What people are saying about "Den Mother"
Den Mother
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about 10 years ago
This devious beast could only be Angelica. Give in to the evil, Angie, keep what is yours and smite the wicked child!
about 10 years ago
You should heck out E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy or Hard Reset. Pretty good "traditional" shooters.

E.Y.E. is a bit less traditional in the sense that you a) unlock your guns and b) pick them from a loadout.
about 10 years ago
@Seven_Fates If Jo created Engie wouldn't he be her father?
*deep voice*
"Engie, I am your father"
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358067]@endplanets[/url]: Purple eyes and purple cape.....
about 10 years ago
i must be a bad person because i say "death to the child"
about 10 years ago
@Seven Fates
So Engie's the mom, but who is the dad? Are the fun servers as fun as they say they are?
about 10 years ago
So then Angie is at war with her own daughter? That freaking twisted!
about 10 years ago
@seven fates
You sir, have just blown my mind.
Seven Fates
about 10 years ago
Wait... If Maggie is from Engie's game, and Engie made the game... Engie made Maggie, so wouldn't that make her Engie's daughter?
about 10 years ago
Look at it this way: eventually there will be a crate drop with a duplicate witch hat in it, and they can finally coexist. Inasmuch as that's possible with such a creepy little abomination, of course.
about 10 years ago
The mod Brutal Doom's great for the same kind of deal.
Run, splatter, hunt -this is about combat.
about 10 years ago
ok next story arc, Alex and Minnie going through adoption papers
about 10 years ago
I just realized, the smaller bear has the same facial expression as Maggie, whereas the larger one has the same expression as Alek,
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358049]@G2BattleConvoy[/url]: I've always been amused how the Call of Duty series started out as a very arcade-y shooter. With Modern Warfare it got so obsessed with its pseudo-realism people got sick of it, and now it's right on the backswing into aracde-iness with Advanced Warfare.
about 10 years ago
Call of Duty kinda changed everything when Modern Warfare came out. And Advanced Warfare has made its multiplayer more arcade-y than in recent times, so that's a good thing, maybe?
about 10 years ago
@Crom Hellsgream Be amazed she got a name from the start.
about 10 years ago
You should try Unreal if you're into old FPS games, Jo.
Best of them all imo.
about 10 years ago
Maggie the magi? Really Jo? What's next? Mimi the mime?

Anyway, have you tried the Brutal Doom mod?
about 10 years ago
your not wrong about the FPS genre. and while I usually wait my self for a game to come down to 20 dollars because I play games for stories, I have to admit I am loving titan fall.

though if you want classic FPS I would go with doom BFG addition, it has all doom games. you can play classic doom.
about 10 years ago
I would like to stay on your lawn Jo, maybe we can have some tea. I kinda enjoy single player in modern shooters as a guilty pleasure, but I recently played Duke Nukem Megaton Edition and man... That game is funn as hell. And Serious Sam 3 BFE is still amazing.
Maybe we're both old. And I'm 22.
about 10 years ago
Jo, you might enjoy Fistful of Frags.
about 10 years ago
Nerf NOW!!: Now with 100% more loli.
about 10 years ago
I want Mini medic to kick her asst
about 10 years ago
Hehehe, he,
about 10 years ago
Everyone noticed Maggie's trollface? She used her magic to manipulate Alek's mind and bring her to Maggie's side
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358032]@Kolovsky[/url]: It's strange, because "get out of my yard" would sound normal. But "get out of my lawn" doesn't, and makes it sound like the person has dug a hole in your lawn and climbed down into it. English is an odd language because of things like this.
about 10 years ago
It's get off my lawn!
about 10 years ago
If you liked Quake 1 and 2 then you gonna like Serious Sam. It overall has this "brutal, unforgiving, fast feeling" I only have seen in Quake before. Bought Serious Sam 3 BFE to play on my Myth-TV (which actually is running Linux) box in the living room and it rocks.
about 10 years ago
@Nerfnow You're absolutely correct, old FPS games were great. I would recommend giving the new Shadow Warrior a shot it has almost everything that made the old games such a blast and with very polished visuals to boot. It's one of my top 10 games of all time.
about 10 years ago
Well, there ARE good shooters nowadays, but the lack of pure arcade shooters is terrible indeed. However you should try Hard Reset, Wrack and Wickland. In short, indie devs are filling the gap of old school shooters.

