What people are saying about "A Song of Ice and Ice"
A Song of Ice and Ice
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about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358108]@RVN[/url]: That's not how you spell DOTA.
about 10 years ago
Another fun fact for non-dota players.
Lich, the guy being constantly frozen in this comic, besides being undead, also happens to have ice powers and his lore involves him emerging from a subzero lake :P
about 10 years ago
"I'll be hearing the voice more than I'd be looking her face" - Jo confirmed for putting a bag over her head before sex.
about 10 years ago
jo, i remember the comic about cm voting for an arcana, it would be funny if you make something about that now that she has an arcana..^^
about 10 years ago
See, this is the kind of DOTA comic I can get behind, because it actually tells a joke people can laugh at without needing sperging amounts of knowledge about the game.
about 10 years ago
Winter Wyvern is so sexy
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358113]@Devilsgamer666[/url]: Nothing, I just find them not appealing.
about 10 years ago
http://dota2.gamepedia.com/File:Winter_Wyvern.png Winter Wyvern doesn't have buck teeth. WTF are you smoking?
about 10 years ago
WHoa, shots fired at furries! :c why do you do this to me?
about 10 years ago
@Nando Rock: it was ifrit. And the guy actually was older than that ifrit, so his fire was just more powerful. And he didn't kill him, he just beaten him.
about 10 years ago
You can turn the dog off, as you already know. :P
Not that I would though personally, it doesn't remind me too much of those ugly furries and it's adorable.
about 10 years ago
what's wrong with "anthro furry dogs"?
about 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Don't link to TV Tropes. Ever. Just... Don't. Exception is this:
about 10 years ago
It reminds me of Bastard! When the guy kills a fire elemental with fire ....
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358099]@Technature[/url]: AHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA That was a good one, had a good laugh ;D
about 10 years ago
As for the wyvern model, I liked it, it looks like a menacing dragon, like it should, altough the voice really is great (same as Legion Commander).
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358099]@Technature[/url]: Maybe because heroes of the storm sucks
about 10 years ago
That definition of the dog is... Disturbing. I don;t see why people see "furry" on everything nowadays, I guess some would had a heart attack if watch looney toones nowadays...
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358085]@Velix[/url]: It might be a bit smoother if one would know more details about Lich, but I don't think there is much need for that. Context about "Ice does everything" works, yeah.
about 10 years ago
Good that they allowed to turn off the dog. I also think hes bad though i like wyvern face.
about 10 years ago
WHAT! The dog is the best part of the Arcana! Also i have no idea where do you see buck teeth on wyvern and the anthro furry dog face.
about 10 years ago
Need a MOBA comic that doesn't suck? How about Heroes of the Storm, why not?
about 10 years ago
Only looks like a donkey when you draw it m8.
about 10 years ago
And of course Ogre Magi casts Bloodlust on Lifestealer, making him angry/bloodthirsty and move faster.....after which Axe uses battle hunger on the same Lifestealer to slow him down through his own bloodlust.........At whcih point lifestealer gets so angry he loses some bloodlust but not the other.
about 10 years ago
Oh and don't forget Doom setting himself on fire to go faster and heal over time............and ogre magi then setting him on fire to slow him down and damage him over time.
about 10 years ago
TV Tropes has this: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LightningCanDoAnything

Substitute Frost here, I guess.
about 10 years ago
Fun fact: The guy in frostbite and cold embrace icon is probably the same guy.
about 10 years ago
Long-time reader, first-time commenter. I'd just like to tell Jo that this comic is really well-done. The joke is still there for dota players but anyone can understand it (thanks to "-hp", "+hp", "no healing").
Carbide Diamond
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358083]@dealwithit[/url]: This is why DOTA 2 is awesome.
about 10 years ago
Funny, i have the exact oposite of your opinion xD
I like wyvern's model but dislike its voice and i hate this arcana unless the dog.
about 10 years ago
You're just going to have to accept this and move on.
about 10 years ago
I want to make a Vanilla Ice joke but it's just too easy.
about 10 years ago
Ice Ice Ice