What people are saying about "Outsourcing"
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about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358793]@A5G_Reaper[/url] or it is like in Terry Pratchet Good Omens where angel and demons can be good friends, go out together and give a ride to work to each other since as ages come and go they are the only familiar faces and they have to go to the same places to work anyway.
about 10 years ago
Sartharina: "My country, right or wrong..." comes to mind. Also, you know, their entire family tends to live there, as do all their friends.
about 10 years ago
Developers already are bad at Simulation Sickness and they are getting worse. I'll wait until people get done barfing from VR and some Devs get fired.
about 10 years ago
You know, this would've been (even) funnier if Satan had been holding up a Virtual Boy.
about 10 years ago
@Darius Düsener: It's not the company that makes them overpriced as hell, it's Brazil that makes them overpriced as hell.
[trollmode]Why anyone would want to live in that dump of a country is beyond me[/trollmode]
about 10 years ago
man, can people start thinking for once...?
Yeah, it's first gen and super expensive, what the fuck
about 10 years ago
I'll wait a bit, but it's definitely something I'll look up to here.
That is...
...if our taxes don't end up fucking everything.
about 10 years ago
Well Valve announced their own VR Set and I'm pretty sure Valve is one of the companies that won't make them overpriced as hell.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358784]@Zen[/url]: Won't be surprising considering their line of work, they both "provide" stuff to people. It's that santa give to nice people while satan trade for soul, so they got to stock up. Trading won't be unusual.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358790]@ricequackers[/url] that's why there are so many Brazilians in Miami. It is cheaper to fly to US, buy a lot of stuff and fly back to Brazil than simply buy stuff in Brazil.
about 10 years ago
It's Brazil, unless Oculus and others decide to manufacture there (and they won't, it's cheaper to manufacture in China), it certainly will end up cost $2000 or something ludicrous like that.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358788]@Musculus[/url]: So... You care how you look while you are playing (probably alone)?
about 10 years ago
Even if the VR set is cheap and works perfectly well, I still think I won't get it because of how it makes you look like one of those rad and hip 80s kids who sold their souls to videogames
about 10 years ago
it scare me a little that santa have such a good treat with satan
about 10 years ago
Ok, I read that last panel as Santa, not Satan so I was confused for a second. But the joke work either way for me.
Either Satan got a lot of people selling their soul for the set or he getting a lot of mail from dyslexic people.
about 10 years ago
I get it now people are selling their souls to the devil for the headset, not a good faust deal if you ask me.
about 10 years ago
I do not understand why it's hard to understand.
1. Santa calls Satan.
2. Santa asks Satan for the device, after receiving a request for the set.
3. Satan is holding the phone (Santa is speaking, Satan is not answering) - Satan is flooded in requests for the device.
about 10 years ago
Satan: Dyslexic kids Santa Claus.
about 10 years ago
This is easily the most confusing three panels you've written thus far, and I'm including the DOTA crap.

about 10 years ago
... Okay, I'm lost. What the heck's going on?
about 10 years ago
@Joseph Collins: It is the phone (Santa's voice) that speaks, not Satan.
Satan seems to be drowning in requests for the VR sets.
Joseph Collins
about 10 years ago
I get this funny feeling there's a typo in the last panel...:
The text bubble should (probably?) read "Satan??" instead of "Santa??" since it seems to be coming from the phone and not Satan's hand.

EDIT: 'tis fixed. Huzzah! I helped fix a comic!