What people are saying about "Virtual Reality"
Virtual Reality
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almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358873]@T[/url]: Nah, this is uninspired near-copypasta. Check dese eyes out instead: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1207
about 10 years ago
Well, there are also Sony fanboys who think morpheus is going to be the best VR set because "It's a Sony".

Let's see what they release before making any statements.
about 10 years ago
Just a note: The Kinect, while not having been revolutionary to gaming, is one of the most popular sensors in low-cost computer vision and robotics research/projects.
about 10 years ago
"Owned by Facebook"
Your point being...?
about 10 years ago
(cont) Of information we got is just because it takes a long time to do such an ambitious game, and also Valve being Valve (who was never known for it's communication). You can complain about their lack of activity all you want, I'll be keeping an eye on how this progresses...
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358868]@Frost[/url] Everyone seems to complain about that, but no one seems to ask why. Why would Valve, a company who made many great games, all of a sudden stop altogether, despite having a bigger team than ever before? What if it's because they wereworking on Vive VR and Half life 3 on it, and the lack(cont)
about 10 years ago
Half Life 3, and the Illuminati triangle in which 3 angle. Illuminati confirmed. / o \
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358865]@MarqFJA87[/url] you mean you don't think they look awesome? http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/awesome-face-epic-smiley
about 10 years ago
I'm disappointed Jo. I understand people love Valve. But tbh I think this is simply Valve trying to going into someone else territory. Also FB invested in it, but it doesn't mean it suddenly corporate shill.
about 10 years ago
Sure they will, 1 game at least. Then people will make more games with that engine and other indies will make more games with their own engines and Valve will buy them all up and release sequals to make up 80% of their creativity, like they've done for the last decade+
about 10 years ago
Valve hasn't made a new game in almost 3 years, you think they're going to make games for a VR headset?
about 10 years ago
Software is going to remain an issue. Many developers are favoring wiggle view points and menu systems of late. All of that is going to be BAD for VR, and I don't see them learning in time not to deliver loads of barfer software, and damage the market.
about 10 years ago
Am I the only one who doesn't like how the girls' eyes often look when drawn in the new art style, like in today's strip?
about 10 years ago
First, the hot bath panel (been playing Agarest War? *naughty face here*), and then, hints of maybe being the breakthrough Valve was waiting to release HL3? Well I'm wet...

We can start referring as the comics before 1505 and after, this one is a masterpiece! XD
about 10 years ago
Hey jo, im excited about Valve/HTC VR, but not (only) because Valve is doing it

Lighthouse is the REAL GREAT thing about that project

Besides the VR glasses, think about a suit made with this free system, in a game with a built in motion capture engine, and gameplay like Metal Gear Rising
about 10 years ago
Occulus was kickstarted. Also,
>thinks valve will get anything done
about 10 years ago
*Gets excited for Valve to focus completely on games for their VR Set

*Completely ignores the commercial showing off interactive experiences and the partnership with HTC
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358855]@VenomBHz[/url]: Sadly no news for HL3 as they said they are still experimenting to see what even works, but Valve did make a new Portal demo specifically for the Vive that HTC thinks is/will be Portal 3.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358852]@Greener[/url]: That's what you see. Behind the curtains they are making HL3, Source 2 (free for developers), Steam Machines, Controllers, Steam Link (in-house streaming), broadcasting, and now virtual reality. Maybe more we don't know.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358852]@Greener[/url]: Wrong. This what you see Valve doing. Behind the curtains they are making HL3, Source 2 (free for developers), Steam Machines, Steam Link, Steam Controller, In-house streaming, Game broadcasting, and now virtual reality... maybe more! Please, don't embarass yourself...
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358844]@Lovro345[/url]: Anything hotter and the comic would be 18+
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358843]@Andy[/url]: And Michael Abrash, Mr. VR, stolen from... Valve itself!
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358836]@Nerfnow[/url]: It's what we call a "Blue Ocean". It's what Nintendo did with the Wii and motion gaming.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358844]@lovro345[/url] patron backers get it all
about 10 years ago
Why cant we have some real fanservice Jo?
about 10 years ago
I think Oculus having John Carmack (who practically invented 3d graphics for games) is probably a notable point in there favour.

Oculus keep saying they deliberately took time to try and do it *right* wherea the HTC/valve move feels like a rush to beat them to it.

We'll see soon I guess.
about 10 years ago
Part 4:

Finally, when it comes to VR, there should be ZERO brand loyalty. You should buy what turns out best. I have a Rift DK2 - but if the Vive turns out to have the better stats, I will buy the Vive. If not, I will buy the Rift. The comp. between those two is a good thing for the consumer.
about 10 years ago
Part 3: [url=#user_comment_358809] @Winterschmied[/url]: That's utterly, completely wrong. VR will take more like 2-3 years to transform the market, just like smartphones did. NASA, Military, etc, all use it already. We cannot even dream of what we will have in 15 years with the exponential increase in technology.
about 10 years ago
Part 2:
For example Elite: Dangerous, which is a mind-blowing experience.

@Darth Biomech: Those dates are wrong. The Oculus CV1 is said to release end of 2015, the Vive is said to release November 2015. They will both race each other on the finish line.
about 10 years ago
Part 1: Lots of misconceptions here, both from Jo and others.

"What I expect of the Oculus is a bunch of tech demos which may one day turn into a good game... eventually." - wrong, there are already excellent games for the Rift out there, even though it's not officially released yet.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358832]@Nilok[/url]: He is free to prove me wrong, and if he make the best VR unit, I'd buy it. But with Facebook banking them, call me skeptical.
about 10 years ago
Finally, Zuckerberg bought Oculus because he thought it was cool and wanted to make it a reality, then BSed the board to give them near total freedom to make it real. The CV1's hardware is locked and manufacturing is holding back a release date since they can't afford to have it slip for devs.
about 10 years ago
The Oculus Rift was always going to be a multi-purpose VR unit, but are focusing on game first since they know gamers will push the medium the fastest and be able to run it on our powerful PCs. Oculus is trying to make their SDK work for everyone's unit so there isn't market fracturing.
about 10 years ago
I'm sad to say it, but I think you got Oculus completely wrong. First, Oculus DOES have all the experts. They have most of the guys from Valve's original VR project and a ton of other guys who are the best in the business and were able to do that thanks to the Facebook buyout.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358823]@bodmans[/url]: Yeah, but what if it's some sequel to the game I enjoyed, Like HL3 or Portal 3?
about 10 years ago
Yeah, only Oculus's consumer version is few months away, while Valve's vive is announced to be in stores somewhere in 2016. and knowing BOTH example of delays in Oculus developement AND Valve Time™, I guess we will not see Vive until 2017 at least.
about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358818]@Redthirst[/url]: then dont play/buy games designed for VR
about 10 years ago
- a huge profit can be made. Whatever it will be used for, it's main funtion will always have to be VR if they want to keep their customers
about 10 years ago
Elite Dangerous + VR set. nuff said

I will wait with getting myself one, do a comparison with reviews etc before I make a choice.

Also, I dont think the facebook takeover has to be a bad thing. Oculus being the first real big player in the VR arena means that, given the right investments, -
about 10 years ago
The only thing I'm afraid of is that if VR is popular, we might see games designed for VR, which will make them bad without it.

Also, orange crowbar? What kind of blasphemy is this?

about 10 years ago
Your points are plausible, while I dont like the design it has some merrits.
I have to admit I preordered the vrvana totem in december, though.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358809]@Winterschmied[/url]: Yes, but from a business PoV, if VR turn into a big thing and you are the only one making it, you created a new market which you have virtual (pun not intended) monopoly.
about 10 years ago
I honestly don't expect those VR things to become relevant in the next few years, atleast for games. Maybe in 10-15 years at the earliest. I#d gladly be proven wrong but honestly, big producers and publishers make good money on conventional games and I can't see VR technology being worht it(yet)