ago
YES!! No glasses Engie is the only Engie!
about 10 years ago
Yay, TF2 comic!
about 10 years ago
Play the Witcher :D 1 or 2 as long as you do the enhanced versions.
about 10 years ago
The main problem with mini-sentries is that they're a very cheap way to deny an area to several classes. While they have less health than regular sentries, their hitbox is also significantly smaller and makes it difficult to hit them without being hit back. Hell, pyros and scouts can both take out
about 10 years ago
level three sentries in the right context, but minisentries are straight up more versatile and can be left out in the open where classes without high burst damage vs buildings have to either find a new route or sacrifice a large amount of health.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357824]@GarketMardener[/url]: Last I checked you are wrong on all accounts. 100 HP, 3 second setup and less dps than level one sentry. And runs out of ammo faster since it relies on ROF.
about 10 years ago
Looking for a harder game? Play Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2. Both are good. Both are also insanely hard for people who don't learn the controls and have no patience whatsoever. They're still challenging for those who learn the controls and do have patience, though.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357816]@Aegis[/url]: If they do that, maybe the engy's not good, because well, he can build another one, and it's faster to build, gives less metal, has more health... annoying/10
about 10 years ago
At least they're doin' it doin' it doin' it well on taco bell :^)
Minisentry: 135 hp, 2 sec build time, same DPS, more hits, cost 100.
Don't say that's balanced.

Also if you're looking for a new game, i recommend Super Meat Boy for some difficulty.
about 10 years ago
Oh hey it's engiman
about 10 years ago
Best page in a while!
about 10 years ago
Prison Architect!
about 10 years ago
What servers do you play on that's so bothered by those things? Honestly any I play on everyone just wrecks them and moves on.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357811]@adriano66[/url]: Don't hate the mini sentry, hate the engineer.
about 10 years ago
Hey, you taold u was looking for a new game. When i see game what you like, u should test Dungeon of the endless. Anot expansive indie game, as a TD/MiniRPG/RogueLike. Veru good stuff.
about 10 years ago
"Fun server" - (No fun allowed)
Eat rockets then.

Oh how I love all those "mini" haters :D
about 10 years ago
No mini-sentries? Sounds to me like "fun server" is some kind of slang for "Bad at video games".
about 10 years ago
Are you into MMOs, Jo?
You could pick one, play a bit , have ample comedy material and so on.
about 10 years ago
Play Sunless Sea, it's fantastic.
about 10 years ago
W-Wait.... No gunslinger? Then how do they have mini sentry?
about 10 years ago
I don't get it. If it's a "fun server" shouldn't the big ones be the ones that are banned? Since the small ones are, well, fun-sized, in candy bar terms.
about 10 years ago
You might like Sunless Sea if you like a FTL style rogue-lite.
about 10 years ago
> Tech Raptor

about 10 years ago
Engineer! I've missed you, Engineer!
about 10 years ago
Actually as a game (bring friends or pug) Guns of Icarus could be cool, aka Teamwork Simulator.
about 10 years ago
I love this old style of nerfnow! Jo should keep on making them. Also Jo should try the last of is.
about 10 years ago
Ever play the Fallout games? If not, I'd suggest New Vegas.
about 10 years ago
It looks like they're in 2Fort, so it makes sense for them to use full-sized sentries anyway since they're defending. Mini-sentries are best-suited for KOTH or Control Points and other maps where the Engie is attacking instead.
about 10 years ago
Regarding finding a new game to play, have you seen Depth? Besides that it almost never gets stale, I think you'd find an overabundance of material for the comic in there.
about 10 years ago

(thx 4 interview Jo!)
about 10 years ago
Oh, so is this character supposed to be a female? back when it appeared, in the 300th comic, most of us though it was a snape clone or something, i believe!

Also, since you finished Deus Ex, now it's time for Baldur's Gate... you know this in your heart! I can feel it!
about 10 years ago
What's not fun about minisentries?
about 10 years ago
wow, the memories... a good, solid team fortress cartoon in the old school super kawai style. at first I thought I was at the wrong web page, ya know...