Oh, Call of Juarez The Guslinger is awesome too, altough not really oldschool.
about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago
Oh nvm, just finished 5-3 and now I'm fighting Maggie!
about 10 years ago
Welcome, Maggie! Now if you don't mind, please stop blowing up my turrets, please stop sending millions of slimes and ghosts to kill me, and please let me finish the game, okay? (Game is hard. I'm on Stage 5-3 right now. How much more is there?)
about 10 years ago
Yahtzee feels the same as you, Jo:

about 10 years ago
Try Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior, bot from Flying Wild Hog. I have tons of old school fun with them. Also shadow warrior is just pricless for all the bad puns. And obviously try Serious Sam...
about 10 years ago
You're not outdated. Modern FPS suck balls.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357994]@GK[/url]: bear-murdering? We don't murder them! We love bears! They are fun to play with, take them to a walk and they give the biggest warmest hugs. =D
about 10 years ago
And that is why Alek is my favorite here :)
about 10 years ago
Cute devious loli joins Nerf Now?! Couldn't ask for more!
about 10 years ago
Alek, your inner Musubi is showing...
about 10 years ago
Quake 2? Some newfangled stuff?
What happened to good ol' Doom Deathmatch? Kids these days...
Thaddeus D Genhelm
about 10 years ago
If you're into "Old style" run and gun shooters, you may want to check Ziggurat out. For all that you might think a game about mages trying to join an ancient and sacred order would have nothing to do with that sort of thing you would be, well, wrong in this particular case. For all intents and...
Thaddeus D Genhelm
about 10 years ago
... purposes it's a classic FPS Roguelite, that actually uses a variety of ammo pools, an infinite "pistol" starting weapon and an ammo using more proper "gun" are given to you right off the bat. Admittedly, since, magic, some of what you fire can be a bit odd, but still, zipping around, taking...
Thaddeus D Genhelm
about 10 years ago
... on hordes of monsters is pretty sweet. For all that I didn't play the "Classic FPS" games back in the day (Well, some Golden Eye and Perfect Dark. Mmm, Perfect Dark [So very pleased Ziggurat has alt fires]), I find it way, way better than the slog-and-cover modern shooters. It's on Steam...
Thaddeus D Genhelm
about 10 years ago
... So at least take a look, so long as the theme doesn't feel too off, I have to say I've had a ton of fun with it. Which was probably obvious by how long I've rambled on about it. But really, check it out.
about 10 years ago
I for one welcome our Magi overlord.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357994]@GK[/url]: Actually, Heavy once saw someone use a throwing knife on a sparrow, and after he held the bird in his hands as it gave it's last breath, he dug a small grave for it and buried it, so Alek is still being "canon".
about 10 years ago
There's actually a FPS game in development specifically designed with your "old school" sensibilities in mind.


I haven't played TOXIKK and it's still in early access but it looks it could scratch your itch Jo.
about 10 years ago
YES! We got a loli! Mission accomplished!
about 10 years ago
Ever since I saw her angry face when she was at the door I knew I'd like her
Welcome Maggie ^^
about 10 years ago
Hi Maggie! Have fun and don't be scared of the fanservice.
I hope you'll learn some speech while you're here. ^^
about 10 years ago
Aleks brings great shame upon canon heavy and his bear-murdering kin
about 10 years ago
Oh! CharDev for Alek! It's cool. Good arc.
about 10 years ago
For some new classic-style FPS, try the Serious Sam series.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357981]@Twilightdusk[/url]: word
about 10 years ago
Anyone else get the theme from The Omen running through their head reading this strip?
about 10 years ago
Hey! If you like Quake games, try playing Painkiller (especially very first one). And try to find some secrets without youtube - I did.
about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago
Panel 2 is the best comic panel ever.
about 10 years ago
Mama bear